The Biblical Case for Infallibility

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Catholics (and Orthodox) believe that the Church is infallible, whereas Protestants tend to believe that only the Bible is unerring in this way. But which of these approaches looks more like what we see in the Bible itself? Here's how Jesus' teachings only work with Infallibility.
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I always learn so much on this channel. I have only been Catholic for 6 months after 53 years of Protestantism, and it astounds me that I never saw the truth of the one true Church for so long! It is a gift from God that we have such amazing Catholic apologists on line who can also help us to be better apologists.


“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to read the Bible so they can join the denomination that best agrees with their own understanding.”


When Protestants are confronted by this verse, about us being one, they will often say, “well, Jesus just meant one in spirit. You know, like how the Christian church is just one, invisible body.” Nope, Jesus meant for there to be visible, physical, universal Churches where we engage with the Sacraments.


I like your channel. One of the best Catholic apologist in the world. I'm Catholic from Malaysia.


Joe…this video🔥 I am a Protestant who has been seeking Truth AND Unity, which led to my studying Catholicism for over a year now.
This video put words to my thoughts in a way that I never could have done on my own. Thank you for bringing clarity.


I just finished your book "Pope Peter" the other day... If I could just convince the Protestants in my life to read it, they'd probably convert alongside me. The claims of apostolic Christianity are just impossible to deny


Logic and reason only lead to one conclusion.

Reading the early Church fathers only leads to one conclusion.

We can only hope and pray that people will search for the truth. Great job, Joe.


Unity is a fantastic theme going into and during Holy Week. At least most Protestants have retained the same date for Easter to make this call to unity more resonant.


Joe seriously, if you released a membership thing, I’d pay.
Your books, Pope Peter, The Early Church was the Catholic Church and The Eucharist is really Jesus have helped me immensely. I was an ignorant Catholic for a long time, and would always miss Sunday Mass, now I make use of the Sacraments and can’t wait to go to Mass. Even my family is getting closer to God.


St Francis de Sales really hones in on and hammers the Protestant notion of trying to start your own "church" without being sent by those with authority and apostolic succession.


Ephesians 4 should be enough to prove to anyone that they should be one with the Church!
Satan is truly at work, when you see the Bible speaking so clearly...yet...
Honest Christians still have difficulty understanding what they are reading!
May God bless them, and give them the grace to see through the smoke! 🙏


This here, is possibly the single most important video of our generation.


I think perhaps the most explicit demonstration that the independent local congregation idea is not the unity Jesus taught can be seen by the non-recognition of ordaination between such churches. Acts 20:28 says that the “overseers” have been appointed over the whole church, not just their local congregations. Hebrews 13:17 commands the faithful to submit to their leaders.
If another church does not recognize the authority of clergy from a different congregation to preach, administer sacraments, discipline, and ordain other clergy…it’s obvious that these are not the same church.


It's no mistake secular atheism took off as soon as protestantism took truth under the wing of self-referential sola scriptura. Now we can't even agree on what a man or woman is. Something about individual rationality seems terribly fractured and so not suitable as an exclusive source for truth.


Excellent content as always. I have been a Baptist for more than 40 years and became a Catholic on October 9, 2023. The Church Fathers are to blame. As Saint Augustine said, a God who is one must be worshiped by a united Church. Contrary to what Protestants think, the place where we worship God and those with whom we do so are not indifferent or irrelevant.


The lack of unity in Protestantism was one of many reasons I started looking into Catholicism.

After this series, you should do a series debunking Protestant end-times myths like the Rapture


In a sense, Gavin Ortlund's channel title has it just the opposite. "Truth" doesn't unite. Unity in the Church gives and ensures the Truth. The Truth is not something we are all supposed to figure out and somehow come to the same conclusion on. Truth is what is given and handed down from Jesus and the apostles in the Church. Totally different epistemologies. The Berean epistemology was not intended to be the norm in apostolic times and was not the norm during the early Church.


It was our Bishop when I was Methodist who emphatically told us we needed to stay “united” - no matter what (he didn’t say at the expense of Truth, but that was the context of where he was saying this) that started to help me realize I couldn’t be Methodist.

And then I asked our Youth Group - what do we do when we can’t agree - and I realized THAT is why Catholics have a Pope. Later I would realize that Jesus knew EXACTLY what he was doing when He instituted the Church and the office of the Bishop of Bishops.

Praise God for giving us His Church which ALL Christians are in debt to for having a Bible to read at all.


Studying the gospel of John, and particularly John 17 where Jesus teaches on unity, is one of the main reasons why our family (my husband, four children, and myself) have left Protestantism and are coming into the Church this Easter Vigil. Once the Holy Spirit opened our eyes to this issue of unity we couldn't in good faith remain separated from the Church Jesus founded. My husband was an elder at our previous church. It's true, each head pastor just gets to decide the doctrine, and over the years that doctrine changes based on the whims of a fallible man. Joe, thank you for your videos! They have been, and I'm sure will continue to be, so helpful for us!


I think it's interesting that one would want to go to a church without teaching authority. We're talking about life and death, heaven and hell. I want to know that not only is my priest teaching based on an infallible standard, but also that if he strays from that, I have somewhere to fact check. You couldn't even have a radio show called "Protestant Answers Live" because every apologist would have different view points. And when they try to defend Protestantism, they would really just have to attack Catholicism, since there is no one thing that Protestantism teaches. And you can't just defend the Bible itself because of all the different ways people interpret it.
