Infallible Interpretation

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Would God abandon us to fight over interpretation?

Would He ascend into heaven without giving us a way to interpret infallibly?

Full video: "Why Be Catholic and Not Just Christian?” by Ascension Present. Presented by Fr Mike Schmitz

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Isn’t The Holy Spirit the Infallible Interpreter?


Acts 17:11 notes that the Bereans were noble minded because they studied scripture and compared it with what Paul was teaching. We aren't supposed to simply rely on the church or it's leaders for the correct interpretation of scripture.

Being a follower of Christ isn't about blindly following the church. It's about following Christ with our whole being, including our intellect.


The Roman Catholic Church isn't the infallible interpretor of the Bible. Let's get that straight first.

Second, if you were God you'd do EXACTLY what this Priest suggests you can't. You'd give an infallible book then let people interpret it however they see fit. The Bible is simple and accessible enough for every believer to interpret it consistently. That's why with over 30K+ denominations in the US, all bible believing Christians AGREE on all the core doctrines of Christianity - Including Catholics.


its absolutely appalling to me that people blindly believe what men say instead of relying on the word of God. You will fall into the pit with them if you dont pray to God and seek true.


Wow, that’s scary… “they shall ALL know Me, from the least of them to the greatest”….”Jesus is our mediator to God”… this sent chills up my spine to hear someone say that I need to go to him in order to commune with God. He refuted his own point, , , he just established a “denomination” that would interpret scripture for me rather than letting me read the Bible!


Ah yes, so rather than working together as a community to do our best to interpret the Bible, let’s rely on one guy who can never possibly get it wrong or be corrupt


There is NO scriptural support for having an “infallible interpreter.”


John 14:26
King James Version
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


Friends! The Bible needs no interpreters! It interprets itself! Without asking The Holy Spirit to reveal its Truth, none will understand ! Matthew 13


I find it ironic that a Catholic would say this considering the amount of bending the word they had to do back in the day to lay the infrastructure of the Church to become one of the most powerful entities known to man.


And who might the infallible interpreter be? That's how cults are formed, "we'll interpret what you can and cannot think, nevermind what the document says."

If the Catholic church hadn't sold indulgences for the forgiveness of sins, then a Martin Luther might have never arose.


It is not the Catholic Church that tells anyone how to believe given the churches long history of terrible acts, teachings, and miss handling of scripture


That's when The HOLY SPIRIT comes in.


Sooo, basically we can’t think for ourselves?


The interpreter of scripture is the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit indwelling a believer, he or she can not understand the word because it is spiritually discerned.
Also, there is a process whereby a person is consecrated over their lifetime such that their understanding increases so that means that people vary in their level of spiritual maturity. We must enter the narrow gate which is Christ through faith and obediance to him alone. His sheep know his voice. When you preach him and teach the word you must be very sure that what you are teaching is given to you by him alone and no other earthly authority. The Holy Spirit will guide your understanding when you submit to God. We can trust in God to reveal all truth.


Yea, I don't need someone to mediate for me. I have the Holy Spirit. God has blessed me with discernment as well.


Martin Luther may have been to strict on himself but, his ideals were good.


I guess he forgot about the holy spirit


The Holy Spirit is the infallible Interpreter to all Christians who surrender their life to Jesus. He is the Spirit of Wisdom that leads every believer to the Truth, Jesus Christ.


Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.
John 15: 26, 27 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.
JOHN 14: 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
