Is the Bible inerrant or infallible?

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"Is the Bible inerrant or infallible? Does the Bible contain errors?"
Dr. Robert Plummer answers in Honest Answers | Episode 89

"New International Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties" by Gleason L. Archer Jr.

"ESV Study Bible" from Crossway

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The reason we dont apply the same level of scepticism to everything else is because our souls are on the line. We don't want to be deceived.


My 14 year old daughter watched this and she even sees the flaws in his arguments. Inerrancy just does not exists because there is no divine mind behind the Bible. It’s a collection of man made documents just like every other religion.
Imagine if I claimed the Mormon bible was inerrant. He would waste no time pointing out its errors, but when the same principle is applied to his book, it still remains coherent and just needs a pastor to help you work through the difficulties.
Summary: When he understands why he rejects the Mormon claims of inerrancy; he’ll understand why I reject his.


A major problem with this argument though is the relative importance of what is being said. Calling a ‘van’ a ‘car’ does not have any real claims or repercussions. But when dealing with a religion, small differences can matter a lot. Simply adding the word “Filioque” to the Nicene Creed (something written centuries after the Bible) helped split Eastern and Western Christianity.


Isn't there and shouldn't there be a difference between asking if someone's car is actually broke, compared to fundamental truths of the universe? That's a pretty bad example he gave, people who are skeptics can be skeptical of other aspects of life that don't have them getting stuck in minor details like he used. That was just asinine.


Would like to have heard addressed differences between masoretic and septuagint texts.


This is totally wrong. They had debates about which books should be included in the New Testament as early as the church fathers!


The topic of inerrancy needs to be taught more in Baptist churches. It needs to be placed in the Sunday School curriculum, Vacation Bible School themes, and sermons. I did not know about the subject of inerrancy until I was a sophomore in college. Now I think it is the most critical topic of all time.


I appreciate the honesty instead of trying to appeal to people.


Why does he not just say yes or no. he just rambles without giving much of an answer. If any errors are found in any of the Biblical Writings. Does that make the Bible fallible. Well since errors are certainly found. the it is indeed possible to say certain writings in the Bible are fallible. It's really just that simple


The courage to assert the Bible is inerrant is the fear of asserting God can reveal his true nature through anything.


5:37 Speaking for myself, there is a very simple reason for this. When it comes to the Bible, we're not talking about which brand of car battery is more reliable, or whether or not John Hancock really did sign his name in big letters. These things only have limited significance in our lives, regardless of what the facts are.

When it comes to the Bible, though...we're talking about our eternal destination, right? The very word of God? Isn't that the idea? Why would you NOT hold that to the utmost scrutiny?


The problem with claiming the NT is inerrant is because we have unknown authorship. E.g. at 2:40 Dr. Robert Plummer makes a reference to John 8 to the woman taken in adultery. Sure, you can argue there was an error in the text due to the printing press. However, we know today that the entire passage of the woman taken in adultery is a later addition. It doesn't exist in the oldest manuscripts; Codex Sinaiticus or Codex Vaticanus. Does this matter to Christians?


It's probably just less problematic if we describe it as "God Breathed" instead of inerrant.


People in the comments really hate the fact that God has spoken and He has spoken clearly and they will give an account for remaining willfully ignorant of what He has said.


Gee, I wonder if a seminary full of people dedicating their lives to Christianity will admit to errors in the Bible...

God changes "his" mind and retracts "his" statements multiple times. Jonah 3:10, Amos 7:3, Jeremiah 26:19, Exodus 32:14... all in clearly direct conflict with the statements in Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 15:29.

Do you not find it interesting that as people became more generally educated, the Bible began to be questioned? No matter your religion, never let it have special treatment when it comes to standing against logic and evidence. Challenge your beliefs, let them stand demonstrably true on their own without mental gymnastics. I beg this of you all.


If the Bible is accepted as the inerrant and infallible word of God, then preachers should be much more careful not to use verses in the wrong context to back up religious points they are trying to make lest they distort the true purpose of that word of God.


Since we know errors do happen in translation whether accidental or on purpose, how do we know the oldest copies we have were translated correctly? If some of the original text was in Aramaic, there still remains the possibility that contains errors that we cannot know.


I don't believe there are any errors in God's Word but I would struggle to defend that position against things like, Numbers 23:19 which seems to contradict Numbers 14:13-25 ( Moses changes God's mind) and Genesis 18:22-33 (Abraham changes God's mind). I would love a deep dive course on the inerrancy of scripture where it pulls apart these supposed contradictions.


God’s word is inerrant but the Bible we have today was written and edited by many men who may not be all inspired. Unless we have the original copies of all the books, there is no guarantee that what we read today are the original inspired word of God. Just look at the inconsistencies among the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These were clearly inserted texts by men who had their own agendas.


How did King Saul die? Which of the 4 verses is the real one?
1SA 31:4-6 Saul killed himself by falling on his sword.
2SA 1:2-10 Saul, at his own request, was slain by an Amalekite.
2SA 21:12 Saul was killed by the Philistines on Gilboa.
1CH 10:13-14 Saul was slain by God.
Remember God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corin 14:33
1 Peter 3:15 says always give an answer.
1 Thess 5:21 says prove all things.
