PlayStation controller won't connect

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SOLVED - Needs a micro USB with data
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I had this issue today 11/30/23 tried all the methods of trying to get the controller to reconnect & after going through 3or4 different cables my son had on his bedroom floor i finally used one of mines and immediately it reconnected. So using the correct cable definitely got my vote for the solution to this problem. 👌🏾


It’s the cable, I had this exact issues that’s how I stumbled upon your in the first place. All you have to do is getting official PlayStation 4 cable and it’ll connect. No problem. Hope this helps.


So this is what Sony did when they wanted more people to upgrade to PS5


Force shut down your playstation, then turn it on by keeping your finger on the power button let there be 2 beeps. have your controller connected to the ps, and then it’ll take you to a boot settings page, hit “restart” and once everything boots up your playstation remote should connect. Just make sure your remote stays connected w the cable to whole time. Also some cables dont have the ability to transfer information, but to just pass charge. Make sure your cable has the ability to do both.


No. This happens to me alot recently. Unplug ps4 completely from wall. Hit ps button while unplugged and then plug it back in fast while it's still trying to connect. This should work every time.... it did for me


Just throw it at the wall, it always seems to work for me


So there are two types of micro USB cables, one is a charging cable (which will not sync controller to the ps4) and the other is charging and sync cable (which will sync the controller to the ps4)


Thats happend with me, The same model of your, and i Just drain his charge, put in the charger, and then, press ps and share, after doing this, Go to settings, bluetooth, and you connect the wireless controller. Hope i helped you :3

Sorry by my bad english, because im Brazilian, but i tried my best


It's a common problem with the PS4 controllers, sometimes you get a bad controller, try all the reset buttons and it should work


It's the wire your using I've had this problem. The cable your using just provides power to the controller You need to buy a data cable they're usually a bit more expensive. Or just get one from a game shop 👌


Ok so this is old video and I’m going to post something that help me just now cuz I was having this same problem… so for anyone who might come across this do this! Turn ps4 on, then on the controller press and hold ps bottom for 3 seconds then wait till the light stops blinking, next press and hold both the share button and ps button at the same time your ps controller light will blink rapidly. Next go to settings then devices and Bluetooth and you should see your controller on there click on it and it will ask if you want to pair it to ps4 click and it should start working 😊 hope this helps.


Bruh all you gotta do is download remote play on your phone and launch it and connect to your playstation once its connected go over go setting on the playstation then to devices then to bluetooth devices amd you will see wireless controler you click it then press options and forget device then on the controller hold down the share and playstation button untill ot rapidly blinks then connect to your controller when it pops up


You could also use your other controller to sync the blue one in the settings menu under devices hold down the ps and the share button till it starts blinking then sync it in the menu while it flashes


This worked for me First you have to hold the ps4 power button untill you hear two beeps then disconnect the ps4 power cable from the outlet what that does is completely reset the ps4 wait around 15 seconds then plug it back in connect the controller to the usb cable and press the home button hopefully this works


this happened in mine too, try to put it in the usb input behind the console, I hope it works


Turn the ps4 off by holding the console power button for 10 seconds. Then reset your controller by putting something small and sharp in the back of the controller. There’s a small whole on t the top left then plug ur controller in and press the ps4 button on your controller and your good.


I've been having this problem a few times recently too. You don't need to unplug the PS4, just restart it by holding down the power button until it powers off then turn it back on again. It could be doing this from leaving it on rest mode constantly when not in use. It's an electronic, all electronics need a full shut down every once in awhile to function properly.


I held the share button and the playstation button the the controller and it worked! Hope this helps :)


If you have a controller connected already go to settings and go the device and Bluetooth something like that then hold the share button and ps4 button on the counter that doesn’t want to connect and connect by Bluetooth


GUYYYSSS I GOT IT WORKING I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM so yk how to connect your ps4 controller to your phone right u just gotta do it the same way on your ps4 by
go to settings
Bluetooth Devices
den if u have more than one “DUALSHOCK 4” u gotta delete them den go get another ps4 controller and go to the messed up one on the meased up one hold SHARE and the ps4 logo till it blanks fast den a ps4 controller aka “DUALSHOCK 4” should pop up on your console and with the other ps4 controller u press it then its should connect👍🏿 hope this helps
