How America Was Brainwashed: 4 Steps Explained

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John Lovell makes clear ex-KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov's 4 stages of societal capture. A top secret Soviet plan put into motion decades ago to defeat America without ever firing a shot. Viewers will feel history come to life as the description Yuri puts forth readily fits our current reality, which begs the question, were the communists complete in their success?


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I am 70 years old, raised in a Christian home. My father was a ww2 Army master sargent. He saw lots of combat. He was also one of the greatest American loving patriots I've ever known. More than being taught love of God, family and country by him ... I caught all of that from him. For that I am truly thankful and grateful. In my 70 years I have witnessed many horrible and nearly unbelievable changes in our country. The reason we are in this deplorable position is people today crave their ears to be tickled. They are no longer seeking truth. Therefore, they will never be set free. They have turned themselves over to the father of lies and the author of confusion. Train up a child in the way they must go and when they are old they will never depart from it. Remember ... you can vote socialism in but you'll have to fight your way out of it. I am greatful for your channel John, thank you.


In a society that has rejected truth, no one is as hated as he who speaks truth.


I was a Russian linguist in the US Navy for the last 11 years of the Cold War. I pretty much spent the 80s deployed chasing communists all over the world from the eastern Pacific to the Mediterranean. I thought that my fight against this ideology was making our world safer for all of us. However, I was never more angry when I realized that the enemy I should have been fighting probably even more vigorously were not Russians, but fellow Americans. Americans who poisoned our children’s minds in our schools. It upsets me every time I think about it…that we may have been checkmated by these “Americans”. I pray to God that I’m wrong.


The 4 comments I posted in this video were all censored by YT. The irony.


NAVY Vet, 66, and have NEVER seen this level of anti-American evil. Our Country is in danger.


I grew in the SF Bay area and by the time I was in college I had been conditioned to be a progressive Democrat supporting Bernie Sanders. You must appreciate that the liberal mindset is reinforced in school, in public and the media constantly. I had a English Professor that would fail people that didn't back Obama for a lack of critical thinking capacity. It felt like being liberal was just common sense.

What shifted me out of this mindset was a combination of seeing policies that hurt many people to benefit a few elites while blaming those that were victims of the policy. Further, while premed, witnessing a double standard of care was created for gender affirming care; a child that felt fat and uncomfortable in thier body was treated psychologically for body image issues but a child that questioned bodily appearance and gender was encouraged towards permanently disfiguring surgery by reinforcing the notion gender dysphoria was thier only road block to a great and happy life. Lastly, seeing the actual procedures for late term abortion and body part harvesting was traumatizing. I felt heart broken and confused.

I am grateful that I felt a close personal connection to Jesus to guide my heart!

Fortunately I was always Pro 2A and understood the hypocrisy and media manipulation around firearms policy. This provided a template to understand how deceptive practices are being implemented across the board.

You should have hope because even the most liberal people I speak to are concerned about how transchildren are operated on so frivolously, the lawlessness of our society(even protecting criminals) and a lack of shared reality.

People that perceive a different world will have a different version of common sense. Why would you debate someone that seems diluted and delusional? We can disagree and comprise only if we have a shared reality. Our challenge is reestablishing a common community interpretation of reality. Help others understand the insidious practices in play before dismissing them as a lost cause.

God bless!


Demoralized doesn't just mean depressed or down or unwilling to fight. It literally means the loss of morals...the inability to differentiate right from wrong.


I’m consistently surprised and happy that YT has not taken down John Lovell videos.


" We lost a lot people in 2020, most of them are still alive"

Joe Rogan


1984 makes "unburdened by what has been" send chills down your back rather than thinking she doesn't make sense.


I just finished reading 1984 and jumped right into Animal Farm this week. Couldn’t help but keep comparing what was happening here in the US. Really scary.


I have been preaching this for 30 years. During that time, no matter how eloquent, informative and patient I have been, I have not changed one persons mind.


This may have been your best video yet. Thanks, John.


This is probably the best video ive seen on this topic. Good job, John!


Yuri Bezmenov was right.

Also, Patton was right, and then he was murdered.

Wrong enemy boys, wrong enemy.


I started watching John's channel since his early youtube ago) and he only got better with time. God bless you, man, keep spreading the Truth.


This guy would be unstoppable if he actually knew who the real enemy was. And no, it's not any politician.


I posted a comment a few years ago on a video with GOA and Guns Out. I mentioned Yuri Bezmenov and his explanation of ideological subversion. I think my comment was flagged by YT. Hopefully this video stays posted because it’s crucial that we have an understanding of the psychological warfare that is being inflicted on our country. And as a Christian, I would also add Spiritual warfare to that equation. Thanks, John, for discussing this!


US Army Psyops veteran. This is completely accurate and is in full effect here.


If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything
