Microsoft Excel: How to convert imperial/metric units
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How to convert imperial/metric units in Microsoft Excel ... convering inches, Fahrenheits, miles to cms, Celsius, kms, kgs, etc.
Use the native Excel CONVERT function or use Bohemicus to work with cells that contain both numbers as well as other text.
You can use Bohemicus not only in Excel, but in actually any program: MS Word, SDL Trados Studio, SmartCat CAT, etc.
Bohemicus is a productivity-improving tool for translators, writers, and journalists. It combines machine translation, voice dictation, online/offline automated dictionary search, automated googling, clipboard manager, invoicing features, and many other features especially useful for translators and writers.
Use the native Excel CONVERT function or use Bohemicus to work with cells that contain both numbers as well as other text.
You can use Bohemicus not only in Excel, but in actually any program: MS Word, SDL Trados Studio, SmartCat CAT, etc.
Bohemicus is a productivity-improving tool for translators, writers, and journalists. It combines machine translation, voice dictation, online/offline automated dictionary search, automated googling, clipboard manager, invoicing features, and many other features especially useful for translators and writers.