8 SECRET WAYS to Tell Your Cats YOU LOVE THEM! (In a Way They Understand!)

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Today, we'll delve into "8 Ways to Express Your Affection to Your Feline Companion" in a manner that resonates with them deeply. Expressing love to our cats is a desire we all share, but how do we effectively communicate this sentiment in a language they comprehend? This video will explore the captivating realm of feline psychology, offering insights into cat body language and providing advice and insights from experts in cat behavior on demonstrating affection to your furry friend. 😸

From unraveling the mysteries of cat slow blinks to understanding the nuances of their purring, we'll decipher cat communication in an accessible and engaging manner. Mastering the art of speaking cat language can significantly enhance the bond with your four-legged companion, enabling you to not only grasp your cat's needs better but also become a more adept cat guardian. Keep watching to uncover methods for displaying affection to your cat, gain insight into the true essence of "cat love," and explore the myriad facets of affectionate feline behavior. So, if you've ever pondered, "how do I convey my love to my cat?" – this video is tailored just for you! 🐈

I hope you enjoy! 💜
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I have two cats, and they are completely different personalities! both lovely, and unique. My strongest bond is with the orange cat, he is a boy and I rescued him from the streets when he was a very little baby. He is now almost 9 years old, and every afternoon when I come back from work, he comes to the door with his tail high and .... trembling! like a dog! that is amazing to me! I feel honored to receive that much love from him. I leave everything I may have in my hands to stop and pet him.... That cat is more than a pet, he has a big part of my heart!


The last comment struck me. We were out for a walk and a friendly Labrador barked at me. My furry friend jumped between to say you will not bark at my human. Very cool from a cat


Hubby & I adopted our first cat in about 2 decades. We went to the local animal control shelter. We walked in and there in a large pen by herself was our Shadow. I told my husband, I want this kitty. We adopted her and she fit right in. Now she runs the house. She sleeps with us and follows me around the house when she’s not sleeping. And of course, like other cats, she sleeps a lot. She loves to chase after her cat dancer toy. It’s the only toy she likes other than a feather at the end of a stick. Our life is so much better with her in it.


I remember Cleopatra and Nala use to sleep with me all the time, and they had to have at least one paw touching my skin. I also remember when I got sick I was too weak to even get out of bed, they went to the kitchen and went searching for something they could carry up to bed. the found a bag of cheerio's and brought it back and took turns feeding me, Nala would paw my mouth open to make sure I actually ate it. Cats are wonderful creatures. when Cleo was younger she got her self stuck on top of a door, she called for me and I found her, when I went to reach for her she just rolled and fell into my arms, she didn't even try to land on her feet, she just trusted that I would catch her. I miss them every day. sadly I lost them 23 months ago due to an arsonist while I was at work...it was devastating on a level I can not convey. I miss their hugs and I miss hugging them and holding them.


My cat loves to be held. I put him over my shoulder like a baby and he lays his head on my shoulder and wraps his paws around my arm. This was the first thing he did when I first saw him and the reason I brought him home❤


My cat loves us both, but in different unique ways.
She always loves laying on hubby's knees in the evening; he doesn't pet her the whole time, just lets her be there, but she clearly looks forward to these moments with him; when the time comes, after dinner, to sit in front of the telly, she gets really excited, running into the lounge in readiness for what is to come, so cute.
We took her to the vet for a small operation; I went to collect her after her operation, and her behaviour has now changed towards me, the bond between us has strengthened. She now sits on my lap as well.
I now feel part of the family proper 😊


My cats know when I’m gonna have a panic attack out of the blue, up to 25 minutes before it happens. If I’m in the shower, they meow and scratch at the curtain till I get out and dry off then go sit on the bed. Then I don’t pass out or collapse from weakness. They do the same thing for my seizures and diabetic attacks.


I feel so blessed waking up next to my cat, she loved sleeping next to me….my dog too. Its my happy place 😻


My cat George loves to pet me at bedtime. He pets my face and gives a kitty kiss right before I go to sleep.


A grest way to build trust--never, ever hit a pet. No animal truly understands or learns that way, and they will always wonder if they're really safe around you.


I blink back to them slowly too; I always respect their personal space; as they do mines; I play w them; love watching & admire their tails; pet them as per preference; treat them as my child 👦 🧒 👧 fur child; special treats always; I speak 🗣️ cat 🐈‍⬛ fluently honestly; always listen to their purrs; they always come to me for sleeping; my teddy bears….protecting me too (no mice; no evil energies; no spirits…come to my temple/my vessel…my almighty angels 👼 God blessed me with)


My rescue kitty will crawl up, put his paws on my chest and look me in the eyes then look back and forth from one of my eyes to other if I cry. Then he rubs his face on mine repeatedly to comfort me.


Years ago I had a painful pinched nerve on my back. My loving kitty cat chose to sleep right there. Her heat and purring were so soothing.


I watched Jackson Galaxy all the time he is so smart about cats he helps people with their cats


One thing i have noticed is that cats often like to have their feet grounded… it gives them a sense of security to know they can execute a fast take off if required


My cat is always happiest when he’s leaning on my cupped hand when he’s grooming himself. If I keep my hand there, once he’s done grooming, he’ll curl up and fall asleep purring.


My daughter's cat is a weirdo. She loves "aggressive" petting and will head butt you and meow loudly until you do it. If I ever tried to pet any other cat in this way, I would get shredded. She will also only take treats if I put them in the exact same place every time. You really do have to learn your cat.


My tail was up and the tip was twitching the whole time I watched the video!


I love my kittys with all of my heart! ❤
