STOP Doing This When a Man is Emotionally Unavailable!

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Hey guys, I’m back with another highly requested video.

This time on how to deal with an emotionally unavailable man. I have had my fair share of emotionally unavailable men in my life and therefore am excited to share what I have learned. So, if you’ve been wondering how to connect with emotionally unavailable men or have experienced the heartbreak of dating an emotionally unavailable guy then this video is for you.

I share 3 tips on what to do if your partner is emotionally unavailable and more importantly what not to do. So. If you spotted the signs of an emotionally unavailable man in your new love interest, listen carefully.

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So so true. You're not his therapist, not his mother.. You're not here to heal his childhood trauma. You can't change him. This is especially going to be painful if you're more of an anxious person, this is going to be absolute hell for your mental wellbeing and your confidence. You'll be walking on eggshells all the time trying to be Miss Perfect to win him over. Learned it the hard way.


1. If you find out he's emotionally unavailable, DO NOT PURSUE THE RELATIONSHIP
2. Don't go in thinking i can change him ( people don't change for other people)
3. Do not think you are not enough when he's unavailable, your worth is not equal to what he does


This tips were just what I needed and so right on time . I recently ended a 1 1/2 situationship with a guy I tried my hardest to try to understand and love, so many times I felt like I wasn’t good enough he played the push pull games with me and even at the very end I ended up giving him a ultimatum and still he was nonchalant about doing the bare minimum so I had to cut it off, though it hurts I know I deserve better than what he was giving .


You simply affirm to yourself and him (if need be) your desires, requirements, and wants in a relationship, and REMOVE yourself from the equation. Wish him well on his journey and move TF on.


Yes. You are so right. It's not your responsibility to try to change him. You are not his therapist. You cannot change anyone. They must have the desire to change and must do it themselves. It's the same thing as being an alcoholic, gambling addict, drug addict etc... You cannot make them change. You can only provide resources but they are ultimately responsible for themselves.


Perfect timing finding you!! I will not waste time on another half baked human.


Thank you so much. You're right. 😊


But he always open up to him what ever happened, , his stories and so on, , but its not easy for these chaps understand it


Am dating one, , , but what i decided to do is, ,, i gave him space and didn't put myself into him and make myself too busy and love myself, , , , with my life other wise you will always be hurt if you go too much in him


Yup do not do it as in get into relationship with one dead end route


I'm currently suffering this I think. I try and give him tips on how to respond to help my mental health but I think he still does not get it. I fall into the loop of thinking "I hope he can put more effort into our relationship" or even just the care of my feelings. I know he is not here to heal my childhood trauma but I struggle healing on my own as well.


Is it too late to move on for good? I've chased him since 2017 and i only broke up with him again last week. I feel devastated because i wish i stopped sooner as I always thought he could change or be better. One other thing is he always knew after every break up that I'll come crawling back to him, i wish i never go back😭


He dumped me 4 days ago as said he would like to remains friends or fwb, i asked for space and i miss him a lot, do good men even exist in the world?!


It took me 8 months to realize this :/


Thank you ❣️🙏🏼
God bless you ❤️
But I a question
My man is emotionally unavailable but he loves me
And he wants to Marry me what should I do???
And I love him too


So ok, then if I am emotionally available to fullfill her needs, will she stop talking with other dudes? Will she stop being active in social media trying to get other men attention? Will she stop being hypergamus?

I dont think so


How to know he is emotionally unvailable
