STOP Doing This To Batman.

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Why the Batman: The Animated Series understands the true nature of Batman, and some others, just don't.
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"Night On the Docks" - Kevin McLeod

All footage in this video was compiled and edited by me, although clips were used from Warner Bros. Inc, Fox, and CW.
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Hello everyone! Just an update, parts of the video had to be cut out do to copyright. So, in some parts it may seem like I didnt finish a thought, or idea! (This will be fixed in future videos, only this one will have removed footage!) Sorry for the inconvience!


We tend to forget that Batman lives in the darkness so others dont have to, without succumbing to it himself.
That is THE whole point of his character in my eyes.


Spider-Man would literally never mock a villain for crying over the loss of a loved one. In fights he pokes fun at the enemy to screw with them and make them angry which makes them mess up and it gives him an opening.

Peter knows when to take things seriously and he always has some empathy for his villains, enough so that if something happened which caused a villains outbursts, he can help.


I want to add something to the comments already written... Writers of Batman seem to leave out the Man part. Batman IS just a man with training and gadgets. He is NOT infallible. However, he does his best to LOOK that way. So you have scenes where he shrugs off hits that would completely incapacitate lesser men, but you should also have the scene where he goes back to the Batcave and takes off the suit and see him with deep bruises and broken ribs, Alfred already there with bandages and pain meds that Bruce always refuses because it makes his mind slow, but Alfred always finds a few missing when he checks later.

You do need the scenes where Batman kicks the crud out of cronies and henchmen but also the scenes where he sits with the traumatized child who he just saved.

As I said earlier, Batman is the ideal Human. He can be hurt, he can be killed, and he knows it. That's why he goes out of his way to make Contingencies and plans to stop everything. He fears death just as anyone else, but his mission must be completed. And what is that mission? To make sure the world gets to the place where no child has to watch his parents killed in front of them. No child has to witness the things he did.


I miss the days of the humanized heroes, not these... "gods". Seeing Batman stop to console a child, The Flash help move furniture for an elderly woman, or Superman stopping a teenager from taking her life means far more to me than how they're gonna stop Alpha Reincarnated Thanos of Earth 2099! Lol


That’s what I kinda like about the ending to The Batman because Bruce realizes that if he lets himself get consumed by vengeance he’d end up like Nigma. So he has to represent hope and not fear for Gotham.


if your batman can't comfort a child then you created a punisher with long ears


I'm glad you brought up the comparison between Batman and Punisher. There's nothing inherently wrong with the Punisher as a character, but that's not who Batman is as a character, and more media needs to start showing the kinder, gentler side of Batman that we all know is there and love it when it's allowed to be shown, and not just have him be edgy, grimdark vengeance-man all for the sake of seeming "cool."

Allow me to reference the line that perfectly sums this up; "Can you imagine your Batman comforting a scared child? If yes, congratulations, that’s a genuine Batman! If no, you haven’t written Batman, you’ve just written Punisher in a funny hat."


To me, the most annoying thing is when Batman is shown as "the smartest man who ever lived" rather than as "the world's greatest detective". If Batman is the smartest man who ever lived, then what is the point of him being a "vigilante". The character will instead be similar to Ozymandias from Watchmen (but a sane version). If he's so smart, then Batman won't have to bother getting his hands dirty eradicating crime directly from place to place in Gotham, because he will definitely think of the most effective solution.

Batman should not be the smartest, but he supposed to be the most clever. That's what makes him as one of the greatest detective in all of comics.


One thing you forgot to mention though, was the ending of the new batman movie. The whole point of that movie was to convey exactly what you said here. Batman's entire arc is based on the fact that he realizes he can no longer just be fear and vengeance and he has to grow and become more empathetic and a symbol of hope for the people of Gotham.


I think “The Batman” did a good job tackling this because at the end he ends up acknowledging and accepting that now he’s a symbol of hope to the people in contrast to the beginning of the movie where the guy he saves tells him not to hurt him


Ben Affleck’s Batman is what if Batman went wrong. If Batman went too hard into the paint, that why he’s so different in Snyder’s justice league because he kind of comes back to reality, it doesn’t happen immediately because he kills people in the warehouse scene but at the funeral you can tell something is different. I still understand why people didn’t like that take on him, but I feel like Zach had a clear reason for that in his mind that just didn’t quite translate to the audience.


This is why The Batman was a perfect Batman movie. He began as a symbol of fear. But he found, through his mission to keep Gotham a safe place, that what the people needed more than anything was hope. What takes place in the story after the credits roll is pure head-cannon, but we can assume, knowing Batman, that he continues with his new hopeful resolve, regardless of the coming day in which that resolve will inevitably get him hurt or killed.


Yes, human and compasionate Batman is much, much better than angry and brooding Batman. And the more time passes, Mask of the Phantasm cements itself as the best Batman movie ever.


its insane how so much people think batman is just a one dimensional character whose only about vengeance but its not the case at all batman is a symbol of fear to the corrupt but a symbol of hope and strength to the people of gotham and has seen the worst of crimes but still believes that people can change and that killing only breeds more violence in gotham and batman wants to break the cycle with justice but also compassion


Okay, Spider-Man would NEVER mock one of his villains for crying. This is the guy who swapped his consciousness with Doc Ock just so he could live. Spider-Man would never mock one of his villains for crying, never.


For what's worth, The Batman clearly goes that way.
He's clearly distressed when the Riddler's henchman quotes him. He understands that he was giving the wrong message, and at the end, we saw him saving people, helping the rescue efforts, holding the light.
It was one of the best things in that movie. Bruce clearly had an emotional progression over it. It'd never happened to him in any other movie, and it was one of the few action movies in which the hero rethought his whole approach to the job.


What missing from a lot of modern adaptations of Batman is simply put compassion. As Amanda Waller put it in jlu “I’ve never met someone who cares more about his fellow man then Bruce Wayne”


Kinda sad there's only 3 videos here. Looking forward to more though, I enjoyed this a lot.


You should’ve used the clip of Batman saving the human trafficking victims from BvS cause he even scared the shit out of people he should be saving and giving hope to
