My family ghosted me for 5 years, now they want me to come back.

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if you didn't miss someone for 5 years you don't need them in your life now.


Story 1 really does deserve a good family. It’s rare you hear of people getting to rock bottom and actually making a change for the better. The choice of going back to his family is all his to make and if that’s not something he wants then he shouldn’t have to. He’s found his own happiness in his girlfriend and new life. Whether they go on to have kids or get married or not I’m rooting for them! ❤


Story 1: I remember this story and what caught my attention was that OP's life improved after walking away from his family. He has grown enough to recognize his fault in what happened and accept that they won't bring anything positive to his life. Plus, they sounded so annoyingly condescending.

Story 2: OP grew a beautiful and shiny spine. And about what you said? "It's not OP's wedding, " Agreed but, well, it IS OP's money, so...

Story 3: All this sh*t over some snacks? Not even real food, snacks? Yeah, Op is better without him, and thank God she's OK.


"250 is really tight"
My wedding had 5 people, it's not the quantity that matters, but the quality


He did say she hasn’t work since she moved in with him. So pretty sure all the money was deposited by him since they have been living together for years lol


Imagine ruining a perfectly good 5 year relationship over half a box of Cheez-Its behind a padlock. Dude is actually a psychopath.


The first story makes me sad. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. he approached this situation in a healthy matter and maturly.


These are people who knew the pain of losing a child, and still chose to throw away another child.


That lockbox has shown her red flags I hope she doesn't ignore them . Roid rage


Story 1 : OP needs to stay the eff away from those narcissists. They will hold it over his head all his life.


That last story? sounds like the bf has some serious control issues and flipped his lid when he realized OP was tired of dealing with it. He even pulled out all the typical stops from the "I hate you"s to immediatly switching to the lovebombing. Classic control freak behavior. Glad she got out of there.


Story 3: It's kind of ironic that he's calling OP abusive for "denying him food" when she didn't even get to eat her snacks before she got the lockbox. All because of him snarfing it down before she could get to it.


Life does not come with a reverse gear. You have made a life for yourself, go forth young man!


Story 2 is sad. It's really sad. Being betrayed like that is just... - sigh -


Story 1: I was also smelling some toxicity from OP's family even before the updates. I think OP would have been better off saying, "I feel that if I were to come back, I would slip back into old (bad) habits and that I am still working to avoid." I have found that sometimes wording your sentiments differently would yield better results. For instance, I saw a post from a friend basically stating, "Men who have daughters and talk bad about "women" are pathetic." Now this is coming from a woman who has made a myriad of bad choices in life and loves trashing men. So my response: "I talk to my daughters about why I chose their mother as opposed to the many women around. Point is, I want them to emulate their mother's positive traits."
It was impossible for this to be contested or rebutted. At least then there is no bad blood and dignity is preserved.


I know that OP keeps saying what he did he was in the wrong, but in all honesty if a 15-year-old wants to start throwing hands with a 19-year-old they should be completely well aware of what's gonna happen to them and they shouldn't have a fucking shocked Pikachu face When they get their ass kicked


Story 2. I don't understand why people think it's a good idea to pay for things for other people's kids. If you let people treat you like an ATM, they will. It never goes well.


My issue with the first case is, the younger brother was poking at the drunk OP, which does not excuse what he did. But something was off in the family to begin with. It was not just that one incidence. It sounds like his family tries, convicts and executes without him having a say so. Nothing was ever said about the younger brother instigating the fight. The younger brother knew what he was doing, and in front of everybody. Again, that does not mean the beating was justified, but the younger brother should have said he was sorry he said what he did. Drunk or sober, your words will earn you a punch in the nose.


They disrespected him, tried to put him into anaphylactic shock, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the gf and the ex haven't been knocking boots for a while by now. They have proven how much this nice guy ment to them. When he finally found his ball and stood up for himself, he did it flair.


Story 1: They only want OP back to either save face so “the neighbors don’t judge them”, because OP is self sufficient, or so they can lord it over OP forever (judging by the sound of their replies). Keep them away. No one needs a family such as that.
