5 Common Problems With W211 Mercedes

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Here’s 5 common issues the W211 Mercedes suffer from. There may be more but these are the ones I know. Stay tuned to the end for a bonus issue that only effected the E63 model.
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Yeah I’ve already had to do my intake manifold. A shop quoted me 1700 I got one off Amazon for 250 and did it myself. A couple more things is the fuel pump gasket “ you’ll start smelling gas in your cab” and the brown wire in the trunk. The brown wire in your trunk will break just from opening and closing so many times you’ll know when it says your license plate lights are out, but an easy splice. 👍🏼


Airmatic suspension isn’t complicated and parts are much cheaper now plus the installs are not hard. I believe people who own these cars should do their research to learn they cars.


I have a 2005 E500. I love the car. Take reasonable care and they last a long time. I bought it with in 2015 with 116K miles and it has 248K miles on it now. Replaced front and rear air shocks. Replaced power steering pump. SBC accumulator was replaced under warranty. One issue I didn't see mentioned that I think is somewhat common is the duo-valve for heating the rear passenger space. Mine failed and would blow full heat to the rear even with AC on. Replacement is not too difficult. Other replacements have been pretty minor/typical for a car with 248K miles (brake rotors, various front suspension components, ignition coils, spark plugs, drive belt & pully, etc.) The dynamic seats leak so they no longer work. Would love to fix them, but does not seem simple.


Don’t forget about the notorious transmission issue where coolant gets into the radiator and seizes the transmission. We replaced 1 transmission and now are looking at replacing another on account of that faulty radiator!


As an ex W203 owner I was impressed by your knowledge of these problem areas. My W203 suffered with almost all of the things you mentioned at one point or another. They are not like deal breaker things. Especially, when you get the joy of these cars while everything is insync, and working as designed. I just needed a little more reliability for my driving needs, so I moved back to boring, plain, and simple Toyotas again. I sorely miss German cars but constantly keep reminding myself I am at a stage in life where driving is out of need now, and no more fun factor; or who knows I'm just probably too old to deal with the aggravation anymore.


It’s funny how most, if not all of the negative comments have at least 2-3 misspelled words. Good video, kid. I have a 2005 e500 w211 with 66k miles. Still has the new car smell. I have a file with every service record from the previous owner. 4 of the 5 issues you mentioned had already been repaired plus the transmission red milk shake thingy too. The air suspension is like driving on air. Beautiful car. I’ve driven 3 335i’s 328i and a 335d the last 10 years. BMW is the ultimate driving machine but Mercedes is truly the most luxurious. We’re lucky to have these cars. Stay well buddy!


Thanks for the mention of FCP Euro! I appreciate it - I work there.


Air matic lines will leak from age, not by a pump going bad. Air pump goes bad normally from people not correcting strut or valve block problems when recommend (the pump will be working over time and burn out). Arknot makes an excellent aftermarket strut that is a fraction of the price.V8s do not have a balance shaft, only an idler gear, and doesn't require a full engine tare down (neither does the v6 require full tare down, but the v6 is a pos and not worth fixing). Beware of aftermarket cam position sensors. A lot of them are trash. Intake manifold will never throw a CEL. As for the rear privacy screen, just decide if you want it up or down and leave it alone. Most of these problems occur in early production models.

Ooo and keep the water drains clear of debris or water gets in the car and can ruin your front or rear SAM (expensive to replace)
And the drive belt problems on all models. If you dont keep up with the pulleys your looking at a break down when the belt breaks after one of the multiple pulleys seize.


two more common issues are the SBC brake module failure and the shift control unit. the SBC can result in near total brake loss. it's like driving without power brakes. the shift unit can cause the car to go into limp mode. it won't shift out of first.


Gas pump assembly unit (gasoline engine) major recall also North America.
Dealer would change the entire pump and bushings around it. Both the primary and secondary pumps (03-09) located under the rear seat.

SBC on the w211 are bad and had a huge recall. From late 07-09 don’t have that issue.

03-09 another huge recall on the sun roof flying off. (Recall currently in progress.

Minor issue: cigarette lighter or interior power connector Fuse blown; (fuse #13 located in the rear trunk fuse housing 15amp)


Aftermarket shocks for air matic are just as good if not better than OEM are not real expensive and super easy to replace


CDI's are the gems of the w211. Every vehicle make will have some issues. Those with the I-6 are pretty reliable and serviceable. Love that they have "service postion" hoods so you don't hit your head!


My rear shade in my 2005 e320 works perfectly fine and I’ve owned the car for years. Good video tho


It's the silver star. It's creativity. Well done. Thank you. We follow you from Benghazi, Libya


Hi, thanks for the video. I am thinking about getting a W211 E200 cgi 2009 model. What do you say? Is it a good choice? And about consumption, will I get a let’s say 12 urban and 7 extraurban? Thanks


did not mention the oil cooler on the 646.820 with leaks (bad seal)and then the oil goes true the intake and intercooler


I have the 2007 E350 and you are on the money with those problems. One thing i have to add is the secondary air pump. It's very easy fix but make sure when replacing parts that it has to be OEM parts. I tried to save money at first but it doesn't work. Those parts made in China just doesn't accept it the CEL light will not turn off at least not with my car. I had to change parts 3 different times to save couple bucks but end up spending more at the end.


All the issues you mentioned has occurred in my 2008 E550 base model. Except for the actuators in the engine. I haven’t checked that. 👍🏼


Thanks for this video, I thoroughly enjoyed and found it useful 👍


I own the 2008 E550 w211. I have replaced the airmatic suspensions to struts and coils. I recently changed the steering pump. I have not had any other major issues with car. I hope I don't.
