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This video is just to inform people that you don’t need school to become a mechanic, just follow this steps and you’ll be on your way.

Step 1: have some experience/ from home or own cars.

Step 2: have a tool box and some tools.

Step 3: apply and intruduce yourself to the managers in person

Step 4: act like you know what your doing. #automobile #mechanic
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Man, you didn't just tell people how to be a mechanic, you just told people how to succeed in life.


Bro, your story is so similar to mine, I worked in warehouses for 7 years couldn’t stand it anymore, now I’ve been working in the construction industry but I’m always getting into arguments and gotten close to getting in a couple fights, and I’ve always loved tools and cars and didn’t wanna pay the 30k to go to UTI. You’re a big motivation to me bro


Problem not going to school is - you dont know what you dont know. Schooling will teach things about cars you didn't know existed. Truly understanding how something works is the only way to be good at diagnosing it. Then when you go for a "good" job - not a whole in the wall if there is someone with schooling, guess who gets the job? 2 years of schooling will advance your knowledge about 6 years


Wise words. I started out walking into a junkyard at 19. Worked my way up for 14 years then networked through friends to an entry level technician at a diesel truck shop. Almost 10 years later I’m now a master certified technician in heavy diesel. My supervisor knows to automatically sign me up for any training courses the company offers to continue my learning and build on my skills. Merry Christmas.


The manager of a local garage was a paramedic until retirement. But he loves cars and has been involved with them since he was a teen. My son is trying to go back to school for auto mechanics. He works on cars here, but took collision repair back in tech school. He has decided he is better suited to mechanics. It is not easy to go back to school and costs a lot. If he is unable to do it I hope he will try to get in at a garage maybe at least starting out doing oil changes and brakes and things. Thank you for this encouragement. Car guys deserve respect. Some so-called mechanics know less than car guys who have a passion for it without a certificate.


It’s funny that this video popped up, I literally walked into a shop today and got a job, no certs and no experience.


I never went to an auto tech school to be a technician.
Google, Youtube, Being Truthful, Being Honest, Dedication, Passion. Helped me for 8+ years. Trust me.

Know the fundamentals, basics of electricity, know how each car components work, get updated with frequent info.


Real shit man. I’ve been doing it almost 10 years now. I’m a lead tech in a good shop. No school or training or anything, pretty much following those exact steps.


I don’t think this guy understands the power of this video. If you’re a guy and want to level up in life. This man just gave you the cheat code 🤟🏽 thank you sir for giving us a break down and your time.


This mans advice is golden nuggets Yo. Doing apprenticeship at this family owned repair here in my area and online school for my ASE certification. Saving about $39K instead of going to UTI here in LA. Awesome blog!


A few snap bolts and stripped nuts along the way, are part of the journey great advice 👍


I have been doing side work repairing tools and equipment for decades. No one has ever asked me for qualifications, they just want the problem fixed. You are right, if you look competent and are equipped to work you find work. It's sad how most construction workers are impulsive and hard headed. Glad you got yourself into the technician world.


I’d love to able to fix ma own cars people always rippin me off man


Respect brother, went to the zone too and they helped me see the parts side and got me a commercial account quit that place over pay, now I’m 6 months into my own business…..Blessings, Keep Going


This is a video I never thought would exist. I’m overly thankful to you for making such a great and in depth video. One of my problems for becoming a mechanic or trying to step into the field has been being told and thinking schooling was the only way. I started to apply at UTI, but because of the insane cost and things I was told from former students made me change my mind. I almost got into a certification program, but i can’t just get behind the school thing. Im currently a machinist, and I love doing the work and learning as I go. Getting my hands scratched up is how I learn; that’s how I got my 53 year old car running. I’ve got to know the basics for mechanics plus a little more, and have been considering contacting all the shops that are near me and just ask if they’d let me work. It makes me happy to hear that the sort of old ways of becoming a mechanic aren’t completely gone. You’re steps and tips have increased my personal confidence and motivation to go after a mechanics job.


Have been in the field about 3 years, luckily i have been able to work hourly but i the pay is so low that i can’t afford cost of living. They need to pay us more, this would help keep people happy, productive and in the shop.


im in school for mechanic most important thing is knowing how parts work and knowing what and how to use the right tools for the job will determine you to be a good mechanic


I wish I knew this before I went to mechanic school. I went to uti and learned more working at a shop than being at school. If you want to be a mechanic working diesel is the way to go. You can easily make $20+ just fueling trucks at some shops.


Reminds me of how I started my electrical apprenticeship. Hung around a lot of tradesman working summers in facilities at my college. Carpenter convinced me to apply to the union & him & the Electrician gave me awesome references. 3-4 years in & still feel pretty grateful & lucky I got in on a whim.


There was no school (that I knew of) when I was coming up. I always had a love for cars that led to working in a gas station, auto parts driver/counterman, machine shop, new car get ready (dealer) then over time dealers and private shops, I'm there. 45 years (total) and still going (my own shop).
