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Ever wanted to play a warlock???? Learn how to play one of the most underrated and underpowered classes in 5e.
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from this point forward, whenever a player of mine summons a familiar, imma have a random dude appear out of a wormhole to just put it on the ground.


I made Hank Hill into the world of D&D as a warlock and he was possessed by Lady Propane. He always introduced himself "Hank Hill Assistant manager, Strickland Propane" and would yell "I'm gonna kick your ass" when he used hellish rebuke. when Burning hands or Eldrich blast was cast he would say "this time you taste the meat, and the heat"


> a single warlock is soloing deadly encounters in my campaign
don't underestimate the guy


Hey XP to Level 3, could you pin this comment, I want to make a PSA for anyone who came into this video with the intention of starting a Warlock Character:

I noticed a couple of comments of people who came into this hoping to learn how to play a Warlock but left essentially comments saying “well looks like they’re terrible and not fun to play.” Note this video is meant to be comedic and left out some the better of the features of the Warlock for comedic effect. Warlock’s are not nearly as bad as this video portrays, while Warlocks as a base class might not receive many bonuses and abilities, there are new features that added depending on your patron. Also while Warlock don’t have access many spell slots they regain those spell slots after a short rest as opposed to most spell casters which don’t regain their spell slots unless they take a long rest, in addition the Warlock’s primary damage method is the cantrip Eldritch Blast Which can fire up to four D10+ your charisma modifier attacks at multiple or a single target per turn. Also the Pact of the Chain provides with an invisible familiar and the Warlock has access to Eldritch Invocation which allows them to use jump, disguise self, and levitate spell an unlimited amount of times making them Ideal for infiltration. If you like your classes to have a large variety of versatile then the Warlock is probably not for you, but a properly specialized Warlock can be one of the most devastating members of your party.




While this was funny, warlocks aren't actually as bad as the video makes them seem. For one, you cast all your spells at your highest spell slot, so your average spell does more than a wizard of the same level. And Eldritch Blast and Hex are easily some of the best spells in the game, especially at first level. Dark One's blessing + the Lucky Feat, which amount to essentially 4 free rerolls per long rest, has easily saved my character dozens of times.

That being said, I did like the video. It was pretty funny.


Woah, those special effects at 3:20?! AMAZING! Keep it up guys! Disney's gonna hire you someday!


This is the low quality I subscribed to see


A member of my party I was DMing purposely made the edgiest character he could with a warlock. After saving an orphan who had been haunted by her dead mother, our warlock thought it would be a great idea to reach out to Nalarthotep and get lil orphan Issy in on the fun of an eldritch pact. Walls melted into black ooze, teady bears crawled to the candle in the middle of the room until at last there was no light. When they awoke, every fire, alchemical, and other light source had gone out and there was chaos as the local wizard guild hunted for the eldritch breach. Easily the coolest class ever.


It really does boggle my mind how lame most of the 20th level abilities are.


Druids @ level 20: I can wild shape as much as I want granting me near infinite HP!
Clerics @ level 20: I can summon a literal god to intervene in battle for me
Warlock @ level 20: I... I- can gain 4 spell slots back.
Everyone else: ... well can you do it mid combat?
Warlocks: *sweats nervously*


How to play Warlock:
Step 1) Cry
Step 2) Reroll wizard.

Alternative guide:
Step 1) GOOlock
Step 2) Misty visions
Step 3) Book of ancient secrets
Step 4) Mask of Many Faces
Step 5) Actor feat (with at-will telepathy, mimicking the target's voice in their mind to simulate competing thoughts)
Step 6) Reach level 14
Step 7) Break the fucking game by enthralling the most important NPC.
Step 8) Get kicked out after making your DM cry as they realize true evil lies beyond the character sheet and their precious world begins to CRUMBLE ALL AROUND THEM MUAHAHAHHAAH AAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH


First off: great video and merry Christmas!

Second: Warlock’s regain their spell slots after both short and long rests, which allows them to use spells such as fireball many more times than a wizard or sorcerer, if they took the Fiend pact. Alternatively, if one were to take the Archfey pact, you could use spells such as sleep and charm person many more times per day, allowing for a more pacifist play style.

Third: a warlock’s spells are always at the same level, with the highest level your main slots moving up to being fifth, which, if you took the Fiend pact, allows you to cast fifth level fireballs many more times a Day than anyone else.

Fourth: The Tome ability, if you took the book of ancient secrets invocation, you have the ability to learn any ritual in the game, which can get much better if your DM puts more spells as rituals, such as resurrection.

Overall, Warlocks are one of the most powerful classes depending on your campaign and DM


I know you made an updated version but this video is just so wholesome. I love how nonchalant and guys-hanging-out this is.


You forgot that warlocks get their spell slots back in a short rest. So basically every battle starts off with black tentacles, because fuck it if we run out we just take a lunch break.


The warlock is not a class for beginners. You can make a character that is an absolute terror, but you can easily make one that is absolutely useless. Building a warlock can take careful planning and you can do some really weird thing with it. I ran a game that started at level 3 and I gave all the characters a free feat of their choice(I like doing that cuz it can make the characters seem more distinctive). My brother was hmmm... Mountain Dwarf Blade pact warlock with heavily armored. and I'm taking devil sight and [the invocation that allows you to speak to peoples minds. I forget what it is called]. He takes the darkness spell. He asks me if it is ok for his spell focus to be a crystal eye. I say that is fine. He then asks if he is allowed to cast darkness on it alone without the rest of he body I say that is also fine. Then he is like ok my character has an eye patch I keep over that eye. His fighting style proceeds to be cast darkness on crystal eye flip open eyepatch when ever he wants the darkness to escape(which is most the time) then walk into a strategic spot that allows him to blind a number of enemies with the darkness while still leaving his allies targets to hit. He has advantage on every attack because of darkness + devil sight and chain mail because of mountain dwarf + feat, and he uses his free action every turn to talk directly into his enemies minds and eat away at there mental state by either taunting them saying creepy things or just laughing maniacally(one again only psychically). Also his stat rolls on that character were obscene. He rolled 4 15s.

Edit: The mind talking thing was a Deep Old One feature. His second invocation was being able to use detect magic at will. The idea of his character being deeply rooted in being able see things which is another reason why he wanted his spell focus in his eye.


To be fair though a Warlock's true power lies in role-play.
'Cause if you succeed on that Persuasion check to let Asmodeus lend you one of his battalions of Devils to command...


Level 2 should read "You get Agonizing Blast and an invocation of your choice!"


The video is not just casting Eldritch Blast for four and a half minutes. False advertising. :P


You missed the most important part. Spell slots refill on short rest.
