How to play Dungeons and Dragons

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Dungeons and Dragons is almost certainly the best known tabletop role playing game in the world, but getting to grips with it as a complete beginner isn't necessarily straightforward. Here's a guide to how the game works to get you started.


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I've been playing 5e for 4 years. Still watched the video, because if you seen a 19 minute video of Dice Dad Chiodini, you watch it.


The Johnny in the thumbnail is what trying to DM the Oxventurers will do to a man


Me starting this video: I wonder how many videos will be in this series
5 minutes in: It simply isn’t possible to cover all the rules in one video
19:55 in: He did. How did he do it? The man’s a genius
Bookmarks this video forever...


Don't lie to us Johnny, you made this specifically in the hope that the oxventurers would watch it didn't you?


Next a guide on how to find a group that are all free at the same time.


Absolutely love this ... you and the oxventurers got me into DND


Respect and listen to your DM! If they say no to something, then try something else, don't dig your heels in and argue or it'll break the immersion of the game and create tension in the group :)


I just appreciate how you explain all these mechanics. Leaving magic as its own separate video was the right call too.


For 5th edition, rolling a 20 or a 1 only has significance for attack rolls and death saves. Otherwise, the roll is treated as normal. In your example of rolling a 1 or 20 on an ability check, there is no critical success or failure, only the result of the die roll plus the appropriate skill modifier.

According to the Rules as Written (RAW), there are no critical failures in D&D 5e. Ability checks and saving throws do not automatically succed or fail on a 20 or 1. That applies only to attacks. Death saves are also affected by a 20 or a 1, but they aren't technically a critical roll, but they do have an extra effect.

There is an optional rule in the DMG (page 242) for the DM to add in critical type effects to ability checks and saving throws, but that is an optional rule or house rule, not RAW.


Nice layout of the basics Johnny, especially for those of use that haven't played the game in a while. If I may, I'd like to add the following as well (even as they may seem obvious):
1- have friends
2- add imagination
3- be flexible about classes and such but don't allow OP gear, skills or items at low levels- unless they have a 1 shot use.
4- allow that players WILL do things the DM never thought of- as such either have a backup plan or create a plausible reason to suspend the game until you can figure out a way to adjust their actions to your planned scenario. As a DM you might even decided to adjust the planned scenario to the new actions the players have taken- things might turn out better than planned.


"The one and twenty are crits."
Me: Crit crit crit!


Immediately sent this to my new group of players, some of whom are keen beginners, and recommended everyone watch it as a refresher ready for our first session in a couple of weeks. Thanks Johnny!


Great advice Johnny! Can’t wait for the series where you get to be a player and can be an absolute nightmare for your DM, you deserve it buddy.


THANK YOU!! I've been looking for a simple explanation like this forever.


Thanks, Johnny and the Dicebreaker team! This will be my go-to video for any new players I get in the future. Johnny has really influenced the way I DM, so it's great to have another video in the "how to pen and paper" series to show my players.


Is it weird that I quite liked being called a "brave adventurer" by Johnny?


There may be no I in 'team' but there is in 'taking the initiative'.


On the subject of race, the ability modifiers apply to the phisiolagy of the race so it would be more accurate to think of it not as are black or white faster but are bears or foxes faster. Nomater who rased the bear it is stronger and faster than the fox. The elf in you're example has +2dex and has probably spent most of their life dodging random swipes and thrown items from the orcs who are far stronger and more durable so even a friendly slap on the back from the elfs orc cousin would be painfully heavy for the lightly built elf. I blame the half races for making the others just humans in funny costumes rather than respecting that they are intended to represent different species not just alternative breeds.


Kinda surprised that the first thing wasn't "Use DnD Beyond". Seriously, I was looking at that on Friday and was really surprised at how much that system has improved and how much easier it would make playing these days.

Also surprised no one from the Oxventure has found a Trident of Yearning yet. It just seems like a natural fit for someone to find.


I really wanna start DMing and get my friends into D&D. Purely for the fact I've got an idea for puzzle/horror house.
I was told mimics can take any form. So I want to build my pawns... Ahh... Players trust with mimics that are doors then hit them with doorframe mimics. Muwhahah
