Letter-writing is not dead! Part 1: Tips and Inspiration

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In this two-part videos series, self-proclaimed letter-writing enthusiast (and Mean Girls star) Rajiv Surendra guides us through the art of writing a letter and maintaining a handwritten correspondence. Using the Morgan's collection as inspiration, Rajiv celebrates the charm and power of the epistolary enterprise.

Video by Bernardo García Elguézabal

Letter cited: Beatrix Potter (1866–1943), Autograph letter signed, Falmouth, to Noel Moore, March 11, 1892. Gift of Colonel David McC. McKell, 1959. MA 2009.1.
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Rajiv please start a personal channel, I could watch you do or talk about anything weekly.


In just 13 min. he creates a beautiful pocket of space for us to live in, a tiny world where letter-writing is possible, and we aren't rushed around and tech-addicted. He is modeling the qualities we need to be good letter-writers: calm, thoughtful, reflective, real, funny. Inspiring


Rajiv - I hope this inspires you to start you personal channel. You are clearly a person with a unique eye which many of us would love to hear more of. Beautiful backdrop by the way. You are a master at work, as well as your dear friend in Ireland in “splendid isolation”.


Only people who wrote letters will know the joy of writing and recieving letters ❤️


This guy is an old soul in a young body. Spent my morning watching several of his videos. Imagine having him as a friend? WOW! I miss letter writing but, sadly, have no one who would truly appreciate one.


The traditional gold bangles! Never seen them worn by a man, he looks so cool


Wow! If you were explaining the word "charming" to a martian, this clip would help! Thank you!


Just at the time the world went into lockdown, I found a wee leather bound notebook. I have been writing letters for my granddaughter to read when she’s in her teens. She’s two now. I write as if a young woman will be reading and I am writing of her and the world as it was and is now and how we are navigating it. I love that one day she will hold this book in her hands and know how much she is loved and the story of her growth. I have held letters my mom wrote her mother when my parents immigrated from England to Canada. My mother passed a king time ago when I was young, but as you said holding the letters, seeing her beautiful handwriting and the way she expressed herself is a gift of herself to me.


Wow! Before he read his letter, I was already thinking: anyone who has him as a true friend has hit the LOTTERY! I can’t even imagine how great it must be to have such a unique, lovely, inspirational, & extraordinary person as a valued & cherished friend!!
This video & his presentation are sooo calming & relaxing, that it feels like such a wonderful meditative session!
He is a true KINDRED SPIRIT!! We are all very lucky to be following Rajiv!!


Rajiv is a national treasure...
A renaissance man of true quality...
Wishing him the best of health, happiness and success...


I want to thank the Almighty Algorithm for placing several videos of this talented man in my feed. I’m so impressed by his creativity and charm, but oh! The envy! His bone structure is perfection. Gorgeous.


My best friend of 30+ years and I FREQUENTLY write handwritten letters to one another and send by U.S. Postal Service. We don't even text each other. It is SO wonderful receiving a package from her in the mail - as well it is so wonderful to compile and send a package to her. I'm so grateful that she and I have kept up this practice all of these decades. I believe most communication these days has become too rushed and throwaway, and there's something to be said about _taking good care_ instead of just tossing comments off or hurredly posting half-a55ed videos. Thank you for this delicious video, Rajiv.


So charming. And that room with all the little touches. And the curtains floating on the breeze! Who is he??


Wow...just watched the tour of your apartment an hour ago. I would like.a regular dose of you ...in some format. You delight!


I love this! I deleted all of my social media accounts (except for YouTube) in January. I've started sending letters and postcards to family and friends all over the world. It feels so relaxing, the rhythm of my fountain pen, slowing down to take in my surroundings and share my thoughts on paper. I've been encouraging all of my students to start writing letters and postcards during the pandemic, too.


You are the most interesting person I have ever seen!


There is nothing like receiving a handwritten letter from someone.


That was so lovely. I am nearly 80 and I have saved all the letters I ever received from those I loved. I was so lonely when my parents moved cities after I married and was just 19 and very unwell starting a baby. My father new me so well that he wrote to me every day for 3 years. We then moved up to live near them. I saved every letter. He would tell me all about the day he spent with my mother. Little things that were so special. He was very humorous. He kept mine too. I found them after he died. I never said I was lonely but I could feel the pain and burnt mine. I’m sorry now. I always did little drawings. Recently I was showing my school blazer to someone and found a note in the top pocket. A school friend passed me a note in class asking if she could borrow my homework to copy. I have my dads wallet. In it is a little letter printed from boarding school when I was 8. Quite short but telling him how we had played pretending we were in Enid Blyton Faraway tree. So many others I have had bound . I just don’t know what to do with them. I know my daughter would burn them. Thank you for the memories. Do you have your own blog site ?


He is so charming. Can’t stop watching him talk.


I think he is my new most favorite person in the world !
