Letter-writing is not dead! Part 2: Handwriting is Not Dead!

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In this two-part videos series, self-proclaimed letter-writing enthusiast (and Mean Girls star) Rajiv Surendra guides us through the art of writing a letter and maintaining a handwritten correspondence. Using the Morgan's collection as inspiration, Rajiv celebrates the charm and power of the epistolary enterprise.

Video by Bernardo García Elguézabal
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Am I the only person memorized by the quiet flutter of the curtains behind this wonderful man?


Does anybody else feel like being his friend would be so exciting? He is so precious! 😭❤️


I love that he is singing irish songs when entering and I adore that he adds lots of cream to his coffee/tea and I admire his beautiful china cup and saucer and the ROOM is just amazing. The curtains, the bed, the flowers, the pots, and the top of that desk... everything. What a charming life and man.


He is one of my favorite humans alive and I haven't even met him. Also, I've only stumbled upon his work today. Oh, how one eccentric soul knows another. Gotta go write a letter now, bye.


This video could also be called: “Rajiv subtly flexing his stationary supplies for 20 minutes straight”


Dear Rajiv,
I’m sitting in my living room, it’s almost 1am. How did I come to watch this? Well, lo and behold my very clever You Tube recommended feed seems to notice I’ve watch calligraphy lessons in the recent past and sends me similar videos. How great that it recommended you! I have letters that are over a hundred years old. I rescued them from my grandparents house after their passing, along with my own child letters they had kept from me. I got to see my child handwriting again. They had kept it. I’d like to write to my grandparents again. I really would. But they have been gone since 92 and 2005. I miss them a lot. I work on genealogy for my family and there are many things they could easily answer if only they were here. I will try and think of someone else to write to. A friend, nephew, niece, the Concierge? (There’s no Concierge.) My own cat! I could read the letter aloud to my cat. That would be nice. Well, maybe. Thanks so much.



I am enthralled with this man, he kept me interested in letters. IN LETTERS.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciated your two videos on letter writing. I am 75 years old and have always been smitten by letters. When I open my mail box and find a hand written envelope my heart goes pitty-pat. I have been saving letters most of my life. My first letter was from my mother when I went to spend a few days with an aunt. I was six. I have all the letters from my first serious boyfriend. I have all the letters that I wrote to my parents and that they wrote to me when I went away to college. I have all the letters that my husband wrote to me while we were courting. I have lived many places in California and I have lived in Indonesia and Brasil. I have all the letters that my folks and I wrote to each other during that time. We moved back to the same state as my parents in 1980 so the letters stopped but soon there were letters to and from my children when they went away to college. These letters are neatly packed away awaiting the day that my granddaughters are interested in reading them.


The name of the Irish notebook paper is called "Aisling" and that means "a fairy dream" in Gaelic. Just a little bit of information that is absolutely adorable to add to all the other adorable things happening here :)


I am so taken with this, Rajiv Surendra is so charming and endearing. It would be wonderful to watch more of these little lessons.


I am a dental hygienist and at the end of appointments we would ask people to fill out a postcard for their six month reminders and ask them to address it to themselves. I was literally dumbfounded at how many people did not even know how to address a postcard to themselves. They had not been taught how to properly write an address. I’m talking like 50% of the people between the ages of 16 and 30 could not do it. When my children were young I would have them sit down after the holidays and write thank you notes to aunts, grandparents, whoever, for their Christmas gifts, something that is not done anymore which is a crime.I had them address the envelopes with the return address as well put a stamp on it and put it in the mail so that they would actually know how to do this, my children are in their late 20s now. I had no idea what a service I was doing them by teaching them to do this. In my book if I give you a gift and don’t receive some sort of thank you, whether it’s a note, text Or email there will be no other gifts coming from me. Parents are majorly slacking on their jobs when they do not demand that a child show appreciation for gifts even if it is to their grandparents.


More, please. How charmingly civilized he is. Please present more on this topic by this lovely person. Thank you.


When I write a letter, I use a scrap piece of paper so that I can reformat, make a mistake etc. without freaking out. Then I copy it slowly in its final form on the nicer paper or postcard or whatever. I love these videos so much.


Thank you so much for singing that song! My father sang that song to me everyday when I was little & called it my song. He died many years ago & this is the first time I've heard it since then. He was Irish American, by the way, & loved to sing! Anyway, Thank you!❤🌻❤🌻


Dear Rajiv, thanks I just wrote a letter of condolence to my niece on the loss of her young son. And that in Serbian after having been out of the country for 67 years. My 5 year old grandson wants to write a letter to his 5 year old girlfriend.


I can't believe he is teaching the format of how to write an address on an envelope. But amazingly, there seems to be at least two generations that were never taught how to this. Thank God people like him exist! Beautiful hand calligraphy!


Why is he this precious? I wanna be his bestie


This young man can make even the most simple acts so interesting, serene and soothing. Ever since "meeting" him in his Ted presentation I can't have enough of him. He is so talented and yet so calm. He exudes elegance and class.


I was a little girl in the 80s and still recall collecting writing paper and stamps and sending them to penpals around the world. It was always fun deciding which one to use, to suit the sendee. And then of course, receiving them sometimes with little gifts attached. It’s such a beautiful art form that we definitely as Rajiv says bring back for all the reasons he’s listed. I am actually a product of this, as my parents met as penpals.


My mom passed away a little over three years ago… the other day while decluttering I found a letter she wrote to me many years ago…. What a meaningful treasure it is to have the paper with her chosen and written words reflecting her personality and her care for me.
Thank you Rajiv for your inspiring words… we can make a difference in someone’s life even with a short written note.
