49 Years Of Video Game Consoles in 10 Minutes

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Believe it or not, the home video game console has been around for nearly 49 years. Yes, that’s almost half a century. Since 1972, we’ve seen over 30 consoles created and sold in North America, which is a ridiculous amount of consoles. That’s an average of more than one console released every two years. Back in the early ‘70s, Nintendo was still about half a decade away from making their first console and the PlayStation and Xbox weren’t even a thought yet. Gaming has come a very long way since then so I’ll be taking a look at every home console ever released in North America.
The first console ever released was the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. It was the only first generation console to be released in North America. In the second generation, we got the famous Atari 2600, best known for the legendary game, Space Invaders. The third generation was known as the 8-bit generation and introduced us to the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System. The fourth generation had the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo Entertainment System doing battle. As for the fifth generation, it saw a major shakeup. The Sony PlayStation joined the battle alongside the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn.
There’s more consoles to get into than just those so enjoy the video, let me know what you think is the best console of all time in the comments section below and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer for more gaming tech content.
0:00 Intro
0:37 1st Generation
1:22 2nd Generation
2:22 3rd Generation
3:16 4th Generation
4:28 5th Generation
5:59 6th Generation
7:27 7th Generation
8:38 8th Generation
9:56 9th Generation
Written by: Justin Pietrodarchi
Narrated by: Antony Watkins
Edited by: Umair G.
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