🤓 NIKON Z50 & Epic Crazy youtuber nonsense on the Z50

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“Silver-haired click weasel”. Oh my goodness. 😂 I nearly pissed my pants.


I think he was annoyed that he didn't get an invite to the party like Fro, DP Review and Kai.


Here in Japan Nikon are doing a cash back campaign ... if order the Z50 with crap kit lens they give around 180$ cash back .... well, i have no idea why they dont give the smart adapter instead ... will be so nice for Nikon Dx shooters like me ... kind of " Stay with us, dont go fuji or sony and lose your lenses ."


I saw that Tony's video. Immediately i knew that it will piss the angry photographer off.


Silver haired click Wiesel definitely made my Thx Ken!


Tony got on it about the E-M5 III also. Instead of comparing it correctly with the X-T30 at the same price point as a mid-range camera, he picked the X-T3. Even so there are unique features the E-M5 has that Fujifilm doesn't and Vise-versa.

To Tony it is all about most megapixel, best ISO performance and fastest AF and nothing else. That's not what photography is about. At least for me, it's creativity and getting the moment that matter. Even though I'm an Olympus shooter, I could see having Fujifilm as a second camera system. It's such unique experience.


My favorite cameras are Z 5O D 3 and D 90. Love the size and easy menus of the 5O the most.


Wasn’t he the same guy that bashed Steve McCurry? One of my all time favourite photographers.


Fro made a good review of Z50 although i don't like him..DiaPerReview also made a good impression. Then comes Tony make a video about Z50 without even testing it and make BS comments and statements as if he knows anything. I hope Nikon won't send him review unit anymore.


The challenging thing for me regarding the z50 is the z mount. If I carry say a z6/7 or whatever comes next, it limits me. The FF Z glass is not VR. So now I need to carry F-Mount and Z mount. I want a FF camera and a smaller APS-C in my bag using the same lenses. If I drop my Z6/7 to crop mode then I lose MP. I love my D500 with FF glass. Mirrorless with EVF and not needing to adjust focus for a lense by shooting the target, as well as a smaller lighter rig is appealing.


Make an adapter with a motor for the d lenses stupid Nikon!!! Instant access to super cheap lenses!!! But they want to sell the overpriced new ones...


Last month you said the z50 was a “flop”. You claimed it would never sell for less than 1300.00 and would never have a vertical grip. Now that a grip is going to be offered, (though extra battery life is the basic feature), according to Nikon, and the fact the z50 is retailing for 859.99, do you have a different take on it at as far a value may be concerned?


“Silver haired click weasel “ ... I nearly choked hokey Funny


I don't usually like to make negative comments on social media, but Tony's video forced my hand to say something (spent more time than I should have writing my lengthy comment) and give a thumbs down. It seems to have been clickbait of the worst kind, where he wanted to make an outrageous headline, but then had nothing true or accurate to back it up with so he spun off his ridiculous list of "problems" with it. I have both an a6000 and a D7100, and I share your concerns about the Z50. I was hoping it would fall more in line with the Nikon D7XXX series or D500 with regard to ergonomics, 2 card slots, joystick, etc. Perhaps they have plans for a more advanced DX mirrorless, and that one will tempt me more, but overall, the Z50 doesn't seem like a bad camera at first glance. I'll be curious to see your review when you can get your hands on one.


Sorry, had to share it with ya. Lol
By his standard he should put crop lenses on a FF camera because then the crop area would be SUPER SHARP. Lmao!


I know you have not tested Z50 yet, but you may still know how does a high iso performance on z50 compare to fujifilm x-t3 or x-t30? thank you.


Tony is the perfect reason not to drink too much soy. 😂😂😂


Z 50 is Sony kilker. I recommend to compare MTF charts of kit zoom lenses of Sony and Nikon.


My biggest gripe with the Z50 right now is you have to buy the 24-70mm f/4 separately. I don't want the crap kit lenses that are available for it. I want full-frame glass. And at the price of the camera and buying a 24-70mm, I could buy a used Z6 with a FTZ adapter and 24-70mmm f/4.


Silver Haired Click Weazel you do realize I spat out the food laughing when you said this. And this video only just got better and better... crazy town.. the stuff you see in cartoons when Comedy Gold amigo. (I also disagreed with Tony but I just think he was just trying to be edgy and clicbaity). Will be very interested in your thoughts on the z50 if and when you get your hands on one.
