Having a hysteroscopy as an outpatient (English)

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A guide for people who may need this gynaecology procedure in north and east London.

Produced by:
North Central London Cancer Alliance
North East London Cancer Alliance
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Love how the male doctor describes it as a 'bit of discomfort' as if he knows a single thing about what vaginal pain feels like.


I had this done yesterday, I researched it online but didn’t think to look on YouTube, I’m actually glad I didn’t find this before the procedure because it would have freaked me out. It certainly DID hurt, like excruciating, they had to stop but I agree for them to try again and keep going, I’m going on holiday soon and I wanted to get through it as I just wanted to wrap it all up and know what was going on inside me, they found a polyp and got it out, I am extremely relieved that this was something on offer.The staff were absolutely amazing and I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without their encouragement and amazing pastoral care, real talk- I cried like a baby afterwards, like a comment earlier on, I thought I was a big baby but see from the comments that I’m not!! Thank you for everyone who left a comment, its really helping me to move on from it, it was the right decision for me to have it done in this way, looking back on it all I can’t believe I did it with no drugs, it’s crazy!! I’m still in disbelief to be honest


I researched this extensively before I attempted to have this done in September 2023. I took pain killers before as they told me to do. In the first attempt I vomited and experienced shock symptoms. To be told it doesn't hurt is a lie. How could it not hurt?? Something is put up inside you & things are cut out of you for goodness sake. I had this finally done under anaesthesia December 2023. It is positively medieval torture without. I left feeling what is wrong with me that it hurt so much? Please ladies, insist on anaesthesia. Don't put yourself through what I went through. Xx


This is an extremely painful 😣 procedure. Barbaric!


This procedure should ALWAYS be done with atleast a local anaesthetic. It is extremely painful.


The most painful experience of my life, never again and without anasthetic, a little uncomfortable, understatement of the century.


These comments are really upsetting - I'm so sorry so many women had to go through that pain. Thankfully I opted to have it done under general anaesthetic and had the operation last week (I had four polyps removed). I had some period-like pains when I first came round but soon felt absolutely fine x


I had two hysteroscopys both under GA. I am grateful that the hospital gave me the choice.


I had this done yesterday. It was so painful and I was in agony the whole 20 minutes. I was told during my consultation it may cause mild discomfort, I was not offered to have the procedure under anthesetic. And after the procedure was just sent on my way, nobody spoke to me just said I could leave. Lots of people say "it didn't hurt" but everyone is different and 1 in 4 women will experience very severe pain. So please don't tell people just have it done and you'll be fine. All women should be offered to be asleep for this procedure. I am terrified of the thought of possibly having to go back.


I have been referred to a gynaecologist by my GP, who has booked me in for next month for the hysteroscopy. BUT because I have not had any children, my cervix will need to be "softened" to open up. I will be going under general anaesthetic AND the doctor will have to do another intravaginal scan as well as inserting an IUD AND to check out my uterus lining AND to get a sample from the endometrial. So yeah, general anaesthetic for me....thank God.


I had this procedure done several days ago. The surgery included a polypectomy. If general anesthesia wasn’t an option, I most assuredly wouldn’t have consented to it. No twilight or light sedation will do for this so called procedure. Heck, the transvaginal ultrasound was painful. I wasn’t going to try and grit it out on a table with a doctor scraping my insides. There’s no reason not to give general anesthesia. It’s not a price issue. They just don’t like putting people under. Too bad. I signed forms releasing y’all from liability if I die on the table. I’d rather risk death via general anesthesia than be awake/aware of this procedure. The aftermath pain isn’t as bad as I had anticipated. No cramping. Mostly sore.
No anesthesia surgery? Wonderful. Can I have a shot of whiskey and a bullet to bite down on? We’re going dark ages medically anyway. Pain management happens for hospice patients exclusively. Doctors/surgeons won’t prescribe opiates for post surgical pain anymore. Nope. They advise you to take some Tylenol. I’m simply saying that if pain isn’t manageable socially, we’re in for a world of hurt. The name of the game is patient advocacy. Hard to do for yourself when you’re the sick one.


This video is misleading, it really doesn't sound like most women tolerate the pain given the comments. I had this procedure this morning and the pain was horrendous; I will be returning to have it done under sedation/general anesthetic.


I had this done today (52) my pain threshold I would say is average but I had to tell them to stop because I found it too painful - I'm fairly healthy and can withstand a bit of discomfort ie teeth being pulled etc but I found this on another level altogether - going in for general at s later date


I just had this procedure and now booked for GA omg I'm in so much pain and I can't stop crying.


Don't let any doctor tell you there will be some discomfort! The nurse said she heard me scream down the hall. It hurts like And mine was done by a female doctor. She never offered to stop or provide pain medication. This is so wrong not to tell a patient the truth! My second hysteroscopy was done under anesthesia.


I agree with so many of these comments, I had this three days ago, it was pure agony, I could barely walk, paracetamol is a joke.


So glad I found this video/comments. I had this done yesterday and it was incredibly painful.I thought I was being a wimp but clearly not! Phew


I had a hysteroscopy yesterday and it was one of the most painful things I've ever had to deal with in my life. I am traumatised. It left me feeling shaky, faint and extremely anxious. The procedure had to be stopped! I am now waiting for an appointment for this to be done under GA! Why wasn't this option or other options offered to me in the first place?


I had it today and it was the worst pain in my lifetime because they couldn’t do the local anesthesia. If I ever have to do that again I will ask to be put to sleep.


Hysteroscopy without anaesthesia must be abolished!
