Multiple Characters using Mixamo with Blender Part 1

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In this video I show basics of using Mixamo with Blender. Specifically in Part 1, I show how to organize multiple character animations in Blender.
0:00 Intro
0:58 Import two FBX files
1:27 Rename Armatures
1:59 Change character position
2:54 Use Collections for organization
3:28 Select Hierarchy and Move
4:19 Relink Textures
4:46 Shading Tab
5:15 Cut pipe
5:38 Color Space to sRGB
0:00 Intro
0:58 Import two FBX files
1:27 Rename Armatures
1:59 Change character position
2:54 Use Collections for organization
3:28 Select Hierarchy and Move
4:19 Relink Textures
4:46 Shading Tab
5:15 Cut pipe
5:38 Color Space to sRGB
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