Excel Magic Trick 1402 Part 2 Formula to Put Check Mark In Cell If Number Great than 0 without CHAR

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Part 4
Part 5
See how to put a check mark in a cell when a number is greater than zero with two different methods:
1. (00:19) Introduction
2. (00:59) Horace Greenley at YouTube: Alt + 0,2,5,2 to insert ASCCI Character 252, then use Wingdings Font
3. (02:48) Adrian Cossu at YouTube: "P", then use Wingdings 2 Font
4. (03:24) Conclusion
Part 4
Part 5
See how to put a check mark in a cell when a number is greater than zero with two different methods:
1. (00:19) Introduction
2. (00:59) Horace Greenley at YouTube: Alt + 0,2,5,2 to insert ASCCI Character 252, then use Wingdings Font
3. (02:48) Adrian Cossu at YouTube: "P", then use Wingdings 2 Font
4. (03:24) Conclusion
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