Excel Magic Trick 1450: Replace VLOOKUP When Making PivotTables with Excel 2016 Relationships

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Learn how to use Relationships in Excel 2016 (or later versions) rather than the VLOOKUP Function when you are making PivotTable Reports from multiple tables. See how to create a Product / Region Yearly Report with a Slicer for Months. Relationship feature allows you to see Multiple Tables in PivotTable Field List and drag and drop fields to make your report. Also lean about the automatic Grouping Feature for PivotTables to group transactional dates into months and years.
Excel PivotTable Reports made easy with Relationships rather than VLOOKUP.
Learn how to use Relationships in Excel 2016 (or later versions) rather than the VLOOKUP Function when you are making PivotTable Reports from multiple tables. See how to create a Product / Region Yearly Report with a Slicer for Months. Relationship feature allows you to see Multiple Tables in PivotTable Field List and drag and drop fields to make your report. Also lean about the automatic Grouping Feature for PivotTables to group transactional dates into months and years.
Excel PivotTable Reports made easy with Relationships rather than VLOOKUP.
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