Is taking a second wife requires the consent of the first wife # HUDATV

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Why is it always that if a man can not control his desires, and if he is not satisfied with his current wife then he has to go and marry another. Are we not humans who are born with tongues so we can communicate with each other unlike animals? Talk to each other if there are problems between you and try to solve them. Tell you wife what you are lacking and let her tell what she lacks as well. Try to fulfill each other’s needs. It is not okay for a man to just want his first wife to accept his second marriage if everything was okay between them & he just got married again for a change of routine in what he desires. Why can’t the woman do the same then? It is halal for a woman to divorce her man as well if she went out and felt attracted to another man, but that act is always frowned upon in society. Especially in the arab society which is so messed up. It is such a masculine world we live in that they defend the man for marrying a second wife to fulfill his desires but a woman is frowned upon for divorcing her husband to be with another man even though she did it in a halal way. If y’all say well a woman has to be patient and sacrifice for her kids, why can’t a man do the same if his second marriage would put his first family in jeopardy? And how do men expect their first wife to be patient while she is sharing her husband with someone else? How does she feel special? She is not special anymore because whatever he gets her then he gets the other. I would just love to see a man being patient after divorcing his wife and bear seeing her in the hands of another man. Would they stand this scene? Of course not. Maybe some men don’t care but a lot of them do. Just like how some women these days have no problem with their husbands sharing a second wife, a lot of women do have a problem with that. I understand that God created men with this certain desire but so did he create women to be attractive and like to be noticed. Does that mean that women go around seeking attention from other men if she is lacking it from her husband? And why is it that women always have to be patient and agree to the man marrying a second wife? And where are her rights in this? A woman does have a say in this. Just because this matter is halal it doesn’t mean a man has to do it. And if a man just totally ignores his first wife’s wishes and trashed her feelings and emotions to please another, how is he being fair to his first wife? Also, When a man introduces a second wife then the risk of contracting and transmitting diseases and infections increases. And thus he transmits it to his first wife. So yes, he does need to get his first wife’s approval because it is of her right to know so she can be careful and aware of her health. Also, I oppose and condemn men who don’t tell their first wife about their second marriage. How is this being fair and just if they’re being open to the second woman about his first marriage while hiding it from his first wife? The messenger of Allah didn’t do that. In fact all his wives knew of each other and he would be careful to divide the nights fairly between them all.


And just like it is the right of the man to marry a second wife it is the woman’s right to know of this as well so she can decide about staying in this relationship with him or divorcing him and finding another loyal man as well. Just like it is the man’s right to be satisfied and get a change in routine so is the woman’s right as well to do so. And for those men who keep their second marriage a secret from their first wives, God knows best, but this is not following the sunnah anymore because the prophet himself had all his wives know of each other. He never had a secretive marriage. So if the men’s excuse these days is having a second marriage to fulfill a sunnah then do it properly and let your first wife know about you wanting to have a second marriage first. It is her right to decide whether or not she wants to continue her life with you or start over with another man. And there is nothing wrong with that as Allah SWT made divorce halal. And if a man is willing to damage his first marriage to please another woman, then he does not really cherish and appreciate his first wife’s feelings and emotions. So she should not cherish his emotions either and she can go find someone else who does so instead.


A sister: *"protect yourself from these deceiving men."*
Me: So anyone who marries a second wife without asking the first wife's permission is a "deceiving" man? Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not ask permission from his previous wives. So was he a deceiving man? (Astaghfirullah)


Sisters, if you are reading this please write in your nikkah for your future husband to agree to inform u and ask for your permission to marry a second wife. After this he has to ask for your permission or inform u (if u wrote inform instead of permission). I hope this helps u all. Pls protect yourself from these deceiving men.


Thank you brother when you mentioned our beloved Prophet SAW he was married to his lovely wife till her death and there was no need
Beautifully explained but today’s men do marriage for lust and beauty or just don’t love their wives anymore or simply hate them and forget their sacrifices


Yes you need consent from your wife she needs to know that to protect herself from diseases and other a women can live with a part time husband


This Irish muslim is based. Multiple wives is the way to go


A very good explanation. Yet we must mention that adding another wife when in a straightened financial circumstance increases your rizq.
This hadeeth where our prophet advised multiple marriage in order to encourage maintainance of women.
This action must be taken only by one with strong belief and who follows the sunnah in order to succeed.


You don't need permission from 1st wife BUT it is good manners to get consent and talk about it with the 1st wife.


He forgot to mention nabi saw visited all his wives EVERYDAY not every second day....just like men have needs we have needs to love and affection everyday too not every second leave us alone every second day for equality is oppression, it must be equal and just


But now a days, all Muslim women do not agree and do not want their husbands to marry a 2nd wife. Therefore, Muslim women do not follow the rules. I know it's not mandatory for Muslim men to marry more than 1 wife. But when there's family issues, the first wife will always ask for divorce inorder for her husband to marry a 2nd wife. In western countries, most Muslim women get negative advantage of the western countries, & laws by stripping the husbands financially. That's unfortunate for poor men inorder to marry a divorced or widow women and support each others.


It is socially necessary to take the permission of the first wife


Just stipulate in your marriage contract that your husband can’t take another wife! That’s it !


It's also illegal in the land we live in. Is shariah the laws of the land we live in too


Masha Allah sheikh very good explanation. May Allah SAW reward you and all the Muslim men who take another wife for a good reason and make it easy for the wives. ameen


Can men take a second wife and hide it from his first wife?? Why is no sheikh one answering this...


We women, out of insecurity criticize polygamy in our communities, especially in the West, we hope to never have to share our husbands, subhanallah I am one of them. But remember this is a blessing because we all know of MANY men and women whose husbands are cheating on them, or grow tired of them, they are always fighting, maybe the woman gets sick etc. Alhamdulillah we have a way that a man can fulfill his obligations towards his children and his wife, while also seeking a halal way for himself. It does seem unfair to us, to have to share, to have to tolerate our husband with another woman BUT the alternative is more devastating to our families, children, women and society, as is witnessed in the West.


Marrying a girl you raised even if she’s not your girl to me is weird

My opinion

Like I treat her like your daughter


Assalamu alaikum sir
If a man has wife and 2 or 3 kids and he falls in love with another woman. Then wife found out his relationship.. wife asked husband, husband said he has right to have another wife. Is it sinful?


If a man choses to have a second wife does she have to be a widow or divorcee?
