10 adulting things you should do before 2020

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July is here and with it, the second half of 2019. If you're feeling like you're falling behind with your goals, the mid-year is the perfect time to get a reset and start tackling all of those things you have to do and which will make you thank yourself in the future.

1. Organize your finances and create at least the draft of a budget for 2020. I actually think that the mid-year is the best time to start budgeting for the following year. In July you probably know how much you'll be earning for the next six months and that will make you aware of how much money you will be able to spend, save and invest until January. Having all of these factors in mind will also allow you to look at the bigger picture and understand whether you should be asking for a raise, start a side-hustle or cut back on some major unnecessary expenses.
2. Start at least one-book per month challenge. In case you're falling behind your reading goals, this is a good time to compromise to stick at least with one book per month until the end of the year. Just pick six books that you think you will enjoy or books that are useful, order them to save on shipping (if you don't have the option of finding them on your local library) and commit to the challenge.
3. Declutter that specific part in your house you know is giving you anxiety. This can be your wardrobe, a kitchen cabinet or that uncontrollable stationery drawer. Now's the time to get rid of the elephant in the room and start cleaning.
4. Schedule those appointments you've been dreading - doctor's appointments, blood testing, a hair cut, your car inspection. Scheduling those appointments via phone or internet will probably take a couple of minutes and a big chunk of being a responsible adult for the entire year will be taken care of, just like that.
5. Reevaluate and reflect on your long-term lists - like you bucket list, your 30 before 30 list, your 2019 resolutions list, and so on. Maybe some of these goals made sense back in the day when you wrote them down but they have become inapplicable or simply don't interest you anymore.
6. Look at your schedule and track the time you spent doing what you currently do. Then try to understand whether there are things that you are doing which you **can** cut back on and will have no detrimental impact on your health or happiness. For instance, I was spending 6 hours a week going to a class I didn't enjoy and the thing wasn't even a part of my degree. I was wasting 6 hours per week in a place where I didn't want to be when no actually forced me to be there - so I cut that from my schedule and I now have 6 more hours in my day to do stuff that I like.
7. Plan something big for 2020. You should end 2019 and start 2020 with something to look forward to, and I think that planning a big project for the next year is the best thing to give you some motivation. This can be something like writing a book, going on a trip, volunteering, planning your wedding, getting a new job or starting a hobby. As soon as you have that pre-planned you will have all the tools you need in 2020 to start working on that project with all the brainstorming already done.
8. Take a 30 day fitness challenge. Basically commit to exercise for 30 days in a row. The intensity should vary depending on how comfortable you feel with exercising, but even taking a walk in the morning should feel like a big milestone when you are actually able to do it for a whole month. This challenge can kickstart your routine and make you enter 2020 with an established habit.
9. Just call or message those people who you've lost contact with and want to start talking to again.
10. Learn how to cook five new recipes. You don't need to go overboard with your cooking skills, but mastering five recipes in 6 months should be easy enough, give you enough time for the whole trial-and-error process and make you feel more confident that you can actually cook and don't need to order food as much as you usually do.

F T C : This video is sponsored by Skillshare.

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For those who need it:
1. Organize your budget for 2020.
2. Read one book per month.
3. Declutter one thing.
4. Schedule all apointments.
5. Think about your goals
6. Cut back.
7. Plan something big.
8. Exercise for 30 days.
9. Call someone.
10. Learn 5 recipes.

Omg, Mariana liked my comment. I love you!


A video showing exactly how you organize your finances on the excel sheet would be amazing. I really would like to see how you organize that excel sheet


When I read "before 2020" for a second I thought it was about 5 years left for that day... but it's almost here! 😱


It's mid year and we need to take action ♡ reading, decluttering, journaling, planning my projects for 2020 are all on my list too :)


I like that theres still 5 month to 2020. So i can take my time to actually do it! <3


I love the idea of reflecting your goals halfway through the year. Life happens and sometimes you need to realize that the goals you started out the year with my no longer be in line with what you really want


I know a lot of YouTube channels don’t like to put their notes of their video within the description, but thank for you for doing so!!


Mariana, I enjoy your content so much. Your videos are fresh, uplifting, relaxing, inspiring, and authentic! i never feel like time was wasted when watching your videos! thank you!


Eu amo sua voz e seu sotaque! As vezes paro pra assistir seus vídeos novamente nos momentos em que a organização e os estudos me estressam, só pela calma que a sua voz passa e a motivação que você gera em mim pra continuar agindo haha much love ❤️


I love the your content, it gives me hope and soothes my anxious self.


so many videos recently, feel so blessed <3 thank you so much for your inspo recently 🧡


You are such an inspiration to me Mariana, thank you for your content ❤️🌼


I simply love your videos They are brighten up my days!!!! 🤩😍


I find every video you release is so innovative...something new as always...love that....😊


wow you'r the first youtuber talk about the new year's plan early,
thank u it' was helpful


I love your videos
N everything
By far the best motivational youtuber
Love you so much
Xoxo ❣❣


Came across this video on my page and I don't regret clicking on it. 😀 I already do all these except one that I sort of partially do: "schedule all appointments"

I do schedule all appointments except when it comes to visiting the doctor. Ha. Gotta go book that appointment.


This is a great video idea. Lots of great ideas in this video and will definitely be implementing some.


i'm going for 6 recipes & 30 books (!!) by the end of the year! this was super helpful, practical advice & i'm feeling super inspired


What I need a video on is starting life, how to move out, get your first job, write resumes, things like that... Things I don't see anyone talking about idk how I'm supposed to do this on my own when no one taught me ...
