TURN HEADS on the Rower at the Gym

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If you want to row FAST and row BIG watts, there are 3 non-negotiables. Keep in mind, this is specific to SPRINT rowing!

If you don’t do ALL three, it doesn’t matter how strong you are/think you are, you’re MISSING OUT on your potential!

This is why I’ve seen many 5’3” women pull 300-400+ watts while also seeing 6’5 men struggle to break 250 watts.


First, “heels planted”. When your heels stay down, you can jump back faster with each stroke and come up faster to take the next stroke - ESSENTIAL for short distance rows.

Second, there needs to be EXTRA focus on “pushing legs first, THEN swinging back”. Too often during short sprints can our form slip through the cracks and have us ending up with a “pull first”. If you pull first, you don’t get use out of your quads or hip swing!

Lastly, you gotta watch your handle height! This is OVERLOOKED through most rowing coaching but is ESSENTIAL for peak speed! If your hands aren’t lifted high and in-line with your rower, the handle has to “snap” into position each stroke, which means missed out power!

Hope this helps!! Let me know if this helped you row higher watts!
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Some good advice and some bad. 90 degrees in the legs is only like half slide. You should go up until your shins are vertical, you are missing out on several more feet of drive length. For many, heels must come up due to ankle mobility and that is ok, you can still generate power - it's not worth shortening the stroke.


I love doing a 500 m sprint whenever I’m wrapping up an erg session the sound of the fan makes me feel so strong. Only thing that beats it is pulling some sub 1:55s at a steady state


I saw this yesterday and tried it today. Knocked five seconds off my 2000m! Feet down from now on! Thanks!


Keep your heels planted to take lots of strokes quickly and powerfully.

Thanks for the advice. My date tonight will be very satisfied.


Thank you for this. Everytime, I see you, I think of Jim Carey. Is he your dad? Just asking. The Jim Carey vibe is REAL. Are you going to do a Peloton video?


Perfect that I found this video, got a rowing benchmark at orange theory today so I’ll try this put & see how I do, my feet can never stay planted


my heels come up, but I think it's due to bad flexion in ankles.


bro, please use your legs properly. You’re rowing something closer to a 3/4 stroke
