How to Hula Dance

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Get a little hula in your life by learning how to do these basic moves.

Step 1:
Stand facing your mirror with your feet about four inches apart. Bend your knees and put your hands on your hips.

Dance on a comfortable surface; the hula is always done barefoot.

Step 2:
Use this four-beat pattern for your feet. First, step eight inches to the right with your right foot. Second, bring your left foot toward your right without sliding it. Third, step with your right foot again, and fourth, bring your left foot toward your right, tapping the ground on the fourth beat. Switch directions, leading with the left foot.

Step 3:
Now bring your hips into the four-beat mix. As you step to the right, lower your foot toe-heel and lift your hip; repeat with your left foot and hip. Sway right, then left, right again, and then left again. Repeat to the left side.

Keep your knees bent – it helps your hips sway!

Step 4:
Bend your left arm so your hand is in front of the left side of your chest, palm facing down, fingers together and gently extended. Extend your right arm away from your body at shoulder level and keep your elbow slightly bent, your palm down, and your fingers together.

Step 5:
Without letting your left arm touch your chest, bend your elbows and wrists so they are swaying in a wave motion. On the first step to the left, switch so the left arm is extended and the right arm is in front of your right breast. Repeat.

As you move, keep your body relaxed but your shoulders still.

Step 6:
Look out at your extended hand while you're dancing. If mele, or traditional song, accompanies your dance, use your face and eyes to tell the story of the song. And don’t forget to smile! Hula dancing is for celebrations.

Did You Know?
19th-century Christian missionaries urged Hawaiian women to replace the hula skirt with a high-necked, long-sleeved gown called a holoku.
Рекомендации по теме

A sense of rhythm 😂😂😂
That cancels out half the world


I have a deadline at 12 a.m
Me: wow this dance seems interesting let’s do this 🤔


Instructor: "You will need: mirror, rhythm, grace, & sensuality"


I love this video. This is basic steps, practiced over and over with rhythm. I love the instructor and the woman keeping the beat with the drum. Hula is an art form, and complicated at that. You can not just jump in without basics. This is also a good workout.


My daughter never loved hula, now she’s starting to appreciate and love hula and she does nothing bt hula, she’s been doing hula for the past years, she is now 12 years old and still loves it❤️🥰💞she also got accepted to teach other kids hula, and is still teaching the neighborhood kids hula❤️ you guys move so gracefully I LOVE IT


Yes! Thank you Howcast for detailed explanation of each step and motion. I have fallen in love with Hula and it took me three years to fully get the rhythm of the dance. I just released a video of me performing Hawaiian dance numbers to weddings, trainings, and recitals. I decided to audition for a male performer spot at Polynesian Cultural Center here in Oahu, Hawaii and was rejected four times. I have worked hard to fully learn the basics and advanced motions. Finally, I got hired before I finished college. Take a look at my journey of learning this amazing dance without a good knowledge of it at first because I am from the Philippines and fully embracing it. I will also start a dance tutorial of the Hawaiian dance motions I have learned. You are all free to follow them and perform them if you wish. Mahalo nui loa and aloha! 🤙


Lol I remember how when I moved from Hawaii to Florida, I would always get my papers taken points off because I spelt Hawaii like Hawai'i. And I'd say it how it's supposed to be said. Not with a a but a v and I would get corrected and criticized. Well. I'm from Hawai'i so. I would like to think I know more than them.


It reminds me some of Belly Dancing, which I know how to do. Especially by using your hips, legs, and feet the most! As one possibly moving to Hawaii soon, hopefully I can learn these dances! 😄👍


I’m a Latina but I truly love how Hawaiian girls moves and dance I want to be Hawaiian so bad LOL


The dancers are beautiful and their movements are even more beautiful!

(I'm as white a haole as they come, but years ago I was in a pretty authentic Polynesian song and dance group...sometimes I really miss it!) 😃


October 21, 2017--- Great performance.. great education...I do NOT care what other people says..but I really enjoyed watching and liked it.. Probably doesn't matter what form it long you do it and enjoying doing it...Great job ladies....


i need to know the name of the song in the back 😩😍


I've been dancing hula for 4 years now and I love it! I live on Maui, and I go to the only Chirstian & Hawaiian school, Kamehameha School. I'm a native Hawaiian(: And noo, Hawaiians don't live in tiny grass shacks, and wear coconut bras! Haha(: I speak, breathe, and live aloha!


Well my 8th grade music teacher said to me, "Twilight(a nickname when gave me🙄) you have no sense of rhythm."

The memory of her still hunt me at night😭


God damnit I lost my grace and sensuality at my friends house


Delightful, I am trying to remember the nuances of Hawaii dance in order to teach my grandchildren (I must say as a youngster I wouldn't have thanked anyone for such direction...)


Wonderful ..
moreover is healing .. i have pain in walking 78yo i am trying since 4 years to find a solution physio acupuncture stretching .. 500 meters and my knee is sore i have to stop ! i sow in tv an american lad frim NY with knee problems after an injury, the guy has become a teacher un hawaïan culture and started dancing hula.. too as ethnic dance and his knee problem that was supposed to last for life … disappeared !!

I tried hula since one week .. is the second day 1st jan 2022 and 2 jan i walked 4 kilometers each day, no pain my wife was startled… mee too !!!😜👍
Thanks Hula spirits !
There is always something to learn


Im so glad that i live in the pacific and that is fiji 🇫🇯🏝😍


I don't think a debate is necessary just some simple facts. Filipino is not polynesian - fact. Micronesians are not Polynesians, that is why they are called Micronesian just like Melanesians are Melanesians. Polynesians have had our culture 'stolen' so many times that we really fight hard to maintain our identity. It's great that you identify with our people - Nakho Bear is part Filipino/Native American & he identifies with Hawaiians on a deep level - we are all connected in some way. Peace!


hula is such a beutiful and calm dance :)
