Can You Be a Therapist if You Have Mental Health Issues?

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I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
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Can i just say i love when you say 'Okay?' at the end of your statement it feels so reassuring.


I'm a therapist with depression. I try not to let my personal issues affect my work. Right now I work as a crisis counselor and my job is very stressful, so it can be hard at times.


I do wish to be a therapist and have a major interest in Psychology. However, I do have some of my own mental health problems and I am trying to surpass/recover from it.

I'm not really sure what this comment really achieves. So if anyone read it, have a good day/night. 😊


I dont know if i want to become a therapist. But i certanly feel that mental health and the human mind is very interesting. It might have to do with my own mental issues but still. Im studying psychology and dont see myself being recovered in many years to come.


I started abnormal psych yesterday! I love it sooo much! Something I did was on Christmas went to the hospital and passed out some goodies to the people on the psych ward. I also think a big thing that makes a difference is genuinely smiling at someone or complimenting their hair or shirt or something that makes them feel good. You never know what the people you walk past everyday are going through. A small kind gesture could be the reason they don't hurt themselves that night..or whatever the case may be. 


My parents don't believe I can make it because of my own mental illnesses but your videos keep reminding me how much I LOVE psychology and my mental illness actually motivates me to want to help people! I want to help loads of people! I will put all my effort into therapy and hopefully I'll recover soon


Hi katie, because of your videos I finally gathered te courage to reach out, i'm starting therapy next week. Im scared but thank you


I disagree with the assumption made that therapists have to be 'recovered'. That's quite difficult to define and lifespan psychology in addition to numerous theorists like Klein, Winnicott would say that recovery a.k.a personal development is a life long process. therefore it follows that most self reflective therapists both want to help clients and ALSO remain engaged with their own ongoing journey of recovery and in fact learn from the client. in my view if this dynamic is not in place, then that is not a true therapeutic alliance.


This really discouraged me, or made me sad I guess. I have mental health issues, but I really want to become a therapist because of the things I've experienced in my life. I really want to help others who have or are experiencing similar things, or dealing with mental health issues, because I know how debilitating, frustrating, and depressing living with mental health issues can be. How do you know if or when your healthy enough to be a therapist or work in psychology field?


Can I just say that I so appreciate that you say "we do this" or "we can stop self harming" you use "we" instead of "you". It makes me feel like I'm more normal and not as crazy!


It is very important to get help before you go into the profession. It can be very very hard and, for myself, has been very guilt provoking. I chose to step away from the profession for a moment to work on myself. In Social Work internships can be very difficult if you have issues that can be triggered by the work you are doing. Currently I am in therapy and working on my own issues before I go back to the field. A mental health diagnosis can be scary, but it isn't the end.


thanks for doing this channel. so helpful.


A current psychology student here. My mental illness is exactly what drives me to become a therapist. Not only has it made understanding course material better, it has also helped me to understand myself better. I have been diagnosed with ADHD and BPD, medication helps combat ADHD symptoms, and experience from dating a sociopath and a narcissist helped me put my BPD and codependency tendencies into remission. In theory, I want to specialize with those two disorders specifically. BPD is one of the most commonly misunderstood, and under-diagnosed mental illnesses. Many therapist refuse to treat those patients, because it can not be treated with common AD's sometimes the ADs can make the disorder worse. They grow frustrated with their patients because when the patient doesnt take the meds, or deviates from their coping strategies they label them as non-compliant. But when a therapist has experienced the same issues and was able to go into remission (as a professor and my therapist stated, BPD isnt something that can be cured or overcome) they are less likely to disregard or judge their patients when they know the triggers. Another thing, is being able to share with patients the wisdom of how to overcome these triggers. One thing college has taught me so far, is relationships are the biggest trigger for BPD, Not saying people with BPD should never get in a relationship, but we should be mindful about who we choose. Experience has proven that the co-dependency and BPD makes a magnet for Narcissistic, psycho, and sociopaths. But hypothetically speaking if I were dealing with a couple, where one is a mentally healthy individual, and one with BPD, I could confirm the issues with my patient, and help their partner manage those symptoms. For example, if a patient is triggered by the slightest change, maybe their partner started off affectionate, but suddenly went cold due to unrelated issues, I would advise their partner to be more mindful letting the patient know that the mood shift has nothing to do with them, and reassurance is necessary. Some require more than others but dating someone with BPD usually require more work than most. Probably alot of unnecessary info but I am procrastinating a difficult paper right now, was hoping to write it about the importance of therapist who focus 100% of their work on mental illness rather than addiction. Even though the 2 are co-morbid it has been extremely difficult finding a mental health therapist because they mostly specialize in addiction therapy, which I do not have and never had. Especially with living in a rural area, and reliant on government facilities. I will likely post this in another comment but two things, in the show Shameless, Frank hooks up with a crazy psychiatrist, and a statement she made when it was determined she was "crazy" "The best therapist are the crazy ones." The other thing is something my therapist said to me before I started is suggested that mental helathcare workers have therapist of their own, whether they suffer with mental illness or not, because there is such a high burn out rate in the field.


great question. I am on the back end of 17 years of depersonalisation disorder and have just started training as a therapist. I'm required to be in therapy for 4 years during the duration of my training. I wouldn't say the dp really changes my ability but there are certainly things related to the disorder that must be worked on before I can professionally help others. I have noticed a lot of other students with similar issues and it's clearly very important to be in therapy throughout, which should usually be the case with the properly accedited course.


Thank you for answering this question. I'm struggling to continue a relationship with my Mum because of her emotional neglect and abuse while growing up. I did talk to her about my childhood a few years ago, she seemed to take some of it on board but she was in denial of many things. I don't feel that she wants to take responsibility for her actions when i was younger, now i am married and thinking about having a child with my husband and i fear she will want more involvement in my life. I am recovering from BPD and after many years am finally considered recovered by my therapist. As much as i've progressed in my life and recovery, i feel like she is one person i still struggle with. I acknowledge the good parts of her, but she still can't accept her part in my diagnosis. Thank you Katie, i really get a lot out of your videos, you are helping so many people <3


re:journal topic...even though i was severely depressed myself, i went to spend time with a friend who also struggles with depression. i took her a coloring book (because that sometimes helps me relax). she loved it, and i felt hugely blessed for having seen her and, it seemed, giving her some hope.


I've been clean and sober for over 6yrs now and I run AA meetings help with peer-support, sponsoring new comers, and also mentoring. I've started school for psychology but had to pull myself out due to health issues. However I still help all my AA members and even people on Facebook. I feel that this my purpose in life and it also helps me to help others. I will continue to learn from others and teach others how I stay clean and sober. P/S I also help non-users who have loved ones who are alcoholics and addicts. All this deals with all sorts of mental issues. I pray in my own HOPI way for each and everyone on this planet.


2 roll models I have as far as becoming a therapist with a mental illness is Frederick J. Frese, Ph.D., a schizophrenic who became a Director of Psychology at Western Reserve Psychiatric Hospital. Elyn R. Saks, not a therapist but professor of law, not a therapist but still a roll model. If they can make it that far why does your work require you to tell them about your mental condition???


I really like her personality she gives off such a comforting and cheerful persona and other therapists are harder to talk to sometimes.


I have generalized anxiety and insertive thoughts and I am great at dealing with them and i would like to persue becoming a therapist when i am older. (As i am only a teen) And i want to help people, because i have already helped myself and continue to everyday. So i will continue to pursue my dream. thank you for the video xoxo
