YOU Get Cheaper Car Insurance With THESE Hacks!

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New driver? Looking to get cheaper car insurance? In this video, we'll show you things you need to know, that will bring your price down!

We'll explain everything you need to know about getting cheaper car insurance for new or young drivers. We explain the different types of insurance cover, black box insurance, named drivers, how the car you're in affects your policy and loads more! We'll also give you some tips on how to get the best rates possible, so you can hit the road safe and affordable!
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Just passed my test today, 9 hours of lessons with 1 minor, can safely say your videos have helped me a ton, thanks for all of your hard work that goes into them


I’ve literally spent the last 3 months over analysing insurance premiums for a lower price man 😭 thank you


Additional drivers is a weird but useful tip. I added my mum and my cousin and it knocked my premium down significantly, about £150 cheaper.


I passed my test last week I watch so much of your videos thank you so much


I Past my test first attempt on Tuesday and ur videos helped me to pass along with my amazing driving choice school


Thanks for the tips guys, after a long wait for my test due to seeing no spaces I’ve finally passed my driving exam on the 12th September, got 8 minor faults so not a small amount but that could be to do with the fact I passed first time in an area I’ve never stepped foot in never mind drove a car there. really enjoyed the video no bs’ing or wasting time just straight to the point concise and informative 100% will help me to get cheaper insurance as the prices I’m seeing right now are insane 3.5k for a 1.5k car lol crazy crazy prices.


Thanks for this 👍👍 I think I'll get a black box when I pass. That bit at the end was just typical french car quality!!!


I’ve got a black box and honestly it ain’t that bad, you sort of learn how hard you can break before it marks you, first week I went below my minimum points but soon went back to 100 and is staying at 100 😊

Also be careful if you keep changing things when seeing if you can get it cheaper, they pull you up on it and can see how many times you’ve tried


Great video like always; could you do a video searching for a car and how to pick one on how many miles it has done, fuel, price etc… thanks


Deep down, we all know you love this Peugeot 😂. Brilliant content
Please could you make a video on how to find a decent car & price range for a first-time driver or in general e.g. ranking brands, mileage, n.o. previous owns.

Thanks 😊


Another tip is the the date you choose for your insurance to start is important as well. Trying to pay for insurance a month in advance will bring it down.


Thanks for the tips. Quality Video. Quality Info.


Whether this is helpful for people or not, when I passed my test I got a brand new Peugeot 108 on a ‘just add fuel’ deal which I paid £270 (will obviously vary person to person depending on deposit and yearly mileage) a month and that included the cost of the car, insurance, they also pay for 3 years worth of tax and you get free roadside assistance and 3 years of free servicing BUT I had to have a black box for 3 years because I was under 21. This didn’t bother me as i do think it made me a better driver, it just annoys other people more😅 You have to be 18 but they don’t require a certain amount of years experience so it’s great for new drivers and it’s a 3 year finance contract! I found it so much easier to manage everything in 1 payment, it was such a good deal to have as a new driver! I think Vauxhall do something similar aswell! 😊

Now I’ve been driving a few years and I’ve got my no claims built up, I have my dad as a named driver as he’s been driving 30+ years and he drives for work so that has also brought mind down slightly!

Doing it early also brings it down slightly, I did mine 3 weeks in advance and saved myself about £25-£30 so worth looking!


So is the black box kind of like the Otimo app, that tracks your drive and tells you how good your doing? If so that’s good.
Also you need to declare any mods on your car, I have a ramp for my wheelchair and you need to tell them about those to, even down to stickers/decals can up your insurance!!!


Can you do a video on secondly traffic lights please?


Black boxes wouldn't work in my country because it's more dangerous to stick to the speed limits when everyone else is going double it 😂


what I've found is that if your car is too old than the insurance is also higher, atm the sweet spot is 2008 cars


I’d bet getting a black box would save you money on fuel too. It’s essentially encouraging you to drive smooth.


BE CAREFUL not to heavily quote insurance companies. You WILL get black listed. I was messing around with a fair amount, and some times it would increase a lot which I didn't understand why. So I kept changing and eventually the cheapest companies stopped giving quotes to me... I dont know if it can be revsersed


With your very last tip, be careful - the exact same car, but with different reg plates, can cost way more or way less. I see this a lot, with the worst I've seen being two identical Suzuki Swifts where the same company offered £992 for one but about £1800 for the other. I think they look into the history of that particular car and go off that
