The Real Reason Why The Malfoys Hated Muggles and Muggleborns

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Please watch: "The Life Of Marius de Romanus (Vampire Chronicles)"
Join me as I dig deep into the Malfoy family history and try to understand where such a hatred for non magical folk stems from.

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I find it kinda funny that Lucius followed a half blood


I think Petunia Dursley is the reverse of Lucius Malfoy.


What I learned from this video is that Malfoys always have beautiful hair.


1000 years of hatred is hard to imagine when i cant even stay mad for a day


I just realized how much Harry Potter and Tom Riddle/Voldemort had a similar up bringing. Both characters were orphaned as babies, they grew up not being liked by the people in the place they resided at, Harry and Tom both felt like they didn't belong, they both spoke parcel tongue, they loved escaping to Hogwarts each school year to get away from the muggle world, and they each had to discover their ancestry bit by bit while growing up.

Though they have these few things in common, they viewed the world and their situations in their lives differently, which in the end lead to them taking different paths as they grew up.


I did not know the Malfoys came from France. Good video, brother!!!


Fun fact: Malfoy actually means "bad faith" in French!


I read a fanfiction that also described the hatred of Muggleborns as a clash of ideals and traditions. The idea was that Muggleborns were raised with Muggle ideas and beliefs, and when they found something in the Wizarding World that they didn't like, they would try to change that. Take Hermione ans SPEW. She constantly tried to get people to join. Now slavery and racism is by no means right, but the position of house-elves was something deep rooted in wizarding culture. People will always try to protect their beliefs, and the idea is that purebloods deeply desired to protect Wizarding traditions.


Nice video! But I'd like to bring up that the Malfoys actually were pretty integrated in the muggle society after they established themselves in Britain, specifically economically. Beginning with their connection to King George they started investing in muggle industries and gaining connections with the muggle elite. That's mainly how they amassed their wealth and power.
The Malfoys actually opposed the statute of secresy, as they had made powerful connections with royalty and other high class wealthy muggles. They thought there was a difference between poor and rich muggles and didn't want to lose their economical and social influence they had over some of the most powerful muggles.
But when they realized that the statute was going into effect and it had the support of most purebloods they quickly switched sides for the newly founded ministry of magic and cut all ties to muggles and denied ever having fraternised with them.

Just some interesting backstory which shows just how ambitious and power hungry the Malfoys have always been.


I thought the Malfoys came from France originally because of the name, but I didn't know about this story, thanks!


This makes a lot of sense! I always felt sorry for Draco. Tom played him well I think giving both the bully side and the side that was confused about what to do at the end. Side question. I'm sorta surprised with everyone else getting a Discord server that you haven't created a server for HPF yet even if it's only for the patrons as a level/rank award. Would it be something you'd consider for 2019?


I did not know about Armand Malfoy and the history of the Malfoy family. Very nice video.


I've always been interested in the Malfoy family. I'm glad you made this


I had no idea about Armand and that backstory. Your channel has developed a deeper appreciation for the Wizarding World.
It's unfortunate that people aren't as receptive of the Grindelwald era movies as they are of the Voldemort era books and movies


The Malfoys are 3 of my favourite characters, especially Lucius. The characters have depth and they evolve. I especially like Lucius' perfect looks : long white hair, elegant cothes, handsome features, proud bearing. Lucius and Draco are annoying at first because of their hateful attitude, but after they fall in disgrace, one can see pain, even traces of remorse.


It would be a darker take if they made a spin off film that that takes place centuries back when witches and wizards were being hunted by Muggles and the events that lead to the Statue of Secrecy becoming wizard law.


I feel like the only reason most people, including me, like draco is because of how tom portrayed him in the film's


Great video. Thanks for constantly posting such interesting videos.


Great video, mate. Salazar Slytherin makes a similar argument as Armand Malfoy, that wizards need to distance themselves from Muggles because of the "dangers" Muggles present to wizard wellbeing. The veracity of those claims is probably pretty inflated, but it's definitely interesting to see how what might have been a more legitimate reason thousands of years ago can be warped over time to become something more hateful.


I remember reading about Armand Malfoy on Pottermore. It makes sense that the family originally came from France considering J.K. Rowling had stated that the name Malfoy came from 'Mal foi' meaning bad faith in French.
