Judge says Lindsey Graham must answer questions to grand jury but limits scope of testimony

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Thank God!!! These creeps lie and are hiding their sins. Otherwise they’d talk!!
Liar liar


If Lindsey pleads the fifth in Georgia which he will it will only validate what we’ve
Been say all along
That he’s a coward
And a liar

Lindsey Graham’s Net Worth is over $100 Million. Lindsey Graham is one of the richest senators in the US, with a net worth exceeding millions of dollars. Lindsey Graham is currently serving senator of South Carolina-each state in the union has a politician that represents the character of that state-Let’s look at Lindsey Grahams character: g

Lindsey Graham is not any more entitled than anyone else
Just because he’s a lousy and incompetent Congressmen
He’s not above the law

He never offers a solution he criticizes and attacks

And the only policy’s he supports are policies that protect millionaires

Like a lot of his supporters think he’s entitled to?

Graham and his lawyers have said he made the calls in his then-role as a chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, adding in a statement last month that he "was well within his rights to brake the law and investigate with state officials the processes and procedures into overturning the 2020 election."

Attorneys for Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, have argued that a provision of the U.S. Constitution provides absolute protection against a senator braking the Law But the judge found there are “considerable areas of potential grand jury inquiry” that fall outside that provision’s scope. The judge also rejected Graham’s argument that the principle of “sovereign immunity” protects a U.S. senator from being summoned by a state prosecutor for a criminal offense .

Lindsey Graham’s Net Worth is over $100 Million. Lindsey Graham is one of the richest senators in the US, with a net worth exceeding millions of dollars. Lindsey Graham is currently serving senator of South Carolina-each state in the union has a politician that represents the character of that state-Let’s look at Lindsey Grahams character:

Lindsey Graham is a lier when it comes to taxes. When big business development does down its not because of increase in cooperate taxes
it goes down because CEOs of these cooperations give themselves big bonuses.
How many of you out their working middle class are allowed to give yourself a bonus of say 900 million dollars?

Lindsey Graham is a Fraud he only looking out for corporations who give him millions in campaign contributions and his 100 million dollars.

New bill in congress to increased IRS enforcement will focus on large corporations and wealthy Americans such as Lindsey Graham who have over 100 million dollars

Lindsey Grahams qualifications for being a senator:

Is a lier
A cheat
A thief
A fraud
A failure as human being
An opportunist


Let’s look at Lindsey Graham and the example he sets:

(Beware of any politician that turns off their comments on their wed site(youtube) its a sign their hiding something.)

Lindsey Graham’s Net Worth is over $100 Million.

Lindsey Graham is one of the richest senators in the US, with a net worth exceeding millions of dollars. Lindsey Graham is currently serving as the senior United States senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003.

Lindseys pension (provided by the taxes of the working class)value can be up to 80% of the his final salary.Since 2009 Congressional pay has been $174, 000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139, 200.7
Meanwhile senior citizens on fixed incomes have to pay for Medicare out of their social security

According to the most recent data, 12% of seniors are trying to live on an income of less than $10, 000 a year while 55% are trying to survive on less than $25, 000 a year. 
Is this why he has no interest in raising money on the rich so it won’t effect his 100 million?

Do you think that a man like Lindsey Graham could live on an income of 10 thousand dollars a year ?

How is it that the man who works in a factory or collects Lindseys garbage pays a higher tax rate than multi millionaire Lindsey Graham?

You can get Lindsey Graham to do anything you want him to do IF you have enough money
Let’s take a look

Notice folks how Lindsey is against any legislation or policy that threatens to tax his 100 million dollars-
He like a lot of his political prostitutes (McConnell ect)in Washington tell you that it hurts employment when big corporations are taxed-
Here’s a good example

six largest drug companies(which Lindsey Graham has investments in) in the U.S. made nearly $50 billion dollars in profits, while the ten highest paid pharmaceutical executives made over $500 million dollars in total compensation

the federal government (by way of Lindsey graham )has given these pharmaceutical companies billions dollars (tax payers money)and a short time later the head of these companies give themselves $900 million bonus’s-
This Lindsy Grahams way of creating more jobs for the economy

Isn’t it time that South Carolina put up a bill board that reads you’ve just entered the state represented by Lindsey Graham the biggest political prostitute in Washington?

So there is a cap on income subject to Social Security taxes which is just $147, 000 a year. That means that if you’re a multi-millionaire like Lindsey Graham you pay the same amount into Social Security as someone making $147, 000 a year. 

So could this be the reason why Lindsey Graham attacks politicians who want to raise the tax rate on millionaires?

Do think Lindsey Graham would want to have any money taken from his millions of dollars?

Meanwhile retired senior citizens have to pay for Medicare out of their social security-could this explain why Lindsey Graham adopted his sister (does this make her his daughter?)so she could receive his medical benefits(medical benefits that are paid by the American working class)?

What does say about people who support and vote for Lindsey Graham?

Lindsey Grahams idea of a mature man and his qualifications for being a senator:

Is a lier
A cheat
A thief
A fraud
A failure as human being
An opportunist


Let’s look at Lindsey Graham and the example he sets:

(Beware of any politician that turns off their comments on their wed site(youtube) its a sign their hiding something.)

Lindsey Graham’s Net Worth is over $100 Million.

Lindsey Graham is one of the richest senators in the US, with a net worth exceeding millions of dollars. Lindsey Graham is currently serving as the senior United States senator from South Carolina, a seat he has held since 2003.

Lindseys pension (provided by the taxes of the working class)value can be up to 80% of the his final salary.Since 2009 Congressional pay has been $174, 000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139, 200.7
Meanwhile senior citizens on fixed incomes have to pay for Medicare out of their social security

According to the most recent data, 12% of seniors are trying to live on an income of less than $10, 000 a year while 55% are trying to survive on less than $25, 000 a year. 
Is this why he has no interest in raising money on the rich so it won’t effect his 100 million?

Do you think that a man like Lindsey Graham could live on an income of 10 thousand dollars a year ?

How is it that the man who works in a factory or collects Lindseys garbage pays a higher tax rate than multi millionaire Lindsey Graham?

You can get Lindsey Graham to do anything you want him to do IF you have enough money
Let’s take a look

Notice folks how Lindsey is against any legislation or policy that threatens to tax his 100 million dollars-
He like a lot of his political prostitutes (McConnell ect)in Washington tell you that it hurts employment when big corporations are taxed-
Here’s a good example

six largest drug companies(which Lindsey Graham has investments in) in the U.S. made nearly $50 billion dollars in profits, while the ten highest paid pharmaceutical executives made over $500 million dollars in total compensation

the federal government (by way of Lindsey graham )has given these pharmaceutical companies billions dollars (tax payers money)and a short time later the head of these companies give themselves $900 million bonus’s-
This Lindsy Grahams way of creating more jobs for the economy

Isn’t it time that South Carolina put up a bill board that reads you’ve just entered the state represented by Lindsey Graham the biggest political prostitute in Washington?


Just tell the court you are gay and Trump threatened to tell everybody Miss Lindsey.


lindsay, someday your parents will be proud of you. someday!


Smelt pot for alliumnum cans not drugs. Congress is foolish.


Lindsey, just tell the truth and tell the Grand Jury that Trump forced you to do this.


Start the War were ready more of us the You. You dropped the Ball we've already set up in ur Town Dems.


Perjury perjury perjury complicit accomplice??? You
