Synthetic Pharmaceutical Estrogen Plus Progesterone Birth Control Options for Menopause - 42

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Are you kidding? Birth control as a hormone source when menopause is on my doorstep? Is that really an option? What if you don’t need birth control? Is it still an option? Why would any woman choose to take birth control if she doesn’t need it specifically for birth control?

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This must be the most comprehensive video on Birth Control Pills that I ve ever seen. For me you are the BEST, Barbie!!!


OMG! You are sent to us from Gods! I am family medicine practicing physician just a little over a year after finishing residency. I have watched a few videos (out of order, sorry :)) and I have learned more from you on this topic that I did in medschool and residency. I don’t even know how to thank you for what you do! Wishing you health, prosperity and a long, happy life!


I crawled slowly to this video 42, and you have over 200 ones, I should be awarded to watch all theses and learn :)). Thanks for your time making these great videos.


As someone who has to be on birth control this video... is a gift. I should have found it 4 years ago when I started and was freaking out and crying about having to take birth control. Can't wait for our meeting in a few weeks!


I can’t thank you enough for sharing all of your knowledge! 🙏🏻 I was so clueless before you!
I can’t believe how little most doctors I’ve seen seem to know about menopause. It makes me feel like somehow menopausal women are not important to most of the medical community, or there would be more education on the subject. :/ Anyway, thank you again, Barbie.. You’re the best!!


This video is about to change my life!


I am blown away!! I had no idea!! After our appointment yesterday (I'm Bonnie Clark) I am going to try birth control for sure!


2 1/2 years ago my periods started going wonky. About 1 1/2 years ago my night sweat & hot flashes began. Thus began my foray into peri-menopause. I've been watching alot of your videos and got pretty excited watching this one in particular...until you mentioned not taking BC pills at age 55 ( I just turned 55 a few weeks ago). Would you mind explaining why 55 is the cutoff for BC pills?? I'd really like to know and maybe other women would too. I'd also like to thank you for all of your tutorials. They're so helpful and informative!


Thank you as someone who had a partial hysterectomy early. I have not heard this at all ever ! Thank you


Boy I sure did learn A LOT from this video...I had a lightbulb moment. I wish I knew all these misconceptions about birth control when I was in peri-menopause because the "horror stories" are what scared me away. Had I known all this information back in my peri days I could have saved myself a lot of unnecessary symptoms. But...we live and learn. On another note, I love how you framed all your degrees....gorgeous frames and matting/placement and the lights. I'm going to take a wild guess and say you decorated your home :-).


Just had an aha moment with this video. Birth control isn't bad. I'm 55 an doing great on my birth control pills; however, next year the doctor is talking about discussing other options. I left her office confused. This video brought a lot of light to the pill and HRT. Thank you so much Barbie. I'm am now prepared for the next pause of life.


Fantastic tutorial!
I forwarded this (and 41) to my step daughter and expressed my desire for her to watch ALL your videos in order.
Thank you so much!


Thank you so much, I learned a lot from your video
My mom was in menopause at the age of 60 lucky girl !!
I just turned 48 and since 6-7 months I started having those symptoms which made clear to me I was in perimenopause (insomnia, moods, dry skin and thin hair, but not yet hotflashes....) My gynecologist put me on Klaira, a tetraphasic birthcontrol pill (in the US I think it is marketed as Natazia ...), and told me that as long as it was well tolerated, I can go on untill I'll be 55... I just finished my second blister and I feel really good. My body probabily loves estrogen !! My gynecologist had to insist a lot to put me in Klaira due to my stupid fears and misconceptions, but thanks to your videos I have learned more about my body.
What is your opinion about this estradiol valerate + dienogest pill ?
Thank you


Hello Dr Barbie. I’m 51, in peri menopause. I had 4 continuous nights of hot flashes/ night sweats, then it stopped and no more symptoms. I haven’t had a period going on 2 months already so that confirmed the peri menopause. just went to my ob/gyn for my annual and mentioned my symptoms and asked for birth control. Unfortunately, I was given the scare tactic talk about hrt and birth control at my age, etc. She then proceeded to tell me how she managed her Menopause (no hormones, supplements, etc) which kind of defeated the purpose of “my menopause, my way”, not hers. You were soooo right, omg!!! That being said, I explained that I was on birth control for 12 years, coming off 2 years after having my daughter, 42 years old. I told her I don’t smoke, don’t drink, I go to the gym etc… but she gave me a estrogen patch, no progestin, for three months which is what I didn’t want in the first place. I’m going to find another provider because it’s just pointless with getting what I want. My question is; was I wrong for asking for birth control or should I just wait till I’m in full/post menopause? I did great on birth control when I was on it that’s why I wouldn’t mind taking it until 55. Thank you.


Now I know exactly what I want and what to do from perimenopause onwards. Great to recap this playlist Barbie.


Thank you a million times for what makes complete logical sense. So profound. Only thing is how to convince your doctor once over 35.


Omg!!! How do I thank you 🙏🏽. You are a lifesaver-TRULY. I’ve learned so much watching your videos. I haven’t watched them in exact order, but wow, oh wow, do I appreciate all you are doing/have done for us. I’m eternally grateful. God bless you. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


I so wish I'd known all this 20 years ago! Thank you so much for educating us! I will make sure my daughter is more educated than me! I'm at a loss though. I just turned 54. My periods in the last year have been about every 4 months, and very light. When I asked to go on bioidentical HRT so I could sleep at night and quit getting frequent hot flashes, Im now taking estradiol cream, and progesterone pills 12 days out of the month. After 2 full cycles though, I still haven't had a period. I don't want to get uterine cancer, but no period. I'm thinking my estradiol may be too low, because while my hot flashes are way better, I wake up every night drenched. I guess I just want to know if I should be concerned? You recommended a DFW doctor above, and thank you so much! I am going to call tomorrow. Should I be concerned not having period after I stop my 12 day progesterone? Because I stopped last Thursday, not nothing. :(


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help


Dr. Taylor,
I cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work and effort you put into helping women manage their menopause their way. Your videos are a blessing.
I am almost 43 and am beginning to experience symptoms of perimenopause (night sweats, difficulty sleeping, forgetfulness, mood swings). I began researching and found your videos after a conversation with my 67 year old mother whose only advice for me was to NOT take hormones because “they cause breast cancer.” I knew I needed to dig deeper.
I had not been using any form of hormonal birth control for the past 9 years since my son was born and my husband had a vasectomy. I have decided that the benefits of birth control outweigh any risks and began taking it today.

I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly: my doctor prescribed oral Levonorgestrel-Ethinyl Estradiol 0.15-0.03 and I’m trying to determine if this dosage is enough to reap the benefits of protection for

Thank you immensely for your guidance!
