Why kids need to hate their parents sometimes

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From the 2012 Aspen Ideas Festival: What Is the Goal of Parenting?
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My parent is a control freak and....

I lost my mind....I had a breakdown in the bathroom, my head still hurts



They told me to clean.. I said “wait” they got mad. I started putting things on the floor so I could sweep and they just started yelling at me. I wish I was never born sometimes.
Edit: should I keep this up..?


The problem am lisening to wish even my parents should lisen to this


hearing dis makes me wish i had better parents n a better family that is why many kids joined gangs they looking for something they don't find at home


I’m not aloud to get angry at my parents


I hate my parents… I am completely different from them and I can’t express my opinions or I get yelled at and then I cry because I can’t deal with people yelling at me. It makes me feel alone so I cry at night in my bed.


Just because there older they also need to give us respect


My mom never lets me go out with anyone other than my mom and dad so my social skills are pretty much non-existence and I didn’t have any friends so I became a shut in.when I was 10 they got divorced and my dad took custody of me and my sister.ive been a little more freer but old habits die hard so I became what you would call a pathetic sociopath.and I didn’t know how to play any sports either and PE is the one class people always looked forward to.i exercised a little bit with them and then just sit on the sides doing homework or reading a book while the other as go play football(soccer) or dodgeball.theyd always judge me for being lazy or weak and the coach being the kind teacher he is let’s me sit on the sides cause I’m properly doing my homework and increasing my knowledge about history and other kinds of stuff.still I could’ve got along with them if my mom wasn’t such a control freak.regrets


I hate both of my parents because of the bad type of schools that they chose for me when I was younger which led me to be bullied and being hit when I was only 9 years old. My mom and dad beat me at least once in their lives. I 've also seen my parents fight in front of me. My parents only cared about bearing as many children as they can without realizing the consequences of such a decision and I refuse to walk into their footsteps because I know that I will be a bad mother and parent and I don't want to be the reason for a child being emotionally or physically hurt like I was by my parents. And that makes me believe that there is no point of marriage and having kids for me!


I hate my parents but i didn't said i dont love them


I hate my parents. But I think are all parents like that only.they are main cause of my depression.they keep on insulting me from dusk till dawn. Sometimes I think to commit suiscide and end my pain not my life but then I appreciate myself that I live with them one more day. They are the sole reason that why I think my life is a hell


My parents r different. I always do Everything they tell me to do. Ever since last year I never said no to anything they told me. Although I sometimes show that I’m mad or lazy to do it but they don’t mind. Even after doing those things they say that I *ABUSE* them because I just did 1 mistake. For example. Since I’m grounded (for almost 4 weeks and it’s summer and quarantine) I wake up in the middle of the night to take my phone without permission. They’d go ham as if you are fighting 2 lawyers at the sametime. Although they get mad at me I just stay quiet and not say a word although in my mind I have 100 reasons on why i should’ve done that. Basically my parents Are those types where they want you to be perfect and not commit a single mistake. And it has been bugging me ever since I switched from living to my grandmas to my dads and step moms. I really hate them because 1st my dad broke my promise. He said he allowed me to be a gamer and support me all the way until I grow up. 2nd It’s summer and I can’t do anything like going outside since quarantine, 3rd he never was or I think he was grateful when i do things that he tells me to do, also when I said yes when he could marry again. And lastly my dad says things like “ I understand you, “ although he doesn’t. He acts like he does but he does not and I can tell because he doesn’t understand why i keep getting The phone / my phone even though I’m grounded. And for my step mom, She always busts in and makes conversations to me to make ideas to my dad and do things like taking away my phone and what so ever. She’s also a good reasoner. Until now. I HATE THEM. And I want to live with my mom, I just turned 13 and when I get to do that choice I’m going for it right away.


My parents say i should finish studying then i can play, when i finish studying for soo long and i sit down and play they get sooo angry;i swear to never study again, u only live one so they should leave me alone.


my parents are Christians. filipino christians. theyre very traditional anti- LGBT, sexist, racist and truly judgemental.
i just want to stop being christian cause idk. they think its a cycle.
i used to love them


I hate my parents a lot, they treat me like a jerk!!!


I dont hate my parents, i was raised by my grand mother, i love her but i..dont know anymore.. sure, she did raise me since i was like 6.. but the more i become more old, in mid teens, she began to blame everytthing to me.. well you see, two of my uncles are both shit.. one is alchoholic and only sells our stuffs without out consent.. my third uncle had a motorcycle but one of my other uncles sold it.. then we only just discovered it the next day and.. to be honest, hes done that for like 3-4 times.. my grand mother gets furious to me for no absolute reason, when i was in her sight and i was like walking a bit, he told me to stop running all over the place because its annoying, then swears a lot.. well you see, shes a kind of woman where she raised all her child in a way where he dont baby her babies... to the point that my mother was influenced by that and when i heard them talkin about my mother’s freind because she have a new born child.. then my mother told her freind not to baby her baby because if she let the baby cry and cry, the baby wont be a cry baby when he gets old because its tears will run out.. then my grandmother said that was the right thing to say because babies arent supposed to be babied.. i was like to my self “what the fuck? Where the fuck did these people learn you can run out of tears?” But ofcourse i cant say that, that was only my thought... then one day i told my uncle to stop selling our things (btw hes the most lazy guy ive ever saw in my whole 15 years of life at that time) but he didnt even listen.. but later on my grandmother finds about that and hurt me a lot, then later on she apologized and told me while shouting, remember, WHILE SHOUTING “YOU SHOULDNT TALK TO YOUR UNCLE LIKE THAT, HE IS OLDER AND RESPECT HIM, HE MAY BE A WORTHLESS HUMAN BEING BUT DONT TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT (i wasnt even taking to my uncle in a bad way, i was in a calm mood) IM SORRY I HIT YOU AND IM NOT PROTECTING HIM, IM NOT PROTECTING ANYONE AND IM NEUTRAL” and again, i was to my self “you call that neutral mate?” Then one day her fingers was like uhm, inflamation or something and i was suggesting to put in ice but.. she refuses because of her beliefs.. stories or myths told to her when she was a child.. that it wil worsen the inflamation if she were to put ice on it.. well i wouldnt care about that but she began to shout to me i should be doing all household work because her hands hurt.. (well if she were to put ice on her hand, then life will be fucking better) but actually, when she told me that, ALL THE HOUSEHOLD WORK WERE DONE... WHAT AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO.... though tbh im still thankful and i respect and love her so much.. but i dont really like this side of her.. she was around 58+ at that time btw...

At one point they told me to clean, i said “wait, 10 minutes, just a moment” the. they said ok.. then 2 minutes have passed and they started yelling at me... i was like What???? Then one day they gave me money, but when i spent it, they got mad? I was like to my self: then why’d ya all gave me this fucking money? Yall didnt even say i shouldnt spend it yet but yall angry.. dfuq?

But i shouldnt let them make me say “i hope i wasnt born” because i can help myself. I aint gonna let them make me suicide or something.. ive nver even tried parasuicide because i know myself more than they do but i for sure know i know them more than they do because my grandmother is actually so religious and always like um pray? Well i dont really believe any religion because most war is because of religion and religions make us do bad things like animal cruelty.. jews have a ritual or they sacrifice chickens with their necks slit open in public and be happy covered in blood.. humans are also animals.. literally... and i aint gonna let someone i dont know control my life lol... why? Maybe because of my grandmother.. when i was really small like kindergarten or something my teachers would say god is good and also people who believe in him.. but when i saw that side of my grandmother i was like “oh yeah for sure” and i dont realy see god good.. why? In this story of moses.. sure, egyptians slaved people but not all was like that and still he brought disaster to the whole country, why? GUESS WHAT? BECAUSE THEY DIDNT BELIEVE GOD.. OH SHIT HERE WE GO, hes literally like Hitler but worse... very like a dictator but worse. he be like: oh you dont follow me? You dont pray to me? Die you son of a bitch..

People might say God uses evil for good.. imma be like: for his good? I think so.. or maybe for his entertainment? Maybe??? For all human’s good? OH HELL NO I DONT THINK SO.. look at out surrounding.. all the people in the whole world.. this really is the result of all evil he did? This shit results? Bruh... jesus sacrifices himself for our sins.. oh shit.. hmm did you see that? You gonna believe some old rusty book? Ok imma write a book where it says you will die tomorrow, please believe that... you might say history book or stories aint true, there was no religion wars.. thats the point.. you dont believe ti history books? Well wakey wakey i also dont believe to your bible books or stories.. suprised? 😀 maybe i can believe theres a good higher being but not those in man-made religions.. its all manmade.. why would i believe all that.. if he *is* real.. then RIP but imma never gonna take back what i said about him looking like an evil dude.. people said everything that happens is planned by him.. oh yeah? He also planned this comment? Then later on he’ll probably kill me or give me harsh shit? So hes more like a murder mastermind, orsome psycho son of a bitch lmao, im now 25, alive and well very happy.. i felt more free without religion, no longer disturbingly fearing hell.. i dont even understand the concept of heaven, they say its a happy place but when i asked a preist what kind of happy place is heaven and why they cant explain it, he said “its something so good and happy place, so happy that it can never be explained through words” but that sounded more like an alibi for knowing nothing.. lmao thats like asking a mass murderer why he killed all that people and hes gonna be like “its for good, the reason is because it can never be explain through words” and policemen lets him out and deals with it..



*clicks off*


hearing all dis i get so sad n angry to hear about kids being mistreated by their parents n no one does nuthen i don't like my parents they toxic my father is a women beater n my mother a control freak i sometimes ask GOD why he gave stupid parents
i used to consider christians as my family but know i don't cuz the bible says honor ur mother n father it's a commandent in the bible i really hate das why i got into martial arts n i consider my martial art ppl my family they tuaght to be tuff when my family didn't


I believe if a child do as it's told for the first to 18 years they will accomplish a lot disobedient not listening and then later on in life they don't exceed it's the parents fault I will not take blame because you choose to do your own thing you have to be responsible for what you do and as a parent if your child can't listen it's a lack of respect let them go you don't have to listen to them yelling at you in your house and they're eating your food no that's not the way it works you are adult you get into your own house you make your own rules and we see how much you accomplish by not having a good education by not listening and don't ask us for anything because I go in life is to give you everything you need to survive and because you choose your own way no way you should ever ask us because now that we know who you are and don't think we don't reset up everything in a way so if we were to die that we can take care of our own self the way this world is and what is $2, 000 and you don't want to have a good job and you don't want to listen to your parents I say let the door hit you
