13 Reasons *WHY* Your Grown Kids HATE You (Ask A Shrink)

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As a Psychotherapist I hear many REASONS as to WHY people hate, dislike, or can't stand their parents! In today's video I compiled a short-list of 13 common reasons as to what primarily hurts the adult-child/parent relationship. I'm a Licensed Therapist and answer your questions on 'Ask A Shrink'.
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Reason #15: You set them up for failure in life, and hold them up to those failures as if it's their Good job!


I can’t even fathom being jealous of your own child!! Their success is yours. It’s a reflection on you. 🤦🏾‍♀️


My reasons: 1. They judge everything I do. 2. They stonewall when I have a differing opinion. 3. They gaslight me when I tell them how they are treating me. 4. They play devil's advocate and side with the people who hurt me. 5. They will point out the one area I didn't ace, but ignore the 10 areas I did. 6.They are easily hurt and shut down when I put up a boundary. 7. They are always "right" and love to "educate me". 8. They chose their new partners and what they wanted over their children. 9.They played favorites with their kids (I was not one of them). 10.They were actually proud of finding out they had other children from affairs from their past.


Forget 20s and 30s....try being in your 50s and 60s and dealing with parental control....I literally disowned my mom forever....


I chose to go no contact with my mother and then the whole family turned against me. People say it must have been a hard decision but honestly now that I’ve done it and feel so much better I wish I’d done it sooner.


I was my mother's emotional punching bag. All she wanted from me was my constant support. If I did what she wanted she would accept me but if I didn't she would punish me. My dad and sibling are no different. A narcissistic family nightmare.


Mostly it’s that the parent hasn’t stopped doing some of their dysfunctional parenting even when the child grows up.
My mom says “I’ll always be your mom.” And she still believes she is right 100% of the time.


Abusive and Emotionally neglectful parents do so much damage, they rarely change even when you become a adult, keeping a safe distant from them feels


We worked for a woman, in her 80s, who constantly complained that her kids never called or visited her. Her daughter did call once while I was there, and I found out why they so seldom did. The first 10 minutes was filled with complaints, about how they didn’t call or visit her, just laying on the guilt.


I haven't spoken to my "mother" in three years. She had Munchausen by Proxy and abused me terribly when I was a child. I barely made it out alive. I had my youngest daughter in 2021 and thankfully she'll never know her psycho grandmother. I actually hate my mother and I daydream about the day she leaves this earth. I will breathe a huge sigh of relief finally. Just knowing she's on the sane planet as me makes my skin crawl.


Liberal kid, conservative parent.
Atheist kid, evangelical parent.


I don't hate my mother, I just don't love her either. I wouldn't miss her if something were to happen to her, much like a stranger.


Reason #14( permutation of #1): You were actually competing with your child/children while pretending to actually be their parents(s) and give a damn about who they authentically were to make YOU look important to the world unbeknownst.... That's the expense of that child's


A social worker told me at 19 "Have nothing to do with your family. They are toxic and abusive" Sadly 54 years of age and they remain just as he described 💔


The mother is very difficult to get on with:
- Always her way or no way.
- Whenever she is in the wrong she is right.
- Will never apologise either.
-Will never listen to reason and when things go wrong still won't listen to reason.
- My opinions were silly (until she heard the same opinions from her friends then they were right).
- Arguments are always won with "I'm your mother"
- Whatever age I am, whether I was 9 years old I was 10 or when 29 I was 30 so she could say: " oh for God's sake your 30 years old start acting your age"
- Constantly criticising my opinions or my viewpoints "you don't say things like that" or " I never raised you like that" or " Don't be so aggressive"
- Had to watch my father shrink as a man to the point where he doesn't have any opinions of his own, will never argue and does as their told.
- On speaking of another couple " oh well she would be very much in charge there " because that is the basis of a good relationship of course, that the woman has to be IN CHARGE!

She has her issues, I cannot knock her as I never wanted for anything and I am thankful for the raising I got but Unfortunately less is more when it comes to my mother.

Whoever is reading this, thanks for letting me have my rant.


Reason # 17: You allowed the Dysfunction to take place in the then thought you could swoop in later and play the


Remember: Every child deserves a parent but not all parents deserve a child


How do I send this to my parents without sending it to them?


Toughest job in the world to be a parent. Most do the best they can. I have been blessed to have awesome parents. No, my childhood wasn't perfect, but rather than assign blame, I chose to be kind and grateful for all the work my parents invested in raising a family as best they could. I miss my parents so very much.


Reason #16: You held ( and continue to hold) them up to standards that you yourself never did, and currently are not living up to your
