How One Woman Lost Over 200 Pounds in 15 Months

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At 350 pounds, Megan Christenson was tired of not being able to enjoy activities with her children, so she put a plan into action. The result was her losing over 200 pounds. She gives TODAY’s Hoda and Jenna, an inside look at her exercise and nutrition routine and what led her to ditch the scale.»

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This has been so inspiring. I was over 500lb last week and I’m down to 488lb already this week. I’m literally looking to make a transformation just like this young lady.


I went from 235 to 170 in a couple of months this time last year. So far I've maintained it without having to try much. I remember finally getting below 200. I cried like a baby when I saw 199 on the scale! Such a feeling of accomplishment.


"Every morning at 6 am my friend Karen comes over and we go for walks together"
If you want to be a Karen, be this type


I love how her husband is so supportive .


The love and support of her husband and kids is everything!! Living in a SAFE neighborhood is a must!!! In some neighborhoods, walking outdoors isn't even an option.


I loved what her husband said about his wife, "She's amazing"!


This is MAGICAL AND REALISTIC all at once! I’ve lost my teen son to suicide in 2008. Right after he passed, I had NO appetite for food. Then for the next few years, I ended up become totally addicted to foods that were loaded with sugar and carbs. I had trouble sleeping at nights and foods became my comfort. I ended up piling on pounds… I am trying to gain control and focus on finding healthier ways to move forward. This video is truly an INSPIRATION!!!!


I lost over 200 pounds 20 years ago. Never gained any of it back, I went from 320 pounds to between 111 and 117 pounds, very stable weight. I wear a size 0/2. I do eat, quite a bit in fact, small amounts several times a day. I also take small bites, eat slowly, and I eat enough protein and fats, no more, no less, enough. If you knew you could eat anything you want and not gain weight, food would stop being the enemy, there is no "good and bad" choices. Food is just food, when I am hungry I have something to eat, not all and not none, just some, if I want more, I have more, if I want less, I eat less because I can have more later, I don't wait for mealtime if I am hungry, I eat and done. Once you stop the obsessing, portion control, calorie counting, chewing 30 times and the hundreds of tips and tricks to lose weight you realize how much time and effort you put into dieting and how that can stop you from having other hobbies and interests. Put food in it's place.


I used to walk 3 to 5 miles a day, even pregnant. I cannot imagine walking 15 miles a day. Congratulations to Megan!


Bravo to her! This was a great story!

ETA: Her husband seems like a great guy. Very supportive.


I think its so wonderful that her husband was so supportive and loving regardless of her size. Wow, what a gem.


It’s hard to do I know. I lost 63 pounds in 8 months. I cut sugar and carbs and walked. Covid I need to do this again. I really commend her it takes effort and you have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. It’s all you. You can do none of this for anyone but you. As women we put ourselves last. She is awesome !


I took over a year to lose 75 lbs, and I have kept it off for over 3 years. I weigh myself every morning. I use it as a tool to keep myself informed. Challenging myself physically makes me feel the most alive, and food is the fuel that gives me energy to do that.


Her husband so supportive that's a true husband 🙏 Blessing to both 🙏❤


I'm so glad they're promoting a REALISTIC weight loss story. This is amazing!


I began walking 2 miles a day, everyday, for weeks, and my weight started to drop. Then I began to cut back a bit on the amount of food I ate, and eating a little better. And I began to lose more weight. We need to stay active to burn off the excess calories we take in.


*This woman's transformation is nothing short of incredible! Seeing how she managed to lose over 200 pounds in 15 months is so inspiring. It's a great reminder that with determination and consistency, we can achieve our weight loss goals.*


I love her philosophy and view point in life especially when she said we have everything we need to be successful in life we just have to believe in ourselves


Seeing her and her husband dancing alone in their kitchen was beautiful.


So basically she ate right, exercised and was dedicated. This is a tried and true method no huge breakthrough. However great job on her part! Good for her!
