Tyler Vela & Vocab Malone - Apostasy, Open Theism & Paganism

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Former Calvinist and Classical Theist apologist, turned Christian Apostate, Calvinist and Classical Theist apologist Tyler Vela @TheFreedThinkerPodcast recently appeared on Vocab Malone's channel @VocabMalone to discuss his rejection of the Christian faith. The interview did not go well for Tyler, as he remained defensive, spoke over Vocab, frequently interrupting him and made repeated efforts to derail the conversation, or answer questions which had not been asked.

Vela seemed either unwilling or unable to answer simple questions about his current views.

During the course of the interview, Tyler denied claiming the God of the Bible is a pagan Hebraic Mega-Zeus... so Idol Killer prepped this short video to demonstrate Mr. Vela suffers from a poor memory, or is intentionally dishonest. There are several clips from when Vela appeared on @MythVisionPodcast

You can watch Vela crumble under Vocab's simple questioning:

You can watch the full video where Vela calls the God of the Bible "pagan":

#deconversion #Calvinism #religion


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Vela deleted his comment on this thread, but to document what happened:

1. He claimed the God of the Bible is pagan and Zeus-like on Mythvision

2. He then denied ever saying this when on Vocab's show.

3. In the comments here, he continued to deny 1.

4. After being pressed, he finally conceded 1 and tried to say he applied it to one of many concepts of God.

Just as I was writing my "Thank You" to him for finally admitting what he vehemently denied, he deleted his comments.


Poor guy. He was a Calvinist, so, not being consistent is now normal for him.


Vela:" I'm not a neo-Platonist." Also Vela:" I think an atheist like Thomas Nagel, who wrote Mind and Cosmos, I think he still gets it RIGHT, the best grounding explanations are something like theism or something like neo-Platonism." How can one like Tyler Vela say he is not a neo-Platonist but then turn around and say that the best answers are to be found in neo-Platonism? Calvinism really did a number on him I suspect. Honestly I'm praying for Tyler I hope you shed those vain philosophies and embrace the love, grace and salvation that is in our Lord Jesus Christ.


I think it sad that one of the reasons Tyler appears to have left Christianity was due to a lack of feeling connection to God (loving, relational, personal, etc.), but insists on rejecting a view of God that would seem to address these areas better than Calvinism. In other words, Tyler seems to have left Christianity since he saw Calvinism as Christianity all while saying he was expecting God to be what a non-Calvinist claims God to be. Sad.


In my experiences with Tyler he seems to be a classic case of someone who invested far too much time reading ABOUT the Bible, and not enough time reading the Bible.

I cited scripture a number of times and he had no clue what i was talking about.

Very sad.


You know, the country music “philosopher” Aaron Tippin said it best about folks like Vela, when he said, “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.”…


People say that calvinism isn't the reason for the paganism of tyler but its clear to see that the corrupt calvinistic portrayal of GOD and HIS righteousness is what has driven him insane in the same way it has john piper but just on the flipside of the coin .
This is a perfect example of why GOD warns us about philosophers.


Why do I have the feeling Tyler is going to make an appearence at The Honest Calvinist conference? 😈🤣🤣


Vela" left the God of the Bible for the god of philosophy" that's what Gnosticism(Calvinism)does to many individuals....it's disheartening to see for some individuals that when their system of belief crumbles they simply stop seeking truth.


When liberalism is more important than your faith.


Oh the gnostics are strong in this one


We do pray for Tyler. After he left the faith he continued to affirm the Calvinist system is the correct way to understand the Bible, he just no longer believes it's true. Overall the Calvinist community has bee unusually silent about the popular/prominent leaders who have recently left Calvinism, and even their faith in Christ. It's kinda hard to say they didn't "understand" Calvinism. 🤔 ....crickets.
And according to TULIP, their apostasy is only a manifestation of God's unchangeable decree, just as was the faith they previously professed. It perfectly illustrates the fear inherent to all honest Calvinists. Evanescent Grace is the only way to explain apostasy in Calvinism. And if God did does it to some people, one can never know if God has planned to do it to them as well. They all profess faith....until they don't.🤷🏻‍♂ Nobody is guaranteed the "Gift of Perseverance" on this side of the 'grassy knoll'. The system allows zero assurance of one's own salvation.


Looks like he doesn't accept any interpretation other than Calvinism due to Conformational Bias & rejects the God of the Bible. I might be wrong, but it seems like its pride that has caused him to walk out rather than humbly admitting an interpretation that is consistent with the scriptures but not with his former position. In short left Christianity instead of admitting he was wrong about Calvinism.


Wow - the cognitive dissonance in his body language is evident.
I feel terrible for this man. He's been taken in and destroyed by a lie.


Wow!! I was looking for videos about what is wrong about open theism and Braxton suggested Vella. Then I found this!!!! What???? I can’t even.


Research SSH (socio-sexual hierarchy) and see whether you think Tyler fits the profile of a Gamma. The Gamma’s A#1 trait is that they are not honest to their own selves. One of the tells for a Gamma is that attractive women are instinctively repulsed by them (where “attractive” is defined as having been pursued by desirable potential mates, and having confidence of future pursuits—i.e. women who are not “desperate”).


This would be sad were it not for the obvious lies and obfuscation.

Nevertheless, we prayerfully remember:
“The Lord’s servant must not quarrel, but must be gentle to everyone, able to teach, and patient, instructing his opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance leading them to the knowledge of the truth. Then they may come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”
—2 Timothy 2:24-26


He has "no idea" how he's become so lost...


WOW "What good is your god"
Tyler - "I don’t know"

Probably should figure all that out before doing interviews, he's a lost soul and his mind confused. Must a really hard for him. 🙏

John 6:68 NKJV — But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.


Tyler Vela calls God pagan while believing in a God that is actually pagan.
