What are the Dangers of Emotionally Abusive Relationships? | Dr. David Hawkins

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Episode 13 of Mad.In.Love podcast
In this episode of Mad.In.Love, Dr. Hawkins sits down with Christian psychologist, author and podcast host Dr. Clarke to talk about his book Enough is Enough and why he believes it’s imperative that people in abusive relationships get out and away from the abuse first and foremost before anything else can happen. Dr. Clark also talks about why he believes churches have contributed to the problem of women staying in abusive marriages by mishandling or staying silent on this issue.

Dr. Hawkins and his team of experts offer education and professional training as well as treatment for narcissistic and emotional abuse.

☎️ PHONE: (206) 219-0145


The internet is inundated with hyperbole and misinformation about narcissism, leaving many people confused and hopeless. Get the facts about narcissism and emotional abuse from someone who has been researching, writing about and treating narcissism and emotional abuse for over a decade.

Dr. Hawkins is a best-selling author and clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience helping people break unhealthy patterns and build healthier relationships. He is the founder and director of the Marriage Recovery Center and the Emotional Abuse Institute which offers education, training and counseling for people who want to break free of, and heal from, emotional abuse.

Whether the perpetrator of the abuse is your spouse, partner, parent, boss, friend or family member, we offer practical advice for anyone trapped in a toxic, destructive relationship. In addition to narcissism & emotional abuse, topics include covert, reactive, spiritual, secondary, relationship trauma and more.

#emotionalabuse #relationship #abusiverelationships
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Emotional abusive in the day and wanting to be intimate at night….spot on!


"Enslaved" and "imprisoned" describes how many of us feel.


There are a huge number of women who have lived their lives in abusive relationships needlessly, and it's wonderful that men like you are ministering to them.


My abuse was so bad i nearly had a nervous break down. God never intended for us to be abused emotionally or physically. Leaving is the best answer.


I’m looking forward to starting a ministry for women leaving who are financially controlled so they can find a nice, safe place to heal. Middle class women suffer silently by the thousands because we don’t want to end up homeless or in a shelter or in “the system”. I’m praying God opens the doors! 💜🙏


Most of us cannot leave due to finances and health insurance. We are stuck! Stuck 29 yrs here with a Covert Narcissist. I’m overwhelmed, sick, and am not the happy optimist I once was.


I remember praying “God make me a better person”. I was trying so hard to please him. Turns out it was never me!! Going on 2years for my exit from that chaos. In the end my prayer was answered, I am a better person WITHOUT HIM😊


This is the best description of emotional abuse I have ever heard. This is exactly what my 18 year marriage was like.


The phrase “ I am sorry.” is never in a narcissist’s vocabulary.


Seeing emotionally mature men talking is so refreshing to me. Why are so many men like the men that they speak of?


Clark has nailed it!! I lived it for 45 yrs. Took me 25 yrs. to figure this out. And by that time childten were grown and out of the house. But I was financially tied to him with property and a home. I basically decided to emotionally detach from him. Mainly because his mother had the money to fight me in court. But there is a Silver Lining to this dark cloud.
His infidelity ( sexual addiction) finally took his life. He contracted HPV....which caused throat Cancer. And he died in 2022. So I am now free of him and free of his narcissist cult family
Selling out and moving on in N.C
GOD IS SO GOOD! He had watched over me for a long time. And has directed
My path. Thank you!! Your Wisdom is so helpful to us All. Hold on to your faith, He will see you through. Be strong and courageous !!!! Thanl you!!


I lived in this for 20 1/2 yrs and he passed away and I was RELIEVED to say the least. Financially abusive. But very generous to others! I went to many counselors and pastors and begged people to help me! They gently told him but it wasn’t strong enough!! Listening to this makes me cry. Women need help!! Thank you for your help and for your book!!


This is my life. Two kids turned against me. Heart breaking. Divorced 9 years, but have lost two kids. Trusting God to turn it around. Thank you for speaking out about this!!!!


Everything said is 100% correct. I married a covert narcissist and my father was an overt narcissist. I was devastated bc I felt I should have known the signs but they are different. The one common thing was the emotional abuse. My soon to be ex seemed almost perfect until we married and we started to live together. He was a totally different person. I went to therapy bc I couldn’t understand what happened. Due to the stress, gaslighting, flying monkeys, manipulation etc… I had a heart attack and extreme anxiety. One day I looked at my night stand and it was full of pills. The heart attack I survived, woke me up. And as soon as my health improved enough for me to see a lawyer, I did just that. it’s been almost 6 months since I moved out and hopefully the divorce will be final next week. I was only married to him for five years, but I can tell you it definitely impacts your emotional and physical well being. Now, I am stress-free, my nightstand is clear of the medication and I feel even better than I did before I met him. Glory to God!!!


Agreed, I was in an abusive marriage and I felt relief the first night I was on my own.


Thirty six years of this for me. Now, he is abusing me with the court system. Thank you David and David for helping me and women like me. The church is against me, and telling me to go home. Thank you for truly caring!!!


To have two Christian men speak so strongly on a topic that resonates with so many women who feel so weak and powerless in these situations is very empowering. I pray for the relief you speak of. Thank you so much.


You’re focusing on women but as a man this is EXACTLY what my marriage was like. Thank God I went to therapy and learned what covert narcissism was.

I was made to feel like I was crazy, couldn’t do anything right or enough, I got crumbs from time to time just to keep me thinking it would some day get better and only got worse.

My health started going down exactly as you said, now going through the divorce, my health bounced back almost immediately along with my emotional state.


As a former pastors wife. You described my ex-husband to a “T“. The emotional abuse started right after we were married. On our honeymoon actually and lasted even after our 19 years of marriage. It was very hard to muster up the courage to leave him. I look back now 10 years later and I still can’t believe I did but oh how I’ve grown as a mom, woman and child of God! Giving examples of his verbal abuse would cause embarrassment and shame because not only was he to be my best friend and lover but also my Pastor and spiritual leader.


What you said at 23:56 and forward was like a punch in the stomach. That’s exactly what happened to me so many times to where I just shut down and stayed to myself. Now I’m in a spot of being bashed for being “a liar and not telling him things”. This right here is so painful.
