I'm Legally Changing my Name

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They truly were so incredible for putting on this clinic and helping me out. And to anyone out there watching who feels uncomfortable or unhappy in their given name, be it as a trans person, as a cis person, or someone questioning or in-between. Know that you can change it. It's ok to let go of things that don't suit us, and names are one of those things. I hope this video can inspire you to be your true and authentic self, and act as a reminder that names are not permanent and we don't have to be stuck with one we don't like.

Special thanks to Plume who sponsored this video and has been so instrumental in my journey of self love and self expression.

To purchase single flare glass for stretching or a stretching kit, check out glassware studios! Code "LYNN" gets you 20% off your first order!

Follow me on instagram and TikTok at @lynnloheide
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i just started working at a tattoo shop this week that's very queer and for the first time was asked my preferred name and pronouns and i started crying when i was asked because now i have a place i can safely be myself and there's other trans people there just like me and it feels wild, i totally get the tears at the beginning and the happiness to finally be able to outwardly be who you are safely


i filed the paperwork for my name change today. i totally understand what you said about grieving your deadname. it's just that there's a whole person attached to that name, so letting go of the name is also letting go of a person that you knew inside and out because you WERE that person


I live in Illinois and when I changed my name this year, I had to post it in a news paper. It scared me but thankfully I didn’t have any problems. The whole process is definitely intimidating.


You said something about this not being groundbreaking information but for me it was and I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate your perspective. One of my closest and longest friends just recently came out to me as non binary and before that I knew nothing about it and I admittedly thought it may not be a thing that actually existed. Kind of like those homophobic people that don’t come around until one of their own children comes out. I never thought I would be one of those kinds of people. Your videos are not only helpful to me for education on all things piercing but I can better understand the struggles of my non binary pals. Thanks once again for stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing a personal piece of yourself with us, Lynn.


So happy for you, and opal is such a great middle name- opals were my favorite stone for a while! Everyday is a new day to experience trans joy and love within yourself.


Very happy for you, Lynn Opal! Your name suits you wonderfully 😊 love it!!


Omg at the 11 minute marker. I constantly feel not non-binary enough so thank you


Lol your imitation of people's reactions is so real


Send you love and happiness! Thank you for showing your journey on being your true self❤️


Hi Lynn! I'm Lyn!!! Seeing your joy rn is so cathartic, esp bc I'm imagining that we both k!lled the same name. I can't wait to have this type of joy but rn I'm absorbing it thru the screen. I'm so happy !!!


Congratulations! So great that you weren't bogged down in paperwork, It’s always a pain to sort through government bureaucracy, but you’ve triumphed over that! 🎉


Congrats to the notorious Lynn Loheide. Seriously. So stoked for you!!!! Much love!


i'm so happy for you and excited for you!!


Oh, wooow! I did not know this about you! New subbie and also a NB person; it's so cool seeing someone live an experience and lifestyle similar to mine. I just came out to a few people close to me and changed my legal documents this year. :) As someone who is living a mostly solitary life, this really helps make me feel like I am not so alone.
It's so nice to officially meet you, Lynn! Congratulations!


I just want to say that I am so happy for you beautiful! I am not nonbinary or trans, (my pronouns are she/fae, ) however my parents were very abusive to me and I often don't feel connected to my name because of how awful my family life was. Everyone mostly calls me Ani now, which is a nickname given to me by an old close friend many years ago that I kept and introduce myself as, but hearing others like doctors call me by my full name or "Anna" makes me cringe so hard and I often think about legally changing it. Thank you so much for shedding some awareness on legal name changing and why it's genuinely important, especially for non binary and trans individuals. Much love❤️


I've Been Talking About Changing my Name for a Long time 😀


I really empathize with the "Not feeling nonbinary enough" struggle. I identify as agender specifically, and I got the X gender marker on my ID recently. But I *still* feel like I'm not allowed to call myself nonbinary, especially because of my mixed feelings on going on HRT myself


Lynn I'm happy for you! You're so sweet and kind, you deserve it all!


That's very gross that it would have to be public. That's very odd. Why would that ever be a thing. That's definitely not safe for so many situations and people


Congratulations with this important step! Just be yourself, and do what matters to you!
Hugs from Switzerland!
