How Legally Changing my Name Changed my Life - Calvin Correli

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In this video SaaS founder, serial entrepreneur, and spiritual teacher, Calvin Correli explores the idea of identity and tells the story of how he changed his name and the impact that it has made on his life. Originally born Lars Holger Pind, Calvin never identified with his given name. When he found out that his wife changed had her name with a numerologist that piqued his interest.

Calvin learned that giving yourself a new name gives you an opportunity to reinvent yourself. We associate so much of our identity with our name and taking control of that, in some ways helps us take control of our life.

Changing your name isn't guaranteed to make you happy overnight. But its possible that as you shed yourself of your old name you could also shed some traumas, ideologies, and feelings that no longer serve you.


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I changed my legal name and I feel happy no regrets.. Mina has always been in me and I finally made it legal 🙏🏼❤. My mom didn't seem too happy but I'm an adult I did all the paperwork and payments not her or anyone. I went through all the work alone and feel excited ❤😎.


Great video. Great soul. Love the story. So much truth. I'm 53. I changed my name 18 years ago. One of the greatest decisions of my life for a multitude of reasons. (Its up there with who to it has been a remarkable journey. People often view it as abnormal or something is wrong with you. And others view it in a positive way. A trailblazing way. So many biblical examples of the significance of a name can also "read" the small minds who judge when they resist or don't value or respect a person's decision to be called something else. I could write a book! Anyone can keep their given name. That's easy. And if they like it....that's awesome. But it takes courage to make a change.


Great video Calvin. I've been thinking of changing my name for a while and over the past few days I've grown a strong urge to finally go ahead and do it. I've often resisted thinking of the hassle/embarrassment of telling everyone I've changed my name at work, at the age of 38. You blew my mind when you spoke about your old name not sitting well with you, and the conflict of feelings between your subconscious. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on it.


I changed my name a few weeks ago for the same reason, and now I found this? Awesom! Thank you Kelvin❣
Beautiful name by the way.
Now I will check the numerology for the name I chose.


Since you had such wonderful changes in your life, I'm gonna change my name to Calvin Correli too !


Hi Calvin, I never felt "at home" with my given name and have been thinking a life time about changing it. I was never sure to which name it should change. After hearing your story, I am extremely interested in learning which numerology method or system you used. Could you please elaborate on it?


Grateful that I found this! Thank you !


Right around the first part of your video, you said that "changing your name allows you to change your identity". I also gotta tell you what's good about a person changing their names is that it definitely gives you the freedom as to who you want to be.


I've been going by Athena, and trying to decide if I should legally change it but I've been hesitant to go through the official process. I don't mind my original name Leah, but I feel more confident going by Athena. Thumbs up if you think i should go through the official change


The name really suits you, was a good decision. Thinking of doing the same thing


I am going to have to get a numerologist before i change my name. Thank very much for sharing your story. How i view myself may be influenced by my name. I always had a lot of dreams, im tired of the obstacles. One of the obstacles is my mind and how i view myself. Thinking of this makes me feel so much happier. My eyes feel so alive. No more conditioning. I was conditioned my entire life. Today is a 5 numerological day. That is the day i am making this decision, making this change.


I legally changed my name back in 2015, when I was about to start my junior year of high school. I remember being super spooked about it cause I had crippling social anxiety and I couldn't imagine how people were going to react. I never liked my given name, though oddly enough, I suspect it was due to cognitive dissonance, since I was always the odd one out, suffering from social anxiety, not having friends, etc., and I tied my name to that identity. I was 16, so who knows, maybe it was a weird reason to go through all the trouble of changing a name, but I did. I changed it to the last four letters of my given name, so I guess it's not that different? That was my justification for it, but needless to say, a lot of people didn't notice that and I got the craziest reactions, even from teachers, who explicitly stated they'd refuse to refer to me as the new name cause of how strange it feels so yeah. 7 years later and I'm not even in touch with anybody who knew me back before the name change, so all's good now, I like it a lot better. It's just wild to remember I did it! Lol. And as for the whole goal I had of shedding that identity and being better, well, it's a work in progress, even now. I do get socially anxious. But the one quote in the video, that there's no written rule dictating our future, that we can choose who we wanna be every day, and that we're never bound to yesterday, was amazing. Like DAMN did I need that, so thank you, and congrats on the name!


I did the same thing. Changed it based on astrology and numerology! no regrets :)


I’m having the hardest time changing my name. So many steps


Glad to see ithers sharing their experience with changing their name. I've changed my First + Last Name officially four months ago today, but kept the middle as that was the only thing I liked about my previous identity.

Sometimes the prev. Life experiences (ups & downs) don't feel real due, but the mix of New opportunities have invigorated some long-sealed Aspects of myself


My original name was let say X in my primary school. Then my school was changed and it required TC of the earlier school. Here what happened was that the headmaster of earlier school changed my name without my knowledge. At that time, I had no problem with this, but over time my head started to crave for my Original Name. After I got into Job, through Due Legal Process, I got my original name back. And I am proud of this.


I'm very grateful for my name Ruth Emma Dauris. Its very beautiful and I love it more since I used your numerology calculator! I'm also into numerology, astrology and human design, so stumbling across your ad on weworkremotely is in perfect alignment. Thank you for sharing Calvin!


If you didn’t say I would have thought your name was from birth. Funny coincidence, you look like my physics professor from college and he used to mention the Calvin unit a lot. This video resonates 💯. Thank you.


I think St Paul said, "Every night I die. And every morning I am born again."


Calvin just fits you 100%.
Maybe I should try numerology even though I was skeptical, but I just can't choose a name and it's been a decade already !
