What Nobody Tells You About PAIN 😤😤

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I injured my Lower Back Deadlifting years ago. I was in debilitating Pain and had MRI scans done showing 2 herniated discs in my lower back. Not good. Since then, I've experienced the occasional tweak through my lower back in training. Is it really that big of an issue?

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This was so short, that it was cut short.


Jesus, About two hours ago i maxed on bench press and felt pain on my shoulder, i immidiately stopped the workout, went home feeling depressed, this video helped me change my mindset.


This is honestly some pretty high quality info not just for lifting but athletics as a whole


I’m glad you put in an example of yourself to show that years of experience doesn’t mean it won’t happen


Some years ago I had a bad shoulder injury. I spent 6 months in physical therapy. At the end, the therapy center told me there was nothing more they could for me. The pain in my shoulder stayed with me for nearly 2 years. I didn't have full range of motion and tried everything to get it better to the point where I felt I could start working out again, but nothing seemed to work. The trauma from the injury, plus the doctors diagnosis, plus the muscle atrophy from all the time off was the perfect storm. I was very thin and felt weak. Possibly the weakest I had been. It was my brother that told me, you just need to start working out again, your shoulder will remember. That was all I needed, just that little push, that enlightenment. So I started, and each exercise my shoulder would ache, but each week that passed my shoulder would ache less and less. It took a while, but my range of motion came back, my strength came back, and eventually the pain was gone. I'm happy to say that now my shoulders are stronger then they have ever been. So while some pains should stop you so you don't injure yourself, other pains should not hold you back. That sounds funny and yes, sometimes it's hard to tell, but for the most part I would say listen to your body. This was just my personal experience with a pain that my mind decided to believe made me fragile. I had to push through that to become strong again.


Also, there isn’t always a correlation between pain and injury which I feel is a common misunderstanding


I recently had someone tell me "no pain no gain" and i just said until u get hurt and lose all your gains. They didnt like that, but thats the truth. Listen to your body. Know the difference between pain and soreness and make sure to recover fully.


I thought he was gonna do the thing at 0:08, U just gave the best explanation we all needed


You’re awesome man. I love how on this channel you spread positivity, not just lifting advice but life advice and empowerment. I love how you share belief systems that are freeing, and help people reach their goals with ideas, not “do this”. You are spreading a great message by continuing to encourage, and cut through many of the limiting beliefs that run rampant in the fitness community


Very interesting! I would really appreciate a full video on this subject.


I needed this message today. I have back pain and hamstring pain from working out. It’s driving me nuts I can’t workout right now.


This is beautiful advice! Physical therapy taught me not to be afraid of pain, but to embrace a certain level of pain to get back to doing what I love 💖


So critical of you to say this. Pain sometimes is the only way to understand things better. Thanks 👍


Love this. Super encouraging rather than discouraging like a lot of stuff about pain and injury


Yes!!! Thank you for preaching this knowledge. After 15 years of training, I've learned to ignore certain aches as harmless, respect twinges that signal connective tissue inflammation, and recover the pains that are of a lightning or burning feeling. There are many different pains, but all of them can be overcome with a little self respect, education, and recovery. Most can be trained through and no, you're not going to "snap your shit" by training with existing pain.


Hey Eugene. This is very interesting and the subject is not discussed enough. What happened on your deadlift exactly ? Thanks for sharing


Tried a cue you suggested for the deadlift from another clip for the 1st time tonight. Worked great!!! Much better on my lower back... thanks so much, Eugene!!!


Wise words! I have back pain just now due to lifting but it's easing everyday. I am taking this as a sign from the universe to rest 😊


Very important to learn the different types of pain you feel, nerve pain is very different from ligament pain or joint pain or an overstretched muscle or soreness etc


Love it. Just to reiterate for better understanding, don't normalize pain but when it happens do learn from it.
