Study Shows 50 Things Nobody Tells You About Calisthenics

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Did you know that it may be possible to run out of exercises? Or that being outdoors seems to naturally cause the secretion of your feel good hormones? What about the fact that you can actually use your mind to greatly improve your calisthenics training?
These are just a few of the 50 facts nobody tells you about Calisthenics.


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#17 - You will eventually run out of exercises... Sure but once you can muscle up, flagpole, handstand pushup, front lever and back lever you've basically reached super saiyan mode.


Switched from gym to basic bodyweight drills in garage 20 years ago..still ripped af at 53 years old!!!


1 year into Chalestenics. Starting to unlock the skills: hand stand, 15clean pull ups, 50 clean pushups, 30clean dimond pishups, L seat leg crossing. Lovin it 😊😊


If you’re new to working out, don’t be disheartened by how hard a pull up, push up, sit up, ect, can be. It took me 6 months to be able to do a real, good form pull up.

It’s a journey, don’t let people who are 10–15 years along dissuade you from starting yours.


Pro tip: buy gymnastic rings, cost 30 bucks and you can do every exercise you can think of. Isolation exercises, compound exercises, back, chest, shoulders, arms, muscle ups, pull ups, dips, push ups, rows, face pulls, everything can also be modified to your own level. Get them right now!


I switched to calisthenics once I became a father. I was an avid gym goer and was quite strong. However, by switching to a body-weight based workout routine, I noticed that my recovery time was quicker, my grip strength is the same, my muscle mass is pretty much the same (natural ecotomorph), I am less sore when I wake up in the morning, and I can keep up with my kids playing in the backyard or sports field as they age into teenagers.

- Pullups/Chinups (using different grips)
- Pushups (using the floor, chairs, stair, etc.)
- Lunges (floor or one foot on a chair)


Practical information for newbies:
Even if you plan on only working out at home, there's no reason not to expand your exercise options by using dumbbells and a bench. Bodyweight only is more complex and restrictive. Most calisthenics movements are more complex compound movements and because the difficulty depends on your bodyweight, it's INCREDIBLY difficult to have a good beginner phase. Why? Because you should optimize your form, develop a good mind muscle connection, notice and rule out individual problems like muscle imbalances etc.. easily 8/10 calisthenics newbies are not focusing on the right things. In the gym it's EASY in comparison. Ask chatgpt for a simple beginner routine, stick to learning the main compound lifts, use little weight on every lift, focus on your form by watching videos and perform the movements slow & controled with a pause. This way the low weight is still challenging after a few reps and your form & mind muscle connection will develop in no time. The EXACT same thing applies to calisthenics, but it can't be self-taught as easily, simply because the movements are way more complex, free and leave room for a TON of mistakes.


As a former gymnast - Calisthenics are really really hard


I know people who've been lifting weights for 10+ years. But the moment they try calisthenics it humbles them


Calisthenics also has some exercises that require you to cross a large strength gap that is difficult to do without added resistance, meaning you will most likely have to mix in some resistance training to advance.


Pure calisthenics athlete here and personal trainer ....i wish calisthenics didnt get looked at in such a manner it does not need to be overwhelmingly difficult....progressions regressions and variations are the key! this is why when you begin a trainer is a good idea;)...



The vid mentioned that it can be boring with minimal exercises but its really not boring with how many variance to the exercises there are. Plus I just put in some wireless earplugs and workout to music. I love the fact that I don't have to be around people while working out.


Calisthenics should be your goal before weightlifting. If you’re just worried about health then Calisthenics is a more appropriate answer than body building. If you’re worried about body building then Calisthenics gives you a better foundation for results.

Either way you’re just making the journey more difficult if you skip Calisthenics.


i am slightly overweight and have a background in power lifting. recently i got into climbing and it led me to improve significantly on pull ups, and indirectly got me hooked into bodyweight exercises and i hope to get more deep into the calisthenics realm. thanks for the tips!


I'm doing push ups, pull ups and dips every week. So far my best was 78 push ups in a row, 10 pull ups in a row


Gymnastic rings, a heavy kettlebell bell (40-60lb) and a pull-up bar.


Quick tip for Calisthenics:Just start it with basic as push ups and and chin up, just do it and dont stress yourself with other thing's


After lifting weights for many years I turned to a mix of calisthenics and weight lifting (dumbbells and kettlebells only) and I'm really enjoying the results. As someone else mentioned I recover much quicker and I still put on enough muscle mass for effort to show. I'm not trying to look like a bodybuilder so for me its about losing weight, staying fit, and having enough muscle mass in the right places for an even and aesthetic look. I exercise from home with very limited equipment which saves lots of time and space. When I used to lift weights at the gym my free time was centered around making trips to the gym. That's no longer the case as I don't exercise in gyms. I couldn't be happier.


I feel like the definition of calisthenics has changed over the years. When I was younger, calisthenics implied things like push-ups, lunges, pull-ups, one arm push-ups, jumping jacks, mountain climbers and stuff. It wasn’t until more recently that “calisthenics communities” became a thing and they started practicing gymnastic skills.


calisthenics is awesome. it builds grip strenght in both hands and feet, and makes you more stable than ever.
