5 Tips To Overcome The FEAR OF CHANGE! [Break Free!]

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The fear of change can be debilitating for so many of us. Sometimes, we know we need to make changes in our lives but feel paralyzed by fear and doubt. At other times, life comes in and pulls the rug right from underneath our feet, we're forced into changes, and we feel so much fear of what may come next.

Regardless of how it happens, the fear of change is something that can deeply affect our lives and cause us to feel stuck. And here's a deeper truth: when we're afraid of change, we're afraid of life.

In this video, we'll go over the spiritual reasons why we're afraid of change (some may surprise you) and the simple way to overcome the fear of change quickly.

Here's what you'll learn in this video:

💥 The spiritual reasons why we're so afraid of change [02:20]
💥 A powerful 5-step process to help you overcome the fear of change and live your life with excitement instead of dread. [31:00]







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They need to teach this in school!! Can you imagine the improvements in society as a whole?


The more I trust
The more I let go of control
The more I embrace the process of change
The more I FLOW👈👌❤


I have had 37 years of fear of all kinds and through grounding, reparenting, self love I am feeling so much more secure. Yaay! I am grateful for the guidance of your videos.


My 1st chakra become unstable in February '21 when I move on to another continent and start a life from 0. I had SO MUCH FEAR and it paralyzed me, and my awakening process start to accelerate. A kind of depression came in but months later I could get out of the hole to go to a BOXING class. Omg, I felt my body again, there was, protecting my soul and getting strong (my Aries' ascendent loved it!!) and now is my new sport.
Then almost every night I listen a 1st chakra frequency.
I'm still in the process but it feel so much better now.
I want to make meditation an habit, same with going for a walk every day.
Also I've been doing shadow work so I get closer to my inner child, and it feels so emotional to finally listen and understand her.
I'm working on this fear baby!
THAK YOU CHRISTINA SO MUCH. Lots of love for you!!


My fear is terrible my whole body shakes, thank you so much for your video dear Cristina❤️


I relish change because I want to be a new being every day and become a better person


When you talked about excited fear, I immediately thought of the first few times I went cross country skiing! Ive never skated or anything. I was afraid of falling, getting hurt or being embarrassed, of being behind the group, getting lost, of just the unknown of it all. But I also was so excited to try something new! I had decided for the new year I wanted to push myself to step out of my comfort zone. I expressed an interest in skiing and then some acquaintances in my class invited me, saying they'd help me learn. I fell about 10 times a minute haha but I trusted the people I was with and they did not leave me behind. It strengthened our friendships, to trust and share in this experience. I ended up falling in love with it, and if you asked me a few years ago if I'd ever enjoy skiing I would have thought you were nuts! I usually hate anything moving that makes my stomach flip. I always thought I was too poor to do an activity like that. But now I love it, and I am so excited for snow so I can go learn some more 😊 thank you for sparking this positive memory. I'm going to hold onto that as an anchor, so I can shift paralyzing fear to that excited fear.


Thank-you Christina for saying fear is normal l no longer want fear to control me.


don't really comment much but I started watching a week ago and didn't realize until now that this resonated with me. a big change, since you asked.... i suppose is opening up to a connection i have with someone but have never had a chance to really explore


4 out of 5 of the therapists, have never brought up any of these ( ego, inner child) which im very familiar with & Spiritual parts like chakras or tools to work through these things. This explains ALOT of how women/feminines still seeking outside help. Such a great medicine bag here! My 20 yr old i hope will use this. THANK YOU! NA MA STE !!


I've had subconscious fear of change for a long time and my effort to release it didn't work till now, Thank you and sending lots of love! ♡


My fear of change stems from being bounced around from abusive foster homes between the age of 5-12. The most crucial years. I'm 59 now. I sure wish my spiritual awakening had been alot earlier! I know, it's All in Divine timing. Thanks for teaching us so much.


Yes! The more we look WITHIN for stability the more powerful we feel. I've gone through a big transformation to let go of the belief that 'money is my safety' to 'I am the source of my money'. Thanks so much Christina and everyone else doing this work!! Much love


Great vid! I don't think I'm afraid of change but now I know how to process if so. My inner child needs work and ego talk even if it isn't about change. Your the best!


Thanks for being ad free! Happy Tuesday😊


I'm so incredible grateful for you, thank you Christina for doing all that you do 👍😁.
✌❤😁, good health and prosperity to all.


This is everything I needed to hear today. I’ve been dealing with fear and setting boundaries for the last six years, and it’s crazy how debilitating it can feel. Three times it’s ended up in me having nervous breakdowns and having to go hermit-mode for a month or two at a time. Watching your videos has helped me connect a lot of the dots and begin the healing process 💖 THANK YOU!!! 💕💕💕


Thanks Cristina! I recently left my career and steady paycheck to pursue what I truly love full time (Astrology & Tarot). Its been scary AF but it feels right. At 45 I'm starting over from scratch as I set-up my business. Thanks for all your wonderful content! ❤🥰


I had my spiritual awakening in December and have never felt so disconnected ur videos have helped me so much through everything u honestly saved my life thank u ❤️


I am just halfway through the video, and I WANT TO THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART (I am bawling like a baby) for this video! I needed this video badly. I can't thank you enough.
Hugs and love❤🙏
