Affordable Cymbal Pack Comparison - Drummer's Review

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Here's our round-up of a selection of Affordable Cymbal Packs from various manufacturers. Filmed at Cube Studios, September 2021.

01:22 - Introduction
02:50 - 14" Hats Comparison
03:57 - 20" Rides Comparison
05:03 - 16" Crashes Comparison
05:38 - Thoughts & Conclusions

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This gentleman plays and sounds better with those cymbals and snare, than me with the whole set, nice review as usual.


That Paiste set with a good drummer would absolutely pass on a recording! Pretty incredible


I thought the Meinl sounded best overall here, they sounded the most musical and like real (pro) cymbals.
The Sabian SBR were pretty good, although they are a little high pitched and tinny overall which betrays them a bit.
The Paiste 101's were OK, but the lower pitches and heavier weights to me made them sound dull and a bit lifeless.
I thought the Zildjian set was similar to the Paiste's. The crash sounded especially dead, but all of them sounded muted.


I only just found this. If only it had been available back when I bought my cymbal set. I had to do my own slog trawling all over the internet rather than having it all nicely rounded up in a single vid and summarised here. Well done DR, but this should have been a priority aeons ago. That said, I pretty much agree with the summations, diplomatic as it they are/must be of course. OK so which do I like and which did I buy?

I bought a Pearl EXX Export 22" Fusion Plus Shell pack with 803HW pack saving a few quid on either of Pearl's bundles preferring to chose my own cymbals, much better than the base bundled throne and quite a few other accessories for around the same money. Pearl sets come with either a Zildjian (who have an arrangement with Pearl just as Paiste have one with Yamaha in my country) or Pearl's own home branded cymbal bundle. The latter whilst much cheaper than the Zildjian bundle set are OEM ?, and really do sound little better than hitting a selection of cooking pot lids. No. Just no. Frankly, Zildjian's Planet Zs hardly sound any better. Not slagging off at Zildjian brand in more expensive tiers, but if you conduct your own research, you'll discover this the widely held consensual view, and one I drew from my own ears listening to demos. As the reviewer here concludes tactfully, Planet Z set buyers are either for suckers who get drawn into the bundle knowing no better, or those invested in displaying the brand on their set. Inarguably, for me they were never a serious consideration and are in my view the worst sounding of the four sets presented here.

Whilst I find any of the other three acceptable, in this and demos I listened to a year ago, I liked Meinl's HCS most. In second place for me, Paiste's 101, third Sabian's SBR, and obviously Zildjian's Planet Z last. The latter look pretty -very deceptive, but I'd never buy a set or use them unless gifted.

So what did I buy, 10 months before this video was posted? Meinl HCS. The pack came with a bonus 10" Splash included. Nice. For any beginning drummer, Meinl's HCS are better than just OK. I know I could gig with them in a garage or pub gig band. Are they the best cymbals out there? Of course not, but for the money, they are really really good cymbals with a pleasing musicality about them. If I was buying Yamaha drums which included Paiste 101s as a bundle at a good price, I wouldn't not, although my first choice would remain Meinl HCS in this Brass and first cymbal set class. Pretty sure any beginner, intermediate could be happy with either, and live with the Sabian SBRs too. Good review DR team.


I found the Zildjian set sounded best but as many have said buy a set of Zultans if you can stretch to it or even a B8 bronze set from these companies. A set of PST 7’s are as good as any pro cymbals on the market.


man these brass cymbals sound amazing compared to the ones that were available when i was starting over 15 years ago


I have listened to this with headphones three times now, and Meinl sounded the best to my ears: more balanced and less dry for the whole set of cymbals.


I have a pair of 13 inch Planet Z hi hats. I have other more expensive hats, like New Beats, those Planet Z hats sound so nice to me and I still use them often.

I also used to own Meinl MCS cymbals. Got rid of them. Later, after my hand technique improved, tried them again and now they sounded nicer. So i’m now tempted to get the basic HCS pack and see what sounds my hands can draw out of them. My advice is to work on your hands, your grip, and cymbals will sound nicer.

Great video! This is such a hard decision when you’re starting out, there is so much out there.


As much hate brass cymbals get, I love the Meinl HCS series cymbals.


My own kit is mostly Paiste 2002 and one Giant Beat crash, but I'll tell you what.... if I had to select of of these sets, I'd have to go with the Meinl.


Wich are better for a Jazz drummer?
Planet Z
Please respond, thanks


Don't buy brass cymbals if you're on a budget. Get some Zultan or Wuhan cymbals. They're not that much more expensive but they sound 10x as good and are worth 3x their money.


super helpful ty! also i love you drumming style and faces of contemplation about the sound haha


Great video, the Zildjian set looks very good for its price!


The problem with all these budget sets is that they’re all made of brass and I’m convinced you can’t make a brass cymbal sound anything better than “mediocre.”

I’m sure others have said it, but do yourself a favor and buy a used bronze set. I got back into drumming recently after a 4 year hiatus and I’m so mad that I wasted money on the Meinl HCS when I went out a week later and found a mint set of Sabian XS20s (14 hats, 16/18 crash, and a 20 med ride) that sound maybe not “amazing, ” but very good, and I paid $275 for them. I think it was like $310 after shipping/taxes on reverb.


theres a particular youtube drummer i follow that just uses whatever, he has some sabian HH and some paiste rude, and he also has some zildjian zbts and stagg cymbals. ive always admired drummers who have the attitude of like whatever if it makes a noise ill hit it. the drummer in question is bloody amazing by the way


Now i understand not everybody has the cash to get the high end cymbals but honestly, go with the zildjian s series or meinl classic (both lines) They are just so much more durable and sounds alot better.


Best bang for your buck would be a set of Wuhans. Or buy second hand. Anything instead of brass.


I would (and did) spend the time on craigslist or facebook market place an get some cymbals on par with Zildjian A, A Custom, or Sabian AA or AAX cymbals. I think a week of looking and I could get hats, ride, and a crash for under $400. Those will be miles ahead of these, and potentially be life long cymbals.

If I was really low on budget, there is a guy selling cracked pro cymbals for $10-20 based on the cymbal and the crack. He ha about 20 of these. I'd get the ones with little edge cracks and cut and smooth them out. Those will sound better than anything here IMO.


Hcs Ride with paiste high hats and crash is a good combo
