Don't do this with your doctor!

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Spot on sir!!!

I struggle to trust providers, it's hard to find genuine doctors who care. Im confident, and had it confirmed by another provider, is I'm being abused by the providers actions. Having a chonic illness I have learned to not trust most doctors, but only to go with my gut essentially. After almost 8 years, I'm still getting neglected, abused, discriminated, and it hasn't ever stopped. This anesthesiologist is an amazing provider!!!

If you have had lots of medical trauma like myself, just know there are good providers out there. I found an amazing one, that understands frustrations, argumentative, are apart of my medical ptsd. If yall find a good provider hold on to them, you would be surprised how hard they are to come by, unfortunately.


Yes, yes, yes!!! Always speak up for yourself! We know our own bodies better than anyone else! If a doctor doesn't believe you (which happens a lot) do not back down! I've had many medical providers not believe me and, when I end up proving them wrong, they get mad, but that's their fault not mine! Always stand up for/protect yourself! Your life could be on the line!


Nope...I'm a retired RN...I do my research and trust my gut...and ask a lot of questions 😁


Oh you bet. I had a surgery scheduled and met with the anesthesiologist right before the surgery and was given a calming sedation when the chief surgeon comes in and at this point I was waiting for the two other doctors to come in and it was at this point when he tells me he canceled the two other doctors and wanted to do the surgery himself. I freaked out and was trying to scream and take my IV out and get help because I did not trust this doctor alone as he was very narcissistic. My husband came in once he heard me from the waiting area. After much commotion he was able to get one of the doctors who was to be in the surgery even though she was in lecture at the time. She was surprised because she was told I canceled with her. This is a very prominent hospital in an Ivy League school in Connecticut. Because I was already prepped for surgery, I was talked into going ahead with the surgery. It was a huge mistake because my surgery was botched. I will never ever go against my instincts when a doctor goes against what I chose for MY team of doctors to do MY surgery and he cancels it. I was completely silenced. I have NOW HAVE PTSD from it.😢😥


When my doctor showed me that they practice flow chart medicine without being able to adjust for personalized treatment, I ran out of the office. "Trust but verify" is my motto. I do a lot of research regarding medications and treatment options before I agree to anything now. What happened to "Do no harm"?


I have medical PTSD. Going to a Dr. is absolute hell for me. I have a nice lady physician who I have slowly built up trust with. It has taken a lot of time and patience. I go only when necessary and probably not as much as I should but at least I have a option.


That is a great theory...but when you call out something wrong your doctor will make you pay for it one way or another. The bright side is that you can look for a new doctor with a clear conscience.


Yes, stand your ground.
It's necessary!


I had a world renowned surgeon make a huge error during my surgery that put me in a coma and I was technically dead for 7 minutes. Since then, I have horrible PTSD around any surgery and his mistake has led to many more surgeries. I find it rare to find anesthesiologists that actually listen to me and proved medication beforehand to help with the anxiety and sheer terror I experience with every surgery. I find you have to advocate for yourself and if you have any trepidation about a doctor - FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR! Your peace of mind is worth everything.


The problem with a lot of trauma survivors is that we've realized that advocating for ourselves puts a target on our backs. The last thing we want to do is put a target on our own back whenever we're dealing with someone who literally has a knife up against us. Them pretending that that's not a thing is the biggest reason people don't advocate for themselves. Because, if doctors asked, patients would tell. But if patients speak up and doctors get annoyed, it just reinforces ignoring your instincts, and learned helplessness begins to set in. The longer this goes on, the harder it is to break free from the belief that no matter what you do, things will never get better.


Absolutely! I have learned from my past medical trauma. I do not hesitate to speak up and advocate for myself now. I have been waiting for 6 months for my appointment with a good endocrinologist about my enlarged adrenal tumor. I chose to fire my last endocrinologist because he or his staff lost my MRI results & his nurse practitioner flat out called me a liar and was very rude when I told her that I had my tests done & had the results from my MRI on my patient portal.


I dont believe it matters if you advocate for yourself or not.. unless ur able to go thru your surgery without anesthesia.. the surgeon can do whatever he wants as soon as your asleep.. and since surgeons are the top of the food chain.. not to many of the staff would sacrifice their jobs for a lowly patient.


I am a consumer of medical services! They aren't volunteers‼️


You need to be honest with your doctor but they must be honest with you too.


I often ignore my instincts because I often get gas lit by providers.


Worst decision I ever made not trusting my gut instinct about a surgery. That’s how I ended up with bile duct blockages from a bad gallbladder surgery. I even tried to stop the surgery and they came out and a young surgeon said I hear you wanna stop the surgery and I said yes he is too old and he said we are his eyes to help guide him. It was my gut instinct, and I should’ve listened. Suffering for the rest of my life.


Hi Dr Kaveh 👋 I hope you're having a great week so far! Just dropping a line to show some love 💞✌️


Opposite doctor wouldn’t listen to me so I demanded to see another doctor and he said I was very ill to the point it was life threatening and I did need to go to another hospital right away not the next day like he was telling me. I refuse to be seen by that doctor after that incident and I did encounter him again and I flat out refused to see him because of how he treated me.


I'll Say Have been gaslighted so much through doctors love this❤


I have been through medical misdiagnosis and neglect for several times. When a patient is so different, the doctors take that as a warrant to abuse their power. Luckily, I am aware of my condition and my symptoms, so when doctors try to dismiss me, I call them out. I also had a botched surgery and the surgeon tried to come up with all excuses and when I caught him lying he admitted to having used the wrong technique. He wanted to fix his mistake on a side, on the other side, he proposed that I go through another procedure by declaring a psychological warfare. He had already proposed this same thing twice beforehand and I refused. He clearly wanted to make me have body image issues so I can come back to him. He failed because I explained that there is a non invasive method. He just got mad and slammed the door, leaving me alone. He communicated with me through his nurse. I'm never going back there ever again. At first it was a series of doctors, now this surgeon started to look like his unbearable colleagues. I'm glad that I am never going to see them again and I wished I can sue them for medical malpractice and neglect.
