How We Built It: Virtual Inspection Studio

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A natural disaster can be devastating for a community, and insurance organizations strive to quickly help their customers in such times of need. Post disaster, insurance organizations are inundated with claims, and are often unable to perform physical inspections as active disaster areas are not accessible to the public (think fires or floods). Esri Services worked with a group of insurers to build a web application enabling near real-time analysis of high-resolution imagery to process claims virtually. The application allows insurers to pay claims quickly and save money by reducing the need for physical inspections. Given users of the system are not GIS-professionals familiar with typical imagery analysis workflows. The application was designed to effortlessly guide a claims adjustor through the process.

Technologies involved: React + Redux, Calcite-React, ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x., ArcGIS Oriented Imagery API.

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