What Do the Rings of Power Do? Middle-Earth Explained

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During the second age of Middle-earth, in the heart of Eregion, there bloomed a craftsmanship divine. Annatar, claiming to be a messenger from the Valar, taught the elves the art of ringcraft. Thus, amid the harmonious song of hammer striking anvil, the Noldor artisans forged the Rings of Power.

Today we will discover exactly what enchantments lie hidden within the rings of power and how they affect their bearers, for good and for ill.

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This is just about the best description of the Rings and their various powers that I've ever seen.


As it seems to me, the forging of the various rings by the elves, with Anatar's help, was based on dipping into a realm of magic that existed in Middle-earth which gave them their power. Sauron, in seeking to make a ring that would have dominion over all the magic-infused rings, had to pour much of his native Maiar essence into his ring to give it the necessary power to do this. This is why he wanted the one ring back: not just to dominate the other rings, but to regain that part of himself that was in his ring. As long as he possessed the ring he had access to all his power; without it he lost a large part of his power. This is why it took him so long to recreate a physical shape once the ring had been taken from him - this in a Maiar who was a shape-shifter when the servant of Morgoth.


That's what I love about soft magic worldbuilding, it's so subtle that in many moments you are not even aware the rings are lending someone any power, but then you stop to think about it and "Oh yeah, that makes sense!"


The narration, the artwork. Wow! This just blew me away! Liked and subbed. thank you!


"They pull at the fabric of existence, elongating the bearer's journey through time (6:08)." Or, as Bilbo said, "Like butter (one's allotted amount of life) spread over too much bread (temporal existence)."


The fact the three elven rings could create their own pocket universe of Valinor is crazy. No wonder Galadriel, and most elves didnt leave west. The rings had so much potential if not used for evil...


Gandalf was not surprised that Bibo had a ring that made him invisible, just that it was the One Ring. He said, “There are many magic rings in this world and none of them should be used lightly “.


Thank you for explaining the dwarves! Few realize the difference between them and the other free peoples.


🔔 RU: I must say that NO ONE has explained this topic nearly as well as you have (and that is really saying something because I have seen quite a bit about it previously). It is awesomely well done.


I love how consistent Sauron's elf form is portrayed across all media. It's like we all know what he looks like.


This adds a lot of weight to the moment where Galadriel rejects Frodo's request to take the ring. Because the ring itself had command over her, as a bearer of a lesser ring. She not only resisted the temptation, but she resisted the command of the one ring. Powerful stuff.


As I have said once before I still consider the Elven rings to be the best three artifacts of the setting, one to protect, one to preserve and one to enkindle.


I have long been a Tolkien fan, and have just recently stumbled upon these channels that explain the Silmillarion so well, and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I first read the books nearly 50 years ago and have been obsessed ever since. I love all of the beautiful artwork that so amazingly describes the people of Middle Earth. I can't help but wonder why the Rings are worn on the right hand middle finger?


Your videos are amazing!!! I found your channel the other day, and I can't stop binge watching them all. Please keep up the great work.
Your voice sounds as if Gandalf himself is the narrator.


Crazy how much better this is than a billion dollar t.v series.


The One Ring is a great example of "show don't tell" character building. Some would say, and have said, that Sauron is a one dimensional character, just an evil presence, and/or not a complex villain. However, I would say those people failed to look at the unassuming One Ring and its fellow Rings of Power. From studying their storied lore, to character interactions, and even the physical design of the these rings(especially the One Ring), one can understand why Sauron is more than just a shiny ring and fiery eye.


How the narration was presented is so mesmerising


It is always fun to come across a channel when it's still in its infancy. You are abiut to get a lot of subscribers: Keep up the great work!


We actually don't know that much about the ring we call Nenya, maybe not even its name. Someone asked Galadriel about the ring once, and she just said Nenya. Some scholars believe she meant "Nenya business".


I would love a video on what happened to the remaining Dwarven Rings.
