ROUNDER GLUTES: 5 Mistakes Keeping Your Butt Flat

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Wondering how to get a round butt? For most men and women, round, firm glutes are seen as more attractive than having a flat, pancake butt. A nice-looking butt isn’t just important for turning heads though. The glutes are a key muscle for athletic performance and keeping them strong can also go a long way to preventing back and hip pain. The problem is, most people approach their glute training the wrong way. 5 mistakes, in particular, that keep them from getting a bubble butt. Find out what they are, and how you could avoid them, so you can make your glutes rounder here. Includes the best exercises you could do for round glutes.

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Before diving into the mistakes preventing you from achieving a bubble butt, let’s first understand the anatomy of the glutes. The glutes are composed of 3 muscles; the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus. The gluteus maximus is much larger than the other 2 glutes muscles. It’s actually the largest and heaviest muscle in the human body. It’s also a strong predictor of sprint performance. Since this muscle makes up most of your butt and seems to be the most important region for boosting athletic performance, it only makes sense to make it the focus of your training. But most people fail to do this because of the following 5 mistakes.

The first mistake people make that lock them into a flat, pancake butt has to do with exercise selection. The primary function of the gluteus maximus is hip extension, the movement of driving your hips forward. Most “glute exercises” you’ll find online either don’t train hip extension at all and focus on the smaller glute muscles, or they’ll train hip extension but not in a way that enables you to use heavier and heavier weights over time. The best glute exercises are instead the ones that focus on hip extension and enable you to use heavier weight overtime. Exercises like back squats, leg presses, bulgarian split squats, deadlifts, and hip thrusts. They’re not fancy, but if you use the right form and get really strong with them over time, these will be the key to the glutes growth you're looking for.

The second mistake when most people try to make their glutes rounder is working the quads more than the glutes. In a leg press, if you were to place your feet higher up on the platform and stop each rep once your knees hit 90 degrees, this would enable your shins to stay vertical over the foot throughout and will also involve more hip extension, therefore emphasizing the glutes more than the quads. You can do these one leg at a time as well, and you can also apply this concept to lunges and Bulgarian split squats as well.

Alright so we talked about the quads taking over but in other glutes exercises, the lower back and hamstrings actually have a tendency to take over. Let’s take a look at one of the best exercises for round glutes, the Romanian deadlift. To emphasize the glutes more, you want to use some knee bend. This incorporates more hip extension into the exercise. In addition to this, you should only go down as far as your mobility allows you to. This is the point at which the hips stop moving backward on the way down. So, try to look in the mirror and spot the point where your hips can’t move back, and stop each rep at that point.

Alright so we already covered what some of the best glute exercises are, but the way you program them into your workouts is also very important when it comes to how to get a round butt. You want to include exercises that challenge the glutes in different ways. Bulgarian split squats, back squats, leg presses, and Romanian deadlifts challenge the glutes the most at the bottom position. At the top position however, there’s no tension placed on the glutes. So we’d want to look for an exercise that challenges the muscle when it’s fully shortened. Exercises like the hip thrust and the 45 degree hip extension both do just that. To apply this to your glute focused workouts, pick 1-2 exercises that challenge the glutes most at the bottom position, and then include 1 that challenges the glutes most at the top position.

Finally: although picking the right exercises and performing them correctly will set you up for success, some people (especially those who sit a lot) will still have a hard time activating and feeling their glutes working. One way of improving this is with activation exercises.

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The 4 Best Glute Exercises For A Nicer Butt:
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Your first video on gluteal amnesia was life changing. My back no longer hurts, and it hurt 24/7 before. I've been working on it with your advice for 1.5 years.


*Mistake #1* - 1:50 - exercise selection
1:54 - primary function of gluteus maximus is hip extension
2:20 - back squats, leg presses, Bulgarian split squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts (use heavier weights over time)
*Mistake #2* - 2:50 - working quads more than glutes during leg exercises
2:57/3:03/3:14/3:28 - angle of shin & torso
3:52/4:16 - leg press - can move feet up, stop at 90 degrees (get more hip extension, more glutes)
4:29 - Bulgarian split squat w/upright torso and shin angled fwd; 4:36 - w/torso fwd and shin vertical (glutes more)
*Mistake #3* - 5:24 - exercise execution - low back & hamstring take over
5:30 - Romanian deadlift, 5:42 - legs straight on way down (hamstrings), 5:49 - knee bend for more hip extension (glutes)
tip - don't try to go down too far, going for hip extension, so stop when hips stop going back
*Mistake #4* - 6:40 - workout programming; keep exercises balanced
7:53 - do 1-2 hardest-at-bottom exercises, do 1 hardest-at-top exercise
*Mistake #5* - glute activation


Bro, just wanted to let you know that your past glute activation video got me started on working more on my glutes. A little more than a year since, I’m now feeling more confident in my pants and am also getting compliments for my booty. Thanks a lot to you! Keep up the great work! 💞👍


😅❤ It's definitely a plus with toned glutes for both men and women. As a Master Trainer and now Glute Specialist Certified, this is very accurate information and can steer people towards a healthier approach in building their glutes rather than cosmetic surgery, which can do more harm that good long-term. Thank you again, Jeremy❤ 😌


You're simply the best! I've followed your advice and research the past 5 years. At age 50, people ask what the heck I'm doing, what I eat, what "gear" am I on, etc. Much to their dismay, my answers leave them skeptical. I simply train well and send your video links all the time. Thank you!!!


This video is so underrated!! The editing and the effort that's put into this should simply put this for a paid video, Very grateful for this. Thank you!!


I always thought Gluteus Maximus was a Roman emperor.


Men with nice round glutes are a HUGE turn on! 100% hands down


Honestly, these exercises are some of the MOST important. When I was in high school I would not at all workout legs or pretty much anything beneath my torso, and as a result I had a terrible anterior pelvic tilt for years, and a lot of back pain. It took a lot of work to mostly fix it, most of which included these exercises. Lower body is extremely important to not only look better and have better posture, but to feel better and alleviate back pain and pelvic discomfort, so don't skip it!


Cake on a man is an absolute yes. And definitely I’ve noticed a huge difference to do activation exercises then hit the weights and work on form, it’s been insane the change I’ve seen


This is not just a fitness /training video, it’s a master class on content creation and how to be a great educator


I'm the only person who train glutes in my gym, and yes weird looks all the time 👀 but it's worth it...
My deadlift, squats and most probably single leg stability have improved quite exponentially as of now.


Oh, a developed glute in men is absolutely a turn on, come on.


Mistake #1: wearing your pants low, lol


Love how your videos have actual scientific backup and information rather than just the “trust me bro” most fitness YouTubers do


Your research, knowledge, clarity, transparency, demonstration, and dedication to wellness and experiential fitness is admirable sir. Thank you for your videos and great workout expertise.


Focusing on exercises that allow for progressive overload is key... people take their glute training way too lightly. Great video!


Fantastic video! Excellent, interesting & easy to understand the proper technique.. Great job!!!👍


Thank you for the informative videos! i've basically struggled with this my entire life not really understanding why I couldn't get my squats or deadlifts up without feeling so much back pain on my left side, even with light weight!! i watched your other videos and significantly struggled to individually activate my left glute so thank you for allowing me to start on this journey


Jeremy, I don't know if you realize this, but the wealth of information that you give out for free makes you a humanitarian!! Your channel has single-handedly improved my performance in the gym and I owe so much of my growth to this channel!! I have never used a professional training guide, but I plan on buying your built with science program to support you to make sure that you can continue to help others with your expansive knowledge!! Thank you times a million!!
