The Chosen: Season One, Episodes 3 & 4

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Season One, Episode 3 - Jesus Loves The Little Children
Jesus befriends and teaches the group of children who discover His camp on the outskirts of Capernaum.

Season One, Episode 4 - The Rock On Which It Is Built
With his life and family under threat from Rome, Simon spends one last night fishing in a desperate attempt to square his debts. Andrew spots a familiar face waiting for them on the shores of Galilee.

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In a world filled with violence, war, racism, hatred, division, etc….
I can come here to The Chosen and be restored in my faith, love, and hope.


I've watched this multiple times and it has occurred to me that this portrayal of Jesus is quite amazing. Jesus has the power to do all things and yet he does not use it for himself. He works as a carpenter to make money to pay for food and supplies. He gets a cut on his arm and performs first aide. Jesus could easily call down mana from heaven if he wanted to eat. He could easily heal himself if he wanted to mend a wound. Jesus always uses his power and authority to help and serve others. Even when he hung on the cross he could have saved himself but didn't. What an amazing attention to detail in this series.


As Jesus sits there and listens to them praying you can see in His facial expressions it’s like He is a proud Pappa and His heart is just bursting with pride to hear His little ones praying ❤


"Are you dangerous?" To some - This is so powerful.


A strong woman who speaks the truth to her man without fear or favour. What a woman!
A man, who listens to his wife speak the truth, without anger or lashing out to silence the woman he loves. What a man!
What a couple, that can speak the truth to each other with love!


Can someone please pray for a miracle for my mom she’s in icu on a ventilator she had an asthma attack that led to a heart attack they say she has brain damage and might not be able to live on her own her name is Melissa Schoubroek she’s only 49 years old I’m only 27 and don’t want to lose her my name is Mavinee Schoubroek thank you


I actually started crying cus jesus's smile and his forgiveness was so heart warming


I've seen this many times and each time my heart melts when the children pray the Shema. I cry because they have no idea they're praying to the Messiah. And His facial expression is so melancholic it breaks my heart.
Such a beautiful portrayal of all he knows is ahead of Him. The children please Him So much...


Simon’s confession on the shore, at the feet of the Messiah, brought me to real, anguished tears. I also am that broken, sinful man.


Thank you Jesus for loving us. I pray we can all be fishers of men women and children.


To dedicate an entire season to the children and their relationship with Christ is most truly devine. "Let the children come to me..." You have captured the heart of the FATHER. Well done Chosen. 👏


Read the Bible, cover to cover. Learn the truth so you do not get taught a lie.
God is good all the time.
Jesus loves you.


Jesus saying "It is good" when finishing the lock is such a nice reference to Genesis 1.


I love how they showed the human side. He didn't float around with angels. He had to deal with life on life terms! He did that and more! They were blessed to see him in the flesh. We are more blessed to believe without seeing him in the flesh, but we will meet him. What glorious day that will be.


always watch the scene where Jesus writs to Abigail that he did not only come for the wealthy. Made me cry


I hope Muslims watch this and learn who Jesus is and who is isa is not ..


Since I discovered the chosen yesterday, it's been on my head, gonna keep watching every season.kuddos to the team. Glory to Jesus


I'm a sunday school teacher . This episode shows how much children are important for God ❤


Please pray for me, when I was young, I was abused by church members who convinced me God did not love me.


I couldn't help but smile at the young girl grilling Jesus with a million questions, and he so patiently answering them. I could really imagine that actually happening back then. Just a great episode, and I thank the Lord for finding this series.
