The EASIEST WAY to get Black Belt (Hypixel Skyblock)

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The black belt is a pretty neat item. If you are struggling to get it, hopefully this video can give you a few pointers and tips to help you get it. While recording clips for this I actually got a bunch of new top scores using the tips - they will help! Best of luck on the black belt




0:00 - Intro
1:12 - Test of Force
2:30 - Test of Stamina
3:15 - Test of Mastery
4:08 - Test of Discipline
4:44 - Test of Swiftness
5:08 - Test of Control
5:42 - Test of Tenacity
7:06 - General Tips
7:30 - Outro
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No but for real the advice about getting a laggy lobby for Discipline is true, folks. I got 1232 score in Discipline because of a lobby so laggy all the zombies were frozen – and that was after hitting around ten zombies with the wrong sword. 10/10 would recommend

Oh and also, for Mastery, that Soopy mod feels cheap to me. What I did instead was I swapped the lime green wool texture with like magenta wool because my colorblind self was having trouble quickly telling the yellow and lime green wools apart. That temporary change let me get a solid 1464 high score


"test of stamina is the easiest"
me who suffers 250+ ping and dies 99% of the time to the walls LITERALLY NOT MOVING


Good video but I think a lot of it comes down to lag sadly. If you live far away from NA then it’s just hell… it also only seems to happen to the crimson isle servers (according to all my friends). I hope they can fix this, or get servers some where else tbh


220+ ms player here, Dojo is incredibly bs to do with my ping.

My ping is usually decently stable at around 220 ms, but a stable ping frankly makes absolutely no difference in game consistency.

Test of stamina:
The stamina challenge in particular is incredibly inconsistent (All of them are, just using this as an example). I can make the exact same jump for the same walls, and every single time get a different result (e.g. trying the first wall over and over). I can jump through the hole in the first wall the same way over and over, but on the first attempt, I lag back and fail the challenge cos the wall moves, and on subsequent attempts make it just fine, and anything in between.

Test of force:
This one's just plain annoying. I'd say I'm a pretty decent pvp-er, and quite good at comboes but I struggle immensely to combo any of the zombies at all. They take stupidly little kb. And there are times where they teleport suddenly while I'm hitting them (Not despawning, like teleporting to the side of where I was hitting). And the baby zombies, are devilish. If they spawn near the edge, I start smacking and they somehow manage to circle around the entire platform while I'm hitting them, their running sideways somehow overshadows the hit kb.

Test of mastery:
This one's just a skill issue on my part, not blaming the game. Will practice it for a while.

Test of discipline:
For some reason, this one is the most consistent out of all of them. And thus it extrapolates my slowness in smacking the zombies. Skill issue, will work on it.

Test of swiftness:
Explained perfectly at 4:46.

Test of control:
Again, very inconsistent. I learnt the 'look slightly ahead of the skeleton, not directly at it' myself, and have been trying to apply it. Even with keeping a consistent distance in front of it (Diamond distance), it flickers between every state, as though I'm looking away diamond, gold, iron, coal. 5 seconds later of this flickering, challenge failed, hello Master Tao.

I really do not like when skill tests like this are put into Hypixel. I like the concept, because it weeds out the good players that are willing to put in the time. But the execution of it is just painful. One very old and notable example being Melody's hair. With ping like mine, the minigame is almost literally impossible. Until I found out about GUI scale + Mouse 3. Found out and got the hair the next day. Prior to this had been trying for many months. If I didn't find out about it, I absolutely would not have been able to do it. And the amount of people with ping like mine/worse and don't know about the trick and can't get Melody's hair is astounding (I've heard it's about 60% of the entire community), and imo it isn't even their fault. If they don't watch videos about Skyblock, i.e. me until very recently, there is almost 0 chance they'd find out about it. I don't know who the hell would ever middle click in the harp in place of clicking normally while being bombarded with notes.

High but consistent ping ≠ consistent results.
Skill tests are cool in games. Skill tests that rely on being close to their servers are not so cool.
I.e. Hypixel skill tests are quite bs.
The square root of 2 is probably more consistent than any of the skill tests in Hypixel. (Melody's hair without using mouse 3 + dojo)


bro great editing for a 700 sub channel! here to say that you will go Keep focusingon youtube I believe in you!


very great quality vid, don’t know why u only have 100 subs LOL def gon blow up soon, can tell you put alot of effort in these


Wow I felt the hurt when you said 99.7 wow that's gotta be a new record got yourself a sub from that line


by far the best guide out there. thanks man


My tip for mastery/stamina is to move closer to the Hypixel Servers so your ping isn't as bad


Hypixel and their laggy ass lobby’s make it nearly impossible


If you have bad ping like me and can't do the test of control, you can actually do it with overflow points above 1000 from other tests, it's the easiest to get these with the test of tenacity.


This guy is so underrated. You deserve more++++


"I know there's no ladies watching this"
Me: "and I took that personally."


if your laggy dont try it as someone who lives in australia and tried this multiple times its too hard swiftness and tenacity are the only ones that dont really matter about ping everything else is just way to hard


"The test of stamina is one of them in my opinion for the most part." - SpotablePlayer


i hate the fact you know EXACTLY why i want this belt


Dojo actually requires good reaction time and good ping, I often get massacred due to bad ping.


Used the Mod and got 1584 in Mastery on my third try. Finally black belt. Thank you haha


imo there could be an alternate way to get the black belt by fighting tao himself, however you would need high skills for that since that's all you can rely on


Ping is a factor, but if it is stable it isn't too bad. It's just that higher ping numbers tend to be less stable since a lot can affect your connection in 5000km rather than 100km to the servers. Learn to play around your ping if it is stable, singleplayer stuff is quite predictable compared to multiplayer with a stable connection, though still often a bit harder with higher ping. Find how much forward you have to look from the wither skeleton in test of control for example.
