Why NO ONE Plays: Aloy | Genshin Impact

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Welcome back to another episode of Why NO ONE Plays! Today we're gonna be talking about (arguably) the least played unit in the entire game: Aloy!

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"Aloy breaks the game's immersion"

Meanwhile me: Defeating Childe as Childe.


I feel she was designed in such a way that even if someone misses out on getting her, they didn't lose out on much. her kit is.... ok, but she's completely replaceable by characters we already have


I think the real reason that everyones reaction to aloy is "eh" is because she's both kneecapped by design and she was just kinda given to us. If she had a quest line or something of the like it would've made the release seem less lazy, which would have probably gotten more people to try her. Of course she would have still been bad, so a buff would be still needed, but an exciting release may have shifted public opinion


I had never even considered that she could break the immersion because I figured that’s something every Genshin player would be used to. Who hasn’t equipped Amber at the beginning and went up to Amber so Amber could help Amber?


I feel like Aloy's biggest problem is that her collab didn't feel like a collab, she doesn't have a constellation, and her weapon is ps exclusive. I'm kind of hoping the lack of fanfare is from horizon's release date being pushed back and once it's released we'll get a constellation or a quest or something. On her own, I think using her can be fun because throwing bombs is always great. Plus, she's one of the only female units that wear long pants!


I personally believe that "Aloy's problem" was that she just came out of nowhere. In addition of her weird standpoint in the game's lore it was also an issue that she was a unit nobody wanted nor asked for and that collaborations likely weren't something most people thought of at that time. Especially not with an "old" game or rather not really not well known game series. It was also a let down for many to hear that her weapon will only available via PS AND that even if you got the weapon its passive would only work while playing on PS.
I personally always thought that Aloy was only part of the agreement MHY had to make with Sony in order to make them allow cross-saves or cross-play. MHY basically had to promote a new game that would be coming out and integrate the key character of said game into theirs. A win-win?
In the end it was just a disappointment. A character nobody asked for, nor thought of, at a time that was already pretty meh for MHY. And on top of that she wasn't really all that strong.
I think under different circumstances she could've been a decently received character.


"the only bow user who can serve as main dps are ganyu and childe"
*sad Yoimiya noises


One thing that throws me off is actually the missed flavor with her upgrades. I mean, she lives in a world filled mechanical beasts and learned to tackle them, so why does she need Spectral items for her upgrades? Wouldn't it make sense to real with more of the Ruin enemies? Ruin Guards with their Chaos Drives, or if you want the item to be specific to Inazuma, Chaos Gears from the Ruin Sentinels. It is much easier to match her lore with those items for her upgrades, but no... spectral bits... Why?


in terms of lore, I honestly feel like her ascension materials would have made more sense coming from the ruin machines rather than the spectors. it just kind of feels like they didn't put a lot of thought into actually *immersing* her game's mechanics into the lore, but maybe that's just me 😔


I feel like her collab just came out of nowhere and they essentially went nowhere with it. Let's take Honkai as an example, they had a collab with Neon Genesis Evangelion and Asuka was a free character you can get. The difference between Asuka and Aloy's collabs, is that Asuka, despite being a mediocore unit herself, she gets an event quest with its own self contained story and she also comes with an alternate costume and brought Evangelion alt costumes for other characters. Meanwhile, Aloy just came in the mail. She doesn't get her own event quest and her own unique weapon is only for PS4/5 and she's the only character with no constellation, so even Amber can do more than her with constellations.

They didn't even try to make a unique collab event with Aloy. I think ppl would forgive Aloy's existence in the game, if she had her own event quest that was fun and highlight's Aloy's character.


I like how people call Aloy 'lore breaking' without actually reading her lore.
The final part of her lore reveals that she was duplicated while searching through a ruin, her duplicate was brought to the Genshin world, and her original stayed in the Horizon world.
I believe that this was Alice, since Alice narrates Aloy's trailer, and Alice is also the one who went to our world and brought the KFC stuff over for Klee.
Alice can go to other worlds and bring things back, Aloy is lore friendly.


Aloy should have gotten her own event. So we could learn more about her.


My biggest issue with people saying she breaks immersion is that the entire concept of genshin breaks immersion. You can fight Childe with Childe, have multiple characters together in co op. And even walk around as an archon and no one notices or cares. The game isn’t deep enough for that level of immersion to even be broken. And let’s not even talk about whatever the hell Paimon is and why only a minute few characters questions how and what she is. Given she’s the only one of her species we know about


I think that collaboration with honkai would make sense, like, honkai had genshin event, and you can play as fischl in this game, so if we got honkai event in genshin, and seele would be character we would get, I would be really happy (and doing 'collab' like that, would be easy, since both honkai and genshin are mihoyo games)


"Aloy breaks the game's immersion." Meanwhile Alice brings us KFC.

Her biggest issue isn't an Aloy issue, it's a Genshin issue. Leveling up units, weapons, and building new artifact sets is SO FREAKING RESOURCE INTENSIVE that a new character would either need to serve a unique role on the team, or be new best waifu to invest into.

If Aloy came at level 80 or 90 with a max leveled bow, OR had a character quest with quest rewards that gave a handful or level-up materials and granted her ascension materials so you could use her before Inazuma, I'd use her in overworld stuff even if she was a sub-par DPS.


when i first heard aloy was coming to genshin i was stoked and couldnt stop thinking about all the possibilities for her kit and cons, just for her to get a bomb, big bomb, and no cons. still love her tho and she's my main burst dps, shenhe's talents help a lot with aloy too


As a new player when she came out she was technically my first 5 star, but I couldn't even build her since her materials were in Inazuma. Ended up getting Childe shortly after which completely removed any need for me to build Aloy.


they should definitely give her a story quest. she just randomly appeared out of nowhere, then... that's it


Honestly I feel she isn't even that immersion breaking. Cryo grenades exist in both games, and Aloy is from a world that is even more technologically behind than Tevat. She's like an archeologist who studies ancient machines, and she has expressed interest in studying the ruin guards. If you didn't know she was a Collab character it wouldn't be a stretch to think she belonged to the Fatui.

I do hope that if she gets constellations in the future they make her more viable as a DPS character. Things like removing the ICD of her coil stacks would help a lot.


Something you mentioned in the video is a real problem, the 'I need materials from another land' situation. I know this is kinda off topic but Shenhe and Yun Jun also now suffer this issue. They're both Luyue characters, but BOTH need materials from Inazuma. This is not acceptable. Newer players should not be locked out of new characters from older regions just because they can't access the newest area.
