Why NO ONE Plays: Yoimiya | Genshin Impact

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Here with another (and probably final - for a while anyway) episode of Why NO ONE Plays! We're gonna be discussing Klee's big sister: Naganohara Yoimiya!

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#Genshin #WhyNoOnePlays #Yoimiya
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This hurts my soul seeing this video is going to happen but I still completely understand why. Even with some of her issues I still enjoy her playstyle


They fixed Yoimiya's issue by turning her into hydro with homing attacks. They also changed her name to Yelan.


A good buff for yoimiya would be having itto's passive. The passive im talking abt is when itto dashes or moves during his AA animation, he could still continue the combo.

(edit) wtf this comment blew up and vars even hearted holy shit


One thing that also stigmatized Yoimiya was her debut banner. Raiden did most of the damage, but it was Sayu that added insult to Yoimiya's injury as people rolled on her banner exclusively for Sayu then whinned non-stop for a week when they got Yoimiya, blaming her for their "F Pitty" when they were well aware of the risks but rolled anyways.

(and yes, I'm somewhat seething cause I wanted Yoimiya but didn't get her)

Edit: C0 Yoimiya acquired couple days ago, however I might end up tacking C1 Yoimiya on the hitlist. (heard some people saying they put Yoimiya there as waiting room for Sumeru, so I guess we'll see)


I'm hoping she gets buffed in the long run. Yunjin has been a big upgrade to her and can output twice the damage... I'm also excited for Ayato vape (fingers crossed...).
I feel Mihoyo regrets making powerhouses like Ganyu Xiao and Hutao. Perhaps devs don't wish players have one character to carry them throughout all content, but instead, make it more like overwatch where you need to mix and match combos of characters to clear content?


Yoimiya’s kit is supposed to be a novel kind—a hybrid unit; she has a window of DPS with her skill, but come the time when her Burst is able to be triggered she should be swapped out to provide Support/Sub-DPS instead with her passives and Aurous Blaze. But the passive damage of the Aurous Blaze is not as strong as other Sub-DPS and as you’ve mentioned, the lacking AoE of Aurous Blaze makes ZERO sense, and the bonus attack buff to the team her passive provides is too little and nonsensically long to maximise. Furthermore the absolutely inane inclusion of a Charge Level 2 in her kit, that otherwise has ZERO mention in any other place, be it Passives or Constellation, is stupid—not to mention how WEAK THE SCALING The way I see it, they possibly feared that such new type of unit had to be so carefully balanced so as to not break then game, , , , but ended up going in the COMPLETE opposite direction. The comparisons people have made of Yoimiya’s Skill to Hu Tao becomes even more egregious when you take a closer look and notice that Hu Tao gets increased resistance to interruption alongside her insanely high HP Scaling Attack Bonus; Yoimiya’s Niwabi Fire Dance has NEITHER of that.

And I’m not saying this as a Yoimiya disliker—I AM a Yoimiya Haver and an accidental C1 Yoimiya at that! Playing her makes you genuinely wonder if they actually even PLAYTESTED this character that actually has a SUPER unique kit that indicates she’s supposed to be of an entirely new role of a unit who can swap from DPS to Support/Sub-DPS. All in all, I am just disappointed in Hoyoverse and more disappointed at how they’re never actually going to revise or buff a character’s kit and, perhaps even worse, release a future character who has a kit that is ACTUALLY what Yoimiya was supposed to be but never will.


I wish Mihoyo just focused one update on simply fixing characters, adding or changing kits, for better or for worse, would want to make people build more characters instead of using the same 1-2 parties daily. I know people won’t agree with me because of the content drought we often experience, and wanting to build more characters would pile upon the resin problem, but if you ask me, it’s a step in the right direction.


At first, I regretted having Yoimiya since the lukewarm reception of people got to me but now, I "main" her. I think she's one of the best visually designed characters in the game. I also adore her personality. I have been using her a lot in Spiral Abyss since I got her. She has found her niche in bosses especially those that cannot stay still. One of the things I like most about her is that she's very comfortable to use. As long as you have a shielder and know her effective range (very easy to do compared to other DPS mechanics), you'll be sure to output consistent and quite high damage. She's a great driver for Beidou's burst which kinda solves her AOE problem. Yun Jin is also a great support for her so you can put Bennet in your other Abyss team. So yeah, my point is you need invested supports and sub-DPSes for her but once you have them set, she'll provide very comfortable playstyle.

People also tend to dismiss her burst. While I agree that it's lackluster, her burst is literally a Noblesse Oblige buff for her sub-DPS teammates and she's a great driver for those off-field sub-DPS teammates.

I agree that she has many flaws and that they seem to be intentionally done by Hoyoverse (Mihoyo back then). Hoyoverse will probably never change the kit of a released character again so they're releasing new enemies and characters to fix these flaws that they themselves created which is very unfortunate


Thoma is one of my favourite characters but I think he might deserve a "Why no one plays"


I love how she has to be so clunky with her kit but at the same time is one of the best *personalities* in the characters we've seen in Genshin


She was also kinda the first limited five star to be an objective side grade to existing characters. You would think being single target ONLY and having no nuke would make her damage greater than Hu Tao when fighting one enemy. Well MHY certainly thought otherwise.


your point about the game devs making conscious decisions that nerf the characters that end up just intentionally hurting their entire kit's cohesiveness is just really disheartening because it's damn true. they're SO afraid of making another broken character like ganyu and hu tao that they end up making stupid arbitrary restrictions, and for what??
it also feels like an extra slap in the face that ITTO can continue his normal attack patterns after being interrupted but YOIMIYA couldn't. what made them decide to give itto this ability but not yoimiya, when arguably yoimiya needs this more because of how vulnerable bow characters are and how shit their aiming system is?? itto doesn't even NEED it.
it really pisses me off too.


Imma try to predict some of your points

1. The aim system of the Auto Attacks of bows is shit. The aim system in general is shit.
2. She's pyro meaning she competes with Hu Tao for single target and Xiangling for AoE which I'm pretty sure Yoimiya loses to both since they had to balance her damage cause she's range and that's an "advantage"; it's not btw.
3. Her gameplay is pretty counter-intuitive; she's a ranged unit which should be her advantage but 1.) Enemies have teleports and dashes that pretty much nullifies her range and 2.) You can't control which enemy you'll target because aim bot sucks so you have to get closer to your priority target anyway


I think a fun buff to Yoimiya would be to add Kindling Arrows to her normal attacks during her elemental skill. They could seek out random mobs around the main target. It would give her some semblance of an aoe and would add a fun fireworks show feel to her play.


Yoimiya’s gameplay is such a tragedy, there was something to be had with her kit. When I read her abilities, I was so hyped, because I thought this was a character that could ebb and flow between being a main DPS and a Sub DPS. Her skill gives her the ability to be a main dps, and after her skill you pop her ult. Said ult will bolsters the party’s damage enough to make up for the fact Yoimiya isn’t there and it also applies Pyro like Xiangling, it also came with a atk boosting effect, so the damage parade could continue on. But in reality, the ult doesn’t last nearly long enough for her to be a good sub dps, and as said in the video, MHY janky auto attack targeting system combined with Yoimiya’s backwards movements while attacking, fucks with her main dps side of things. Let’s not forget Yoimiya’s charged attack like MHY did, they could’ve been freaking cool, but for some reason it’s disabled when you use her skill, when it should’ve been also been buffed alongside her autos instead. All of these things is what makes me respect amber mains as a fellow main of a jank ass pyro archer waifu. Yoimiya is my first 10/10/10 character, and the character I’ve invested the most resources into aside from Ganyu. I hope that one patch, MHY will just have a patch that is dedicated to do gameplay updates/revisions of several jank characters.


5:10 There are already catalyst users with heat-seeking properties, though? I saw a comparison between Yoimiya’s and Yanfei’s auto attacks against a jumping slime. Yoimiya’s shots completely missed but Yanfei’s fireballs turned to hit it. This is also true with Ningguang whose gems persistently track the enemy. They home in and will change their trajectory to hit even if the target teleports after cast (Thundering Manifestation) or dashes (Geovishap hatchlings). Catalysts do have targeting issues sometimes but bow autos are much worse in that regard.


I keep telling people that yoimiya isn't much of a good character in terms of meta but people say otherwise eventhou they don't have her. As a yoimiya main since release, I can confirm that she has more cons than pros and fixing some of those cons would really help, this would make her a good character rather than just a forgettable one.


Yoimiya is honestly the perfect character for me because I love using auto attack oriented charcsters and I like how users but the usually aren’t built to be a DPS. So Yoimiya skill making her Autos Pyro infused is just perfect for me I love her so much


9:27 I love how rational Vars’ analysis videos are. When he said would you rather have Bennett or Xinagling I laughed. I find it funny how Mihoyo made Xiangling, Bennett and Xingqui so OP, they are referenced in every conversation. What if someone just doesn’t like using them? I for one don’t like Xingqui and Bennett at all, no offense to those who love using them, just, what if, someone doesn’t like them?


I like to pair up Yoimiya with Raiden, they're a beast together! By doing this, you can do some area damage since it causes overload damage to enemies in the area. Making her a bit less single targeted.
